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Omicron Persei 8

Resident Alien: 2x03 Girls' Night

Has this week's writer ever seen the show? All the characters changed and the rules of the show were broken and with no benefit.

The writer may need counseling as there are definitely issues being worked through.

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The Good Place: 3x01 Everything Is Bonzer!

As an Aussie I like hearing the attempts at the Aussie accent. it's pretty far away from reality. love it.

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The 100: 5x10 The Warriors Will

I was really hoping Octavia would be called an enemy of wonkru for lying and destroying the plants. so sick of her.

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The 100: 4x07 Gimme Shelter

I am not enjoying this season at all. there is no mystery, suspense, no real emotion or cost. some people need to leave or seriously change. I'm sick if the faux female empowerment message and showing adults as dolts. the previous seasons managed these well but this seems to be going through the motions. I am getting increasingly annoyed in so many people running around in skin tight clothing that wouldn't last 2 weeks let alone how long they have been there. I know its TV but it seems systematic of a show interested in appearances than storytelling. I used to say how great this was for a CW show but its fallen to their normal level. Octavia is less and less believable and needs to be deemphasized.

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Inside No. 9: 4x02 Bernie Clifton's Dressing Room

it is so tempting to focus on how varied the stories are rather than how well done. I truly enjoyed this episode which (depending on your view) compared to others isn't revolutionary but adds balance and another well written story to the existing.

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Futurama: 8x04 Parasites Regained

this appears to be evidence that chatgpt is writing scripts. something happens, misunderstanding, something else happens etc. There is also a joke that is delivered too late. it's quite an accomplishment - poor timing in an animation

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 5x14 The Box

This is in my top two episodes of this show. it was so nice to see a different style of episode. more of a bottle episode but a great example of how they should be done. I was always eager to see what happened next.

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The 100: 5x10 The Warriors Will

Octavia makes every episodes she is in worse. such a bad character.

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The 100: 5x05 Shifting Sands

I have been able to cope with Octavia this season until this episode. For me it is not that she makes poor decisions or that her story is boring it is that she is totally unconvincing. It would be better if they made it more clear that her flaws are being replicated in her people or even more interesting if she was overthrown inside the bunker for someone much older and cunning The story and episode style is fine even great sometimes but if we are going to regurgitate story elements please add depth in character, pathos and acting. I am otherwise enjoying this season and like ravens story even if it seems similar to before as I feel it accomplishes this to a degree.

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Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life: 1x01 Winter

I was keen to watch this series but don't think I will watch the rest of the eps for at least a while. Alexis's (Rory) acting was not convincing and the girls are so horrible and self obsessed its not enjoyable. The dialogue is true to form and I initially liked how the show got straight back into their life without any fanfare but found the show really boring. it seems like a normal episode stretched out reaaalllly long. there were few scenes I knew where it was going, was not surprised by the journey and was frustrated by the time we got there. I think GG always had a number of gags that were either cheesy, forced or dumb. I found them harder to overlook then the old series due to acting/editing/pacing. 2 bits stood out to me as enjoyable: one scene with Kirk and the end. I was very disappointed how Richards death was handled especially knowing that the creative team did not want to mishandle it.

based on this ep alone the show has lost heart and momentum. its not terrible its just not interesting.

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Doctor Who: Special 210 The Power of the Doctor

Terrible episode and possibly the 2nd worst of all time (inc that I have seen from classic who) Some very exciting moments which really mean nothing. You may get to the end feeling the excitement but think about it for a minute and you will realize how paper thin the writing and characters were.Turn off your brain ad enjoy stuff but you probably won't want to watch again. Chibnalls writing is too sloppy for my Tates with artificial tension and techno jaargon solutions and it iss such a pity from someone who was a fan.

plenty of 'memberberries but previous writer's have got so much more out of much less.

Once again I feel we lost something special by not seeing more of Paul Mcgan onscreen. He may have been my doctor. The twist at the end indicates to me how far this show has fallen that they need to take the step they have.

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The Orville: 3x02 Shadow Realms

meh. Some ideas that failed to sprout into anything worthwhile. lazy writing and no fun. I'm going to give this one more ep before giving up on the show. I feel they have lost their mojo.

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Doctor Who: Special 209 Legend of the Sea Devils

wow! The basic idea is pretty good but the execution is terrible. lots of hard cuts and poor editing that breaks up the flow. The acting of the main cast is terrible as are most of the rest. Some nice sets and costumes but awful cg that kills the sense of threat.

Problems in this episode are solved in 3ways either half thought solution, exposition dump or running away. I think this is the norm for this doctor which is getting really old.

Exposition is often nonsensical and kind of amounts to a spell intended to make the audience think the characters are geniuses. they aren't and rather than showing that we are just told they are.

Plenty of action happens but is any of it memorable (apart from goofy action shots)? Doctor who has been a show where people are excited to share ideas and talk with admiration about episodes for years. This isn't one of them. Rather it's a collection of ideas that someone thought was cool, and Hail Marys to fix the current problem.

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Inside No. 9: 6x01 Wuthering Heist

Early on the premise is explained: a mixture of commedia dell'arte and a heist movie. i was not familiar with the Italian artform but found it a pretty good episode partly marred by the ending. i have since read more about commedia dell'arte. i suspect those who are familiar will get much more out of it. i find the suggestive jokes in this episode boring but suspect more depth is to be found.

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Inside No. 9: 5x03 Love's Great Adventure

this is pretty different to other episodes of #9. the "twist" is earlier and not immediately obvious. the meat of the episode is instead the family moments and that makes this a special episode

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Inside No. 9: 8x06 The Last Weekend

This show brings so much out of a small cast and set.

A good reminder of the curse of holding grudges and not dealing with trauma. The overly convoluted nature of the plan highlights this in a way a simple one wouldn't. I found it thought provoking, sad and disgusting. this episode does a great job of including character behaviours that look different in hindset. I saw a couple but am sure more would be noticed on rewatch.

Overall I felt this season was a little weaker than others and I don't think there were any episodes that were laugh out loud funny which I missed. I enjoyed it nevertheless and still feel these guy's produce the finest example of this kind of TV today.

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Doctor Who: 13x06 The Vanquishers

Wow, that was bad. Things happened until something else happened. No real choices or thought provoking material here. It is a pity because there are some ideas that could be really good with a competent writer but as per his usual style an exposition dump or Deus ex machina solves everything in the end. Like a roller-coaster you get to the end and wonder what happened. Really dodgy wordless storytelling and lots of jump cuts.

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Inside No. 9: 5x04 Misdirection

Avery tightly written episode with the appearance of simplicity. i have watched this twice now and really appreciate how not one word appears to be wasted - everything appears to eirther build up or pay off. the ability to do this without hiding behind a ton of exposition is a credit to the writers. so far this season feels like explains itself less than others treating the viewer more like an equal and allowing them ro do a little more work to understand what is going on.

the episode uses misdirection appropriately never taking away from the story. while from the start you may guess what the ending will be the journey is the real interest of the episode. kudos to the writers for the levels of symmetry and mirroring.

it is more gory than other episodes and is too much for my taste but overall it's a great episode that proves great tv writing still exists in 2020

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Inside No. 9: 4x05 And the Winner Is...

Nothing at all wrong with this episode and in fairness that's probably the worst thing about it. it is more "family friendly" than others and the twist is simple. My least favourite so far out of this series but not overall. I am liking this season.

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took me a bit to get into this but overall have enjoyed the first two seasons. It would be so easy for this to be just a bunch of empty circumstances that happens to a group of people. in this show however the things that happen are usually a direct result of character driven decisions. I appreciate the strength of callbacks, character psychology and unexpected turns. The complete package is better than most current tv comedy as it has more to appreciate than just funny moments.

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Would I Lie to You?: 17x09 Sam Campbell, Will Mellor, Kimberley Walsh, Charlene White

nice to see them enjoying themselves with this one. no best moments here for me but a genuinely pleasant episode

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Inside No. 9: 8x05 3 by 3

originally advertised as "Hold on tight" an episode based around "on the buses". instead a game show episode 3x3 was shown.

if watching when first televised it would have been confusing as it mimicks the classic British game show so well. The episode title & description has since been updated so some of the excitement of watching at premiere has been lost.

minus this premiere confusion the story is pretty simple and by itself wouldn't rate high for me or be one I rewatch much. I do however admire the risks and creativity this team continues to take. It keeps me watching this show even when the episode doesn't work for me. If only I could watch these at original broadcast.

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Avenue 5: 2x02 What an Unseasonal Delight

so disappointing. there was a rich vain for comedy and suspense but it wasn't mined. I suspect the writers don't know how to write for such a large group of characters. this could have been the opportunity to focus on a smaller group. why do we need to keep flashing back to mission control when nothing really happens but breadcrumbs seemingly for future events. the attempts at world building is fair but it fails and ruins the tension.its a pretty average episode overall.

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Only Murders in the Building: 2x10 I Know Who Did It

looking at all the positive reviews of this episode leads me to ask.

Are we watching the same show?

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Severance: 1x05 The Grim Barbarity of Optics and Design

I enjoy this mystery and the character interaction and don't mind that it's a slow burner as the mystery is becoming secondary for me. I am a little disappointed in the ricken character as he is too weird for my liking for an outsider.

I am not sure why but it reminds me a little of the original Le Femme Nikita and The Prisoner.

Nice to have something more unique on TV. Hope it doesn't go up its own backside and outlive itself.

p.s. I'm calling it now - ms cobal left the book behind :monkey:

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The Orville: 3x01 Electric Sheep

Did not enjoy this overall. Some nicei deas but no joy. I really grew tired of Isaac last season and hoped he'd be gone. the episode title is a bit of a give away tho. I think the show could be better without him.

on the plus side some nice action scenes at the start with some great acting.

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Taskmaster: 11x05 Slap and Tong

This was a fun episode. The contestants are becoming more comfortable and this provides some nice genuine moments. some great challenges here which i will nick for family get togethers. this is shaping up to be a better season than last for me.

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Doctor Who: 12x10 The Timeless Children (2)
Inside No. 9: 3x04 Diddle Diddle Dumpling

A stark contrast in complexity to last weeks. its not terrible and would be an average episode for a normal show but probably my 3rd least favorite. Major downsides for me are the lack of sound clarity and surprises. this ep is the exception the proves the rule that this show is fantastic.

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Sherlock: 4x03 The Final Problem

Don't think too hard with this one and suspend disbelief and you will probably like it. I liked it even with the unnecessary complexities.

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