

Estoril, Portugal

Person of Interest: 5x13 return 0
Person of Interest: 5x12 .exe
UnREAL: 2x04 Treason
Veep: 5x09 Kissing Your Sister
Veep: 5x08 Camp David
Veep: 5x08 Camp David
Veep: 5x07 Congressional Ball
Veep: 5x06 C**tgate
Veep: 5x04 Mother
Orange Is the New Black: 4x12 The Animals
Orange Is the New Black: 4x11 People Persons
Orange Is the New Black: 4x07 It Sounded Nicer in My Head
Orphan Black: 4x10 From Dancing Mice to Psychopaths
Orphan Black: 4x10 From Dancing Mice to Psychopaths
Person of Interest: 5x11 Synecdoche
Rizzoli & Isles: 7x01 Two Shots: Move Forward
Orphan Black: 4x08 The Redesign of Natural Objects
Orphan Black: 4x07 The Antisocialism of Sex
Person of Interest: 5x10 The Day the World Went Away
Quantico: 1x21 Right
Blindspot: 1x22 If Love a Rebel, Death Will Render
Blindspot: 1x18 One Begets Technique
Person of Interest: 5x06 A More Perfect Union
The 100: 3x15 Perverse Instantiation (1)
DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 1x16 Legendary
The Flash: 2x22 Invincible
Person of Interest: 5x04 6,741
The Flash: 2x20 Rupture
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3x20 Emancipation
Person of Interest: 5x02 SNAFU