
Star Wars: Andor: 1x10 One Way Out

Shout by J G

Kino’s last words… :cry: and the speech on sacrifice…:fire:

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Too much social commentary, not enough horror (or suspense). Easily the least impressive Peele production.

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Transformers: The Last Knight

The first movie since Max Payne (coincidentally, also a Mark Wahlberg movie) where I wanted to run out every single minute of the 149 overblown minutes it played. It was incongruent, had forced comedy, and the stereotypes for the transformers are grating to say the least. As a Fab of the cartoons, I can't believe this soulless slosh found the light of day.

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If you follow Batman mythology (Frank Miller's version, in particular), none of this movie will surprise you. The cinematography and location choices conveyed what new York felt like in the 80s. Mr. Phoenix did a great job of capturing chaos, just not as great as Heath Ledger. The big issue I have with the movie is... The point of it all? It was devoid of emotion, so I found myself watching but not caring much. The movie conveyed too much, yet gave nothing at all. Maybe that was the point? Wait for cable, if you haven't seen it.

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Jeepers Creepers: Reborn

Overacting. Underacting. Not sure what to call it, but the acting sucked and I wanted everyone to die.

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(500) Days of Summer

Reality versus expectation. Expectations are future resentments. The protagonist carries a lot of resentment. It’s the exploration of this, and his internal fears, that make this movie grand. Summer was not a bitch. He just wasn’t listening.

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The Night House

For those of you who have not seen this: it is NOT a horror movie. It's more of a psychological thriller. The movie itself can be taken literally (which I didn't enjoy) or as a exploration of grief and depression (which made it slightly better). Ms. Hall carried this movie. If not for her, it would be just another Netflix throwaway.

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Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins

This movie left me at the altar! I wanted it to be awesome. But, alas...it sucked. Snake Eyes is the baddest G.I. Joe IMO. The story doesn't live up to it's own description. He isn't taught anything by the clan, except mystical shit you can read in any meditation book!!! And he gets the suit as an afterthought!!!! In the climactic scene, it almost felt like the pose at the end of Street Fighter. Total cheese! Baroness and Scarlett were as "bad" as Michael Jackson. And the fact that the G.I. Joe organization drives around in Hyundais is deplorable! Wait for HBO MAX.

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The only based on a true story movie where I found myself more excited by the documentary and the book that preceded it. Mr. Levitt was convincing as Snowden. But, the story itself was devoid of the gravitas that the actual story deserves. Find the documentary, I urge you!

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If Tyler Perry made horror movies, this would be the result. Medea in the backwoods!

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21 Bridges

If you can forgive some plot holes and the predictable ending you'll be rewarded with some solid acting and views of New York only displayed better in the John Wick movies. Chadwick Bozeman can carry a movie that's not branded with Marvel!

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The Blackening

This movie is a clear example of why Jordan Peele is so next level. It is also an example of how much better this genre has become. Not a great movie. But better than Scary Movie.

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Shrinking: 1x10 Closure

Derek is the best character on this show! As a therapist, I related to the train wrecks who were the main characters. Clinicians are clients too.

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I will have to see the subbed version. The vocal talent on the dubbing are shit.

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Star Wars: Andor: 1x09 Nobody's Listening!

The cinematography was was tight! The shot of Bix in the interrogation room was intense!

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The Matrix Resurrections

A needless sequel that plays on memories of a wonderful first date that turned into a decent second one and was followed a shitty third one that led to a breakup and now is back trying to woo me with flowers and chocolate but i don't like chocolate.
You even remade our favorite RATM song? I don't like you anymore.

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This is the movie the world needs now. I've got nothing else to say. And now I understand why the Knicks suck.

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Come Play

Connect with your children!
What happens when self-absorbed parents raise an autistic child? Larry.
The editing was so tight in this movie that mundane moments turned into jump scares.

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6 Underground

Some of the sequences were good. However, too much of a good thing is never good. The editing and the flashback sequence placements were annoying as it completely threw off the pace of the story. How many freaking carts have to die in a Bay movie before someone has an intervention! In the end, it's not a story. It's a kid who just puts shit in the movie as he goes just because it would be cool. It would have been better if done by ANYONE else who can tell a story. Bay needs some Ritalin!

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This was the "Unforgiven" of the Super hero genre. It displayed the best of the genre while grounding it in emotion and reality, taking the sparkle out of its glorification and giving us an excellent movie.

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About My Father

It’s not “The Godfather”. However, considering all the recent duds he’s made, it feels like it is. Some funny moments throughout.

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Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

One of the darker Marvel movies, and I say thank you! It was not the best Marvel movie. But, it worked well in playing off the past and setting up several (possible) directions for the MCU to go.
P.S. - I love Bruce Campbell!

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Marry Me

If you can deal with predictable romance, then...enjoy.

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Army of Thieves

Much better than it's predecessor (by a wide margin), i say that this should be prescribed as a cleanser to erase the stain of the first one from your brain.

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You have a daughter kidnapped and you... Give the perp a WARNING? Every aspect of this movie was crap, including the acting dog. Save yourselves and watch drying paint instead.

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a John Hughes movie with robots.

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Wonder Woman

While one of the better DCU movies, and it ended with a hopeful tone, it still has the same dreary look as other Zack Snyder DCU movies, including the constant slo-mo shots and overdependence on CGI, and the story was pedestrian.

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Godzilla Minus One

It's a Godzilla movie, with some serious depth! Set in the last days of world war II, it's themes of grief, shame and redemption hit deep. The special effects are unreal given the budget they had. Easily the best Godzilla movie since the original! This movie will be analyzed in film schools and psych classes for years to come!

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The Beekeeper

Shout by J G

This is John Wick directed by Law and Order's Dick Wolf with a techie bad guy worse than the one in Die Hard 4. Action is good, story is shit. Wait for Netflix.

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Saw X

Should be called Saw 1.5. It brought the movie back to the vibe of the original Saw. Now, if I could erase everything after Saw II….

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