Although this season has been amazing so far, this is one of the best episodes ever. Finally they made me cry's been too long writers!! The last minutes of this episode are so heartwarming that we know this is us can be. Also glad we're done with marc or at least i hope so... Also old Kevin looks freaking HAWT can they please stop making him look so hot haha...Can't wait to see where the story will go to next

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AHHHHHHHHH BEST EPISODE OF THE SEASON!!!! classic this is us tear-jerking episode, ive been needing one of those.

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Finally a proper episode with proper story. This is the show I fell in love with and was missing for a while now. Welcome back!

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this episode was simply perfect, the story, the different time lines, the music, all of it, I loved it <3.

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I loved the scenes with Toby and baby Jack

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One of the best episodes yet.

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Shout by itachi

  • "Batman"?
  • Mm-hmm.
  • I like that.
  • Oh, yeah? Well, when you get back, we're using that.
  • Yeah, Jae-won calls me Batman, too.
  • Mm-hmm, we're no longer using that.
  • Oh...
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