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Van Helsing 2016

Very fun show, a lot of action and nordic culture, very very fun and nice! Such a shame it's over.

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Really crappy series, I can't believe it lasted 5 seasons!
Bad fight scenes! Though it got better later in the season.

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Seriously dumb now. Show was great to stsrt off with and now this lazy writing is just getting on my nerves. Stupid character development and just plain dumb at times. Find better ways to make the show interesting rather than finding easy ways to lengthen the story line e.g leaving the bloody amulet on show where any one can just "snatch" it. If that thing is so damn important maybe the main character shouldn't be dumb enough to keep it on show

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After the first season... everything starts to go downhill fast. Becomes cheesy and full of plot armour and plot holes

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not sure what direction this show is going, but it needs a boost. this season is disappointing, the passing of the torch to the new girls without properly explaining away Vanesa not well done at all. It's really gotten cheesy, instead of maturing.

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Shout by Deleted

Wife Absolutely loves this show.

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Shout by Deleted

I refuse to watch season 3. why does it even get a third season?

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Made it through the fu\irst handful of this show until I had to turn it off.. standard, cheap, flat looking Canadian Sci-fi aesthetic that I hate. Could easily have been called Forever Knight 2.0 if they weren’t trying to tie this to the comic book boom. Kind of embarrassing Canadian TV has progressed so little visually since that old Toronto fang show.

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Can you believe? A show done so bad that even cameramen sometimes faint (I'm not kidding sometimes the shot do unnatural shakes, so sloppy). Men bitten by vampires that sometimes become sentient vampires, sometimes instead dog-ish vampires, sometimes just rabid but it depends by astral conjunction. Sometimes vampires can talk, sometimes they don't. But if bitten by THE HERO VANESSA VAN HELSING they turn back!! It looks like a bunch of people just wandering around in a 1x1km land, meeting each other, killing, with no plot or sense. Characters act so so stupid, and do or don't do things without any logical reason. Totall waste of time!

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Ok, so there is no relationship to "Van Helsing" himself. The story could be good, the premise could be good, but I just cannot watch past the 3rd episode. The characters are so irritating. Especially the main character.
Running right into danger. No common sense. Annoying. Everyone screaming nonsense at each other. No logic. Meh, I will have to find another show.

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Had to stop in the sixth episode: That's it! Crap actors, incredible dumb depiction of the vampires, the vampires constant growling, the people fighting each other. Guess they want to be like The Walking Dead, but no. Just no!

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Low budget crap so far and it has absolutely nothing to do with Van Helsing. It is a crap version of Walking Dead with vampires instead of zombies and a twist that is never really used properly.

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I really don't know how to rate this show. On one hand it has times that it is terrible and other times that it is quite good. Probably 7/8 rating would be good for it.
I would say this - I am not too impatient on watching next episodes that I have yet to watch.

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Surprisingly good - and not, what I expected...

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Van Helsing. Mythical warrior from a bloodline of kin this is not. I am still hoping that an age old English organisation is going to swoop in known as the@Hellsing Organisation is going to swoop in and reveal that she is the Daughter of the first vampyre who is under their control. Sadly I doubt there is going to be an ALUCARD popping up. What is the point this shows plot again? It feels like any other apocalyptic show. Containment, Helix, Walking Dead, The Strain, Aftermath...the list goes on. Without a GOOD lead character that lives up to the HELLSING/HELSING name...This show is just pointless and the title was just a last minute marketing grab. Disappointing

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Only seen the first episode acting is great, the line delivery even better. I really hope SyFy rises up because I just really want Krypton to be good. Anyway The show so far is good very good pilot really finding its way around the TV-14 rating.

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Slightly surprisingly, this seems to be worse than the Van Helsing movie.

It's set slightly in the future, and, I dare so written by someone with the brief to "redo the early Walking Dead but with vampires".

I was waiting for this, and didn't really have high expectations. But for me, I think it is back to The Strain.

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Very shallow and disappointing first episode. Mediocre action, bad one-liners, total absence of suspense or originality. Was so looking forward to it.. Also the overreactive American responses of threats and supposed bad-ass-ness totally landed wrong. The intents of the characters so far are quite dumb and cliché. Bragging with the banner of which producers it came from is very misleading. This goes wrong every time; even for Spielberg, Abrahams and so many others to date.

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Wow - so far, so bad.

It seems SYFY has repurposed Awesom-O as some sort of terrible show generator - take a famous surname, add a female first name then hand over writing duties to Mr. Cuddles, the staff chimp.

Coming to a screen near you in 2017 - 'Adele Hitler' - great niece of famous A-hole battles futuristic motorcycling space commies from space for some reason, in order to something something girl power.

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I can't wait for this!!!!

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