Caleb Peters


Grand Prairie, Texas

Futurama: 4x05 Leela's Homeworld

Dammit I'm not supposed to feel feelings.

But this episode made me. Especially the ending montage.

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The Office: 9x11 Suit Warehouse

Oh my god, everyone being hyped up on caffeine was great.

Dwight's entire fake father/son pitch was a roller coaster, but we did get more insight on how him and Jim are actually real friends.

Darryl destroying the lights and killing the fish was so unexpected, but by god was it hilarious.

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The Simpsons: 4x22 Krusty Gets Kancelled

What the hell was that?

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Arcane: 1x05 Everybody Wants to Be My Enemy

Damn, I'm hoping Jinx comes back around soon. But at the same time she could be a fun, chaotic villain.... I'm so conflicted :c

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Arcane: 1x07 The Boy Savior

If they keep doing this to me I ain't gonna recover. Another masterfully crafted episode, you can tell Echo (Ekko?) still wants Powder to return, deep down. Powder herself is also clearly suffering from PTSD or something, seems like she still feels super guilty for the deaths of Milo and Clang.

Really hoping things pan out the way I hope.

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The Office: 8x10 Christmas Wishes

I'm honestly relieved Michael left, his immaturity and dumbassery ended up making me frustrated.

And this is the first christmas episode where he doesn't fuck something up!

Andy's trying hard, and I vastly prefer his more toned-down nature here. Always thought he was a bit cringy, but over this past half-season he's really matured.

Jim and Dwight trying to frame each other is pretty good, and drunk Erin is the complete opposite of what I'd expected.

Overall, it's pretty good. Mainly been enjoying the lack of Michael in the past season-ish.

His character archetype works best in small doses, but they'd always try to make him the focus.

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The Simpsons: 2x11 One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish

It's rare to see an episode where a main character has to grapple with the fact that they'll die, and this one did it pretty well.

Despite Homer seemingly not putting a ton of thought into his family, but this episode helps reveal that he actually cares quite a bit about it.

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Breaking Bad: 2x04 Down

Man, Skylar's gonna fuck over that kid's entire life just like she probably did to Walter Jr. if she keeps smoking (and god knows what else) while pregnant.

And Walt needs to stfu for 5 seconds so Jesse can explain shit ffs.

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Futurama: 6x23 The Tip of the Zoidberg

I always forget Zoidberg is actually a world-class doctor when it comes to every non-human race.

Neat to see it be the plot of an episode.

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Justice League: 1x07 Paradise Lost (2)

I've always hated it when arbitrary (and clearly bullshit) rules are waved around as a way to conclude a story, and it's no different here.

Misandry makes the queen banish everyone - even her own daughter - forever after thanking them all for saving her, her home, the entire population of said home, and the entire damn planet.

Isn't she the ruler? Couldn't she change the rules or at least make an exception due to them all saving literally the entire fucking planet?! Or is their governmental system so broken you just can't change shit?

Well, whatever. The episode isn't bad otherwise, but that specific writing trope has never sat right with me and thus makes me think a bit less of this episode compared to others in the series - and I don't think we ever see the queen or island again, so it ultimately doesn't matter.

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The Office: 7x03 Andy's Play

Never liked Andy since he was introduced, and going in I thought this would be terrible - but he actually really fits well into theatre.

Also, I noticed that when Ryan showed Kelly the clock app, it read as 10:07 PM - but earlier, Andy said the show started at "8 sharp" and lasted for and three-quarter hours.

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The Office: 5x25 Cafe Disco

I don't even know what I just watched, but I want that lost time back.

At least Creed had a funny joke.

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The Office: 5x02 Business Ethics

God, that Battlestar Galactica scene was amazing.

I love Jim and Dwight's dynamic, it's so great how they dig into each other.

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Breaking Bad: 1x01 Pilot

Solid introduction, though the "in medias res" style of the opening feels like it could've been replaced with something else.

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Black Mirror: 1x01 The National Anthem

Yeah don't watch this.

The rest of the show is good, but there is no justification to watch a guy be forced to fuck a pig.

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Incredible show. Even if you don't know shit about League's lore or characters, this is still a masterpiece on its own.

There's a few nods to the game's characters, but it seems that this story is evolving on its own.

Incredibly hyped for Season 2, and am basically begging for the next chapter in everyone's journey.

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Arcane: 1x09 The Monster You Created

I was so desperately hoping that Powder would realize Vi still loves her and just wants her back, even if she's changed.....

I really hope that can still happen in season 2.

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Arcane: 1x03 The Base Violence Necessary for Change

Well fuck, everything we knew before has just changed.

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The Expanse: 1x01 Dulcinea

Not the best introduction, it bounces around between the characters a lot and it's kinda annoying.

I do like the concept though, hopefully the rest of the series is more focused.

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Futurama: 7x03 Decision 3012

Definitely not what I expected, but it was still interesting.

But wouldn't time have kept resetting in a loop since Nixon got elected, so travers goes back to win, but then he drops existing so Nixon wins, but then Nixon indirectly causes the robot uprising, etc.

Ah well, it probably doesn't matter.

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Justice League: 1x24 The Savage Time (3)

A great conclusion to a great arc (and the season).

Several other arcs could've used 3 episodes, but oh well. Glad this one got the time it deserved - we even get some great character moments near the end!

As with the rest of this show, it's well worth a watch.

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The Dragon Prince: 4x02 Fallen Stars

Definitely shouldn't have had the fart jokes, but holy shit - that ending!

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The Office: 8x21 Angry Andy

I'm really disappointed Andy got fired.

I was just starting to like him, and can't stand Nellie at all.

But hey, at least Kelly finally (hopefully) permanently dumped Ryan! That relationship was so toxic, I don't even know where to start.

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Breaking Bad: 1x06 Crazy Handful of Nothin'

Goddamn, he blew up a full-ass floor of a building to prove his point. Badass.

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The Simpsons: 12x11 Worst Episode Ever

Dear god, that Agnes subplot is going to give me fucking nightmares.

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The Simpsons: 8x23 Homer's Enemy

Holy fuck, I was not expecting them to kill him off with a cutaway gag.

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The Simpsons: 6x05 Sideshow Bob Roberts

Love bob, and the political humour was on point too.

Plus another jab at fox network.

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The Simpsons: 5x21 Lady Bouvier's Lover

Not a fan of these abe-focused episodes, but that sound of silence parody was pretty good.

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Black Mirror: 2x01 Be Right Back

Man, this fucked with my brain. Especially since we have chatbots and such now that are at roughly the same level of realism.

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The Simpsons: 4x11 Homer's Triple Bypass

A perfect commentary on how awful and exploitative american healthcare can be.

It's just saddening that it still rings true 30 years later.

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