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Twin Peaks: Season 3

3x01 Part 1

Log lady is alive and well, y'all. Phew!

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I have no idea what I just watched! Long live the log lady.

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I don't think that Lynch has enough banked goodwill to go all Black Lodge for 18 episodes, so he's either very brave or very stupid to go at it so hard at the outset, which could result in him losing many viewers -- new ones, in particular -- in a hurry. It's equally brave or stupid to give most of the old regulars who appear only a brief bit of exposure, and usually only as a cameo sort of thing that serves little purpose beyond stunt casting. I guess that I was hoping for more of season one's finale and less of season two's finale as "Return" got under way. There's still plenty of time, of course, but I'm not encouraged at the outset and am reminded of Quentin Tarantino's post-FIRE WALK WITH ME commentary about how "David Lynch had disappeared so far up his own ass." The first two outings here give me little reason to think that Lynch has seen much fresh daylight since, at least not in terms of Team Cooper, but I'm hoping that I end up being pleasantly surprised when it's all said and done.

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this is definitely a stark tonal shift from the original series, and watching it immediately after the original series feels very disjointed. the lack of music is perhaps the most major tone shift, the somewhat dramatic score of the original series is beyond iconic and theres a discomfort in the way it lacks here. theres a strong nostalgia in seeing original cast members, despite my first time watching the original series only ending three days ago. i was hoping for more of the originals, longer scenes or more fleshed out plot. plenty of time for that i guess. happy to see the log lady back and very excited for hawk to be more prominent. lucy is still a little grating on me, i think even moreso now that shes grown to be older and one would expect (to some disppointment) more mature. the plotlines revolving around new characters located outside of twin peaks so far holds no interest to me at all

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Tracey was so hot! Sad to see her go early, otherwise pretty decent return and interesting opener.

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Terrible. At least the intro was better with less brown... i hope the rest will be better.

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If you are binge watching the entire series, this feels like a completely different show if it weren't for the original characters. The first thing that stands out is the lack of music. Angelo's score for the first 2 seasons is so iconic, that the silence here is uncomfortable. The tone is completely different. No more soap opera campiness. If you are not a fan of David Lynch's film work, I doubt you will like this.

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Obviously everyone in the original cast has aged but seeing a bald Shaggy made me feel bad.

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Shout by Wéjih M'zoughi
BlockedParent2018-01-22T13:14:02Z— updated 2018-01-29T12:03:43Z

Oh boy! The show returns after 25 years but David Lynch is still good as before. He still knows how to do horror. We finished the last season with so many questions and loose ends, and now the show returns, and the first episode, leaves us with even more questions.

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I expected it to be worse. I did not saw the original.

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