

Estoril, Portugal

Person of Interest: 4x19 Search and Destroy
Person of Interest: 4x19 Search and Destroy
Person of Interest: 4x18 Skip
Person of Interest: 4x18 Skip
Person of Interest: 4x18 Skip
Person of Interest: 4x11 If-Then-Else
Person of Interest: 4x11 If-Then-Else
Person of Interest: 4x11 If-Then-Else
Person of Interest: 2x16 Relevance
Nashville: 4x17 Baby Come Home
Chicago Fire: 4x20 The Last One for Mom
Faking It: 3x06 Spooking It
Faking It: 3x06 Spooking It
Orphan Black: 4x01 The Collapse of Nature
Grey's Anatomy: 12x19 It’s Alright, Ma (I’m Only Bleeding)
Man of Steel
Arrow: 4x17 Beacon of Hope
Supergirl: 1x15 Solitude
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
House of Cards: 4x10 Chapter 49
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3x13 Parting Shot
House of Cards: 4x06 Chapter 45
House of Cards: 4x06 Chapter 45
House of Cards: 4x04 Chapter 43
Marvel's Daredevil: 2x05 Kinbaku
Marvel's Daredevil: 2x04 Penny and Dime
The 100: 3x07 Thirteen
The 100: 3x07 Thirteen
The 100: 3x07 Thirteen
Marvel's Agent Carter: 2x10 Hollywood Ending