Cb Uppercut



The Blackening

The movie ends up being average it has some funny jokes and a lot of unfunny jokes, it never really has you scared or nervous for the characters and is very predictable. The movie overall is a good time but lacks anything original enough to make it stand out and uses lazy things like characters being to talk to each other through their minds or drugs to actually accomplish anything.

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Guy Ritchie's The Covenant

Biggest Flaw is that it’s unbalanced which is unfair due to the nature of it being based off a true story. I wasn’t going in expected a action packed war movie but when that’s what it gave me at the beginning I couldn’t help but want more. First Act of this movie is spectacular and relighted a spark of love for war films for me as I had grown very worn on the genre. When this film is delivering action is when it’s at its best which is no surprise because that’s what Guy Ritchie is great at. As well as giving us some beautifully directed shots that and probably the best score I’ve seen in a movie in a very long time.

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Somewhere in Queens

An amazing directing debut from Ray Romano in which he gives us this beautifully crafted simple story about family, sacrifice, and love. This movie feels so real and everybody in it gives a great performance. Also an amazing story about the relationship of basketball between a father and son.

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Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret.

I was able to see a early screening to this and although I went into it pretty blind as far as what the movie was about I still had high hopes due it being directed by the same director as Edge of Seventeen. Rachel McAdams and Abby Ryder Fortson are both great as well as the whole cast and this movie has some comedic moments and realism of awkwardness in a young coming of age movie. Not that every movie has to have something dramatic or big happen to be able to be told but this movie never quite captivated me as an audience member in the story. The runtime was progressing and the movie was nearing an end and I was asking myself when something was gonna happen. Are You There God? It’s Me Margaret is a sweet story of a girl moving to a new town and growing up at least what she thinks is growing up getting her first period and sure it’s a sweet simple story but you leave kinda disappointed that nothing really happened besides watching the life of a 6th grader during one school year.

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What the fuck. Coherence is a small budget mind fuck where weird things start happening all due to a commit passing by. As the night passes by more and more weird things keep happening which the group tries but struggles to understand and that’s all I want to say about the plot. I would recommend going in as blind as you can this is a small film with big ideas and damn is it good. This movie fucks with ur brain and leaves u thinking. I finished this movie and couldn’t go to sleep because of the way my mind was running.

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Don't Worry Darling

Don’t Worry Darling is a high concept movie that doesn’t meet everything it sets up and that’s fine. This movie is far from perfect but is it as bad people are saying? No not even close this movie if it had a good reputation I feel like it would get a lot more love. The setting is amazing it is beautifully shot and some scenes just look amazing. Florence Pugh is amazing and everyone else does just fine nobody sticks out as bad but nobody sticks out as good besides Pugh. It has a lot going on and a lot of that never fully gets explained and even after searching and finding the answers u still find that the movie failed you a bit if that’s what it was aiming for. This movie is far from perfect but it can be really enjoyable. I for one see it’s flaws and still enjoy it and think it would be good on rewatch the flaws will still be there but so will the high concept with so much ambition, the beautiful cinematography, and music and a twist that is twist…

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Get Out

What a film. This was my third viewing of Get Out and the best viewing yet. Jordan Peele is such a masterful director with every single thing feeling so perfectly selected and executed. Each song, the score, the subtle way characters act, how easy it is to know what is happening especially on rewatch but still be on the edge of your seat. This movie has the perfect runtime and is perfectly paced. It makes you nervous but also makes you laugh and maybe has the best protagonist in any horror movie. Chris never does anything extremely dumb that makes you mad at the character he handles every situation as you would like to think you would in the same situation. Just a masterpiece and one of the best horror films ever made.

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Miss Stevens

Forever will be a top tier Timotheé Chalamet performance. Such a touching, simple, and heartfelt movie that just hangs with you.

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Why Him?

A lot of funny moments mixed with a lot of unfunny moments. Overall I enjoyed this film it had a lot of cheap and unfunny jokes but some landed due to the strength of the cast and that’s also the reason you cared. The 3 leads all did a great job and Zoey Deutch being gorgeous the entire film didn’t hurt.

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Do Revenge

Twist, after twist, after twist with most of those being cliché and predictable. I have seen a lot of high school/coming of age films and this movie feels like that one big scene from all of those done all in one movie. This film tries so hard to appear flashy and memorable but it comes off unoriginal and forgettable.

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I’m not sure what Josh Radnor’s future holds as a director but I hope he makes me films. You can just tell right away he not just has a talent for directing but a passion. Especially in the story he’s telling this movie just feels so simple but so needed. Every scene was a look at life and reality and just made me feel happy I was watching this compared to whatever else. All performances were great and a nice independent film.

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Jurassic World Dominion

If you liked Fallen Kingdom then you might like this one and if your like me and didn’t like fallen kingdom then this is also bad. I was actually excited for this one like the last one and yet again disappointed. I just found myself not interested and not caring about anything that happened. I never felt tense and scared for the characters and I feel like this franchise only works in the park opening setting. This movie is bland and boring and expects to wow people because their our dinosaurs which isn’t impressive anymore.

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What can I say about Emergency? Well for one I don’t think this is a film that one must watch you are not missing out if you ignore this movie as it doesn’t do anything to stand out and I don’t see it getting popular enough to where you would be excluded for not having seen it. That being said if you want to watch this go ahead I enjoyed it and everyone on the cast kills it, this is a very easy to watch film.

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Surprisingly this documentary shows both sides of X who was a very controversial artist and person. I’m glad they didn’t only focus on the positive of his life because X went through phases of change in his life and had his demons. This covers his demons as well as how talented he was at making all kinds of music and how influential he was in many peoples life. This didn’t try to say X was innocent just that he was changing to become a better person for himself and his fans and X just got took from us to soon.

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Ricky Gervais: SuperNature

This is a comedy special by Ricky Gervais so if easily offended obviously don’t watch and that should be common knowledge but some people like to watch specials so they can get offended and try to cancel someone which is just ridiculous. This special started off really strong with a lot of good laughs and then get loses structure with Gervais just rambling it seems like fishing for a laugh which are there but not as well set up it seems as anything he has done in the past. This is a decent special but probably his worst one to date unfortunately.

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Alex Garland approves his resume with this movie. After Ex Machina and Annihilation I was very excited for Men and it was an experience. This is definitely the most legitimate horror/disturbing thing garland has released to date and I don’t mind it. The third act it where it gets crazy and will lose most of the audience if there not prepared but I’m used to his bizarre third acts and this was the most bizarre. There are definitely deeper meanings and symbolism that needs analyzed but I think this is a great film that does great at making the audience uncomfortable.

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C'mon C'mon

This movie has no business being as good as it is. For one this movie is black and white for no reason it’s not even in a different time period it’s just black and white. Secondly it’s so simple just an uncle having to watch over his nephew for a little while but the bonds made, the story told, the relationships, and struggles make this movie so wholesome. A very simple movie that is very easy to watch.

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The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

This is essentially my dream movie. A self aware Nicolas Cage movie with Nick Cage playing himself the movie star. I’m not sure how this idea came to light but I’m so glad it did. This was a movie I didn’t know about until I saw the trailer and I instantly was so excited for it. I was very excited to watch this movie I even found a list of movies of cages that would be referenced and watched all of those and after all those expectations they were still met. I honestly am surprised I was not disappointed at all with how much I was looking forward to this. Nicolas Cage and Pedro Pascal are both amazing and as a duo carry this movie. Everybody on the cast does their part but those two carry. This is just a good time with plenty of laughs and even heart felt moments I highly recommend.

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The Humans

Perhaps my fault was my expectations. I was interested in this movie due to it being A24 and the cast. The reviews were decent but the plot seemed to be something I would love. I was hoping for something like the gift, or the invitation were a simple plot builds suspense and keeps you waiting for something big to happen. Although this isn’t labeled as a horror movie or suspense I don’t feel it’s my fault for thinking they were trying that due to plenty of shots, dialogue and music. So does it ever build to anything? Kinda would be the answer stuff happens at the end that is kinda of entertaining but also dull at the same time knowing this is what u we’re waiting for. So is it worth the wait? Absolutely not this movie should be 40 minutes shorter and more concise if you are expecting what I was just go watch the gift or the invitation instead.

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The French Dispatch

Maybe the most Wes Anderson of the Wes Anderson films. This movie is very artistic and obviously beautifully shot and when it comes to camera angles, music, and just creativity nobody does it like Wes Anderson. This movie features pretty much every actor you have ever seen in any of his films and that many characters makes it hard to care about the characters. Great acting and great storytelling for each part of the movie but the movie has 3 parts or 3 stories and they don’t all mesh very well which makes you a little confused as a watcher and bored even after a while. As a directing pov this movie is fabulous but writing and the plot in general leaves more to be desired.

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Last Night in Soho

Edgar Wright really outdid himself this time and I’m consistently amazed by his work. The direction in this film is honestly probably the best of year with every shot so delicately placed and beautiful, the scenery in this film is obviously stunning and the costume design absolutely phenomenal. You can really tell every time Edgar Wright makes a film how much a movie movie buff he is. Every song in this film feels so perfectly chosen for every scene and the score is amazing as well. Thomasin McKenzie was absolutely amazing in this film and deserves more love because this film was marketed it seems as Ana Taylor Joys film and when it comes to Ana Taylor Joy she absolutely stole the show and made your eyes lock in on her with every scene she was in. Can’t understate how artistic this film is and just a good horror movie in general as well. Easily one of the best movies this year if not the best so far.

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Don't Breathe 2

Another horror sequel that doesn’t need to exist. The original had a fantastic premise so the fact that there weren’t rly any likable characters was easier to ignore. The first one had a plot u could describe to someone and convince them to watch whereas this one felt very generic and like something I’ve seen before. This movie starts strong and try’s to connect us to Stephen Lang’s character but as the movie progresses u care less and less and ultimately just wait for the movie to end because u could care less about a single character in the movie. And that’s where this movie hits its biggest flaw it doesn’t matter who dies or how if the only reason u don’t want them to die is because there there a lil bit less of a douchebag than the next character. A movie can’t connect to the audience if the audience can’t connect with the characters. That being said I was never scared or on the edge of my seat like the first mostly because I didn’t care about anyone.

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Wrath of Man

Gotta know what your paying for which is a badass Jason Shatham movie directed by Guy Ritchie. As always u gotta pay attention due to plenty of back and forth timelines and several point of views but this movie has great action, a great score and throughly entertaining throughout.

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The Lost Boys

The best Joel Schumacher movie which isn’t that bold of a statement but also one of the better vampire movies which explains its cult status. A very fun movie that feels very 80’s and also has a great soundtrack.

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War for the Planet of the Apes

Perhaps what throws people off about this movie is the title and the way it was marketed this is no “war for the planet of the apes” so don’t go in expecting that because u will be disappointed and miss the importance of this movie. There is no doubt in my mind that this is the best installment of the 3 so it sucks that people don’t like this just because they were expecting non stop action this trilogy from the start to the end was always about the apes and not about a great action franchise this rebooted saga focused on storytelling and characters and it payed off. Truly a beautiful story that is so under appreciated I’m glad Matt Reaves took over because he did a phenomenal job on these last two and I enjoy the first one as well. This is truly one of the best modern day trilogies and one of my favorite trilogies of all time I honestly can’t think of another franchise that invests me in the characters so much and Andy Serkis the king of motion capture somebody give this man an Oscar nom at least!

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Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Currently binging this trilogy and I really enjoyed dawn the first time but it was even better on rewatch. The fact that I don’t even want or feel the need to bring up how amazing the motion capture of these apes is really speaks volumes for everything else this movie has going for it. Once again and especially in this film you get to know these apes they are at the forefront of these movies now this isn’t just Man vs Ape but also Ape vs Ape and shows the struggle from inside. This movie is a high stakes and u can see that from both sides what their risking and the stakes just continue to rise throughout this movie making u more and more invested a truly amazing sequel.

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Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Don’t think I prefer this one to the original Planet of the Apes but it is a very good remake that sets the tone for one of the best modern day trilogies imo. I think Matt Reaves takes the rest of the movies to the next level but it all starts here and it all starts with getting us to attach to Caeser and the idea of these intelligent apes and I think Rupert Wyatt did a great job of that. The next movies possibly don’t land as well as they do without this great introduction piece which is the great thing about this trilogy the all build off each other so well and u never stop caring about these apes.

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The Good Girl

Had been putting this one off for a while and not sure what to say Jennifer Anniston does really good but this wasn’t really what I was expecting. It always weird when the protagonist has an affair because it gives you mixed emotions. This movie is a lot darker than I was expecting and majority of the characters here are severely damaged and have plenty of issues. This movie being dark isn’t an issue and has plenty of layers which can be a good thing. I feel this movie is good not great, but also a hidden film that doesn’t get the light of day but at the same time I get why.

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Dinner for Schmucks

Why did I like this movie so much? Well for one this is a very stupid comedy like dumb and dumber style but if you can accept that than this can be a treat. Paul Rudd kills it as always and Steve Carell plays his role like nobody else could. Very enjoyable comedy imo and very underrated.

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Get Smart

I consider this movie to the released version of “threat level midnight” which in my opinion makes the viewing experience a lot better. You shouldn’t have high expectations when watching this movie or you’ll disappoint yourself but if you can turn your brain off for a while and you’ll need to cause as a spy movie sometimes the script is just lazy when things that don’t make sense or the movie will just be unrealistic. This is a spy comedy and it deliverers on that, like I said you can’t take this movie to seriously but if u achieve that this can be a very enjoyable film everyone does great in their role especially Steve Carell and it’s an enjoyable time.

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