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Project Runway All Stars: 6x09 Posen on the Red Carpet

I really loved Fabio's dress.

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Charmed: 4x04 Enter the Demon

Knew it was coming, but really did not want to lose Prue and I've not warmed up to Paige this early on. Still... I have to hand it to her for not even hesitating as she jumped into the purgatory hole ;)

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Charmed: 1x19 Out of Sight

I felt like that was leading up to Andy swooping in and saving the day somehow at the end and I'm glad it didn't go that way.

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MasterChef: 7x10 The Weakest Links

That was such bullshit. Gordon has been annoying the fuck out of me. Flipped out over that anchor on Dan's cake, throws out the best contestant because she was three seconds late....? At least ask the other contestants if they care and go from there, maybe. Total garbage. Andrea was my favorite too.

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Angel: 3x09 Lullaby

Holtz: ... You said you work for the law.
Lilah: No I didn't. I said I'm a lawyer. I don't care about the law.

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Columbo: 7x01 Try and Catch Me

"I'm looking for a pair of shoes just like this. I like them rounded toes. It's French style. The French thought of that. Oh... Made in Italy."

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Angel: 1x20 War Zone

I'm the boss here! I say when we use the cell phones!

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Bob's Burgers: 6x01 Sliding Bobs

Tina: No one's meant for anyone.
Louise: NOT A SOUL!

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Hey Arnold!: 1x01 Downtown as Fruits

"Do vegetables HAVE souls?" Very existential.

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Seinfeld: 8x08 The Chicken Roaster

"All starches are a scam." - George

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Sabrina, the Teenage Witch

How freaking ADORABLE was Harvey??

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 7x17 Lies My Parents Told Me

“So he has a trigger, a soul, and a chip?”

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Community: 1x19 Beginner Pottery

"Damn, he's ghost ridin' the jib."

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 7x14 First Date

"There isn't time for fun and games and quips about orientation."

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The Ricky Gervais Show: 3x05 Karl's Day

"Another day closer to death."

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MasterChef: 7x17 Critics Choice

These food critics take themselves pretty seriously considering they have the best, luckiest job in the world. Chill. Relax. Count your blessings. And don't say "it really enchanted the fish."

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MasterChef: 7x16 Family Drama

David was so attractive in the very beginning and then you see that personality... Ew. Plus, I haven't forgiven Gordon for kicking Andrea off for being three seconds late so him chasing David down to bring him back made me want to punch them both.

Also, I can't believe how much I have come to root for Dan. Poor guy got shit on constantly and he never reacted to it.

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MasterChef: 6x11 Moo-vers And Bakers

Was really proud of Katrina in the first challenge. REALLY think they should have gotten rid of Christopher.

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Cutthroat Kitchen: 1x08 Steak Out

"There's a thin line between brûlée and Pompeii." - Alton Brown

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Aqua Teen Hunger Force: 2x02 Super Hero

Sex with animals?! There's no time, man!

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MasterChef: 6x02 The Battle Continues

Why did the chicken cross the road? To get away from that shit stain on the plate. Pretty good burn, Graham, pretty good.

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America's Next Top Model: 20x15 Finale Part 1: The Finalists Shoot Their Guess Campaign

"Johnny is bribing me right now with $1,000. I can do a lot of things with $1,000. But. I don't want to be THAT bitch." -- Renee

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Bob's Burgers: 5x16 The Runway Club

Tina: ... I'm not very good at walking.
Louise: You're getting better!

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Bob's Burgers: 5x15 Adventures in Chinchilla-sitting

"Tammy, you can't fart at a high school party."

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Community: 6x01 Ladders

Francesca: A montage is what, Abed? Abed: A movie apologizing for reality.

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General Hospital: 52x237 #13263

Shout by J.

Liked that very last little scene. Spinelli did what I think everyone should have been doing all along--Carly, Elizabeth, SAM--knowing or sensing it's Jason because of his body/demeanor/whatever.

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Backstrom: 1x04 I Am a Bird Now

"Bisexuals. You just can't trust 'em. They'll lie to anybody."

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General Hospital: 61x102 Thursday February 1 2024

Sonny: I know your relationship with Spencer is complicated.

Ava: My relationship with everybody’s complicated.

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The Ricky Gervais Show: 1x07 The Diary

"Can I just confirm that you're burning 15?"

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Britain's Best Home Cook: 2x01 Episode 1

This season immediately has a whole different vibe. Dan left and took the coziness with him.

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