

Paris, France

12 Monkeys

Review by Deleted

I stopped watching at episode 10! Now, let me say that I was really looking forward to this show and I'm very disappointed it didn't live up to my expectations. What made me stop watching? It's not the acting, not the effects - it's the story.

It feels like the writers didn't know where to go with this around episode 7. Cole and Cassy stopped the outbreak, everything seemed to be fine! Guess what? They didn't! Somehow the story must go on and thus the outbreak wasn't really stopped. I suspected this would happen, but it threw me off anyways.

I think the two hour movie it was based on just hadn't enough juice to fuel a whole TV show, so the writers introduced some other characters and brought more storylines into play. Unfortunately, this didn't really help and made the whole show more confusing than interesting. If they had sticked to the original storyline, explained some parts of it in more depth, especially some characters, I believe they could've made a great 20 episode show.

There was so much potential. Instead the show was convoluted with characters and storylines, which I think are just there to stretch the whole show over more episodes.

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Hi! I think you should watch the last 3 episodes. Or at least give a chance to episode 11, this is the best episode of the season, and it explains many things about the story. Can't wait for season 2. ;)

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