

Omicron Persei 8

The Creator

Yet another human vs AI movie. Visually it’s pretty good but very disjointed. Not once did I feel engaged with the story at all and getting to the end of it was a slog. Although the story line has been done to death in movies that did it way better I do feel this could have been better too if it wasn’t for the lifeless direction. I’ve never rated Washington as an actor and his performance in this does nothing to change that. Overall, meh.

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Dark Matter: Season 1

Started off well with what seemed like could be a very interesting story, good cast too. Episodes 1 & 2 were good but it started to tail off somewhat IMO with E3, E4 was just treading water / padding and E5 wasn't much better though it picked up a little. I'll stick with it probably but it'll be quite hard going unless it picks up considerably, very hard to maintain the interest at the moment.

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Dark Matter: 1x04 The Corridor

Been ok up to now but this was definitely a filler episode!

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Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes

Weakest of all the post 2010 POTA movies imo. Too much ape politics, family life and philosophising and too little else. The original and Beneath the POTA are still by far the best two POTA movies for me, and all done without CGI. You can only be wowed for so long by how well the apes are rendered and for me they ran out of steam 2 movies ago. This movie seems to serve little purpose other than to set up the next one. Couple of nice flash backs to the original (the human hunt horns and the music when they encounter the scarecrows on the bridge) but other than that, an overly long, pretty forgettable movie with a lame story and script.

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Precious Cargo

Yet another 'poster pay-cheque' phone-in performance from Bruce Willis, he has become a master of not GAF! I think his scenes were shot in their entirety while he was waiting for a pizza to be delivered, you could tell his mind was on the pizza, not on his acting. As for the rest, just your typical low-budget action movie starring a bunch of C list actors that you may enjoy if you fancy some brainless entertainment, hardest part will be deciding who, aside from Willis, to give the crappiest actor award to! For me it's Jenna B Kelly who fails to introduce any emotion whatsoever to the part she's playing, she doesn't seem to get 'acting' at all. It's so telling that in its opening week in the UK this movie grossed just £87, yes 87, not 87 thousand or even hundred, just 87 ($105). I hope they got their money back!

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The New Look

At first I thought this series was going to be outstanding and for the first 4-5 episodes it was. Great cast, script, story and acting. While the second half continued to be watchable, even enjoyable, it seemed to run out of steam to such an extent that it dragged in parts. I found Christian’s continual moping around and melancholy mood quite annoying. Of course there were justifiable reasons for it but the show just dragging on so long meant his one style mood just got irritating. I’d rate the first 4 episodes an 8 and the last 6 as 5 to 6 depending on the episode. Rating of 7 overall for me dragged down because it was overly long. 7-8 episodes would have been enough.

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Dire, just dire. I guess they were aiming for a Kingsman meets Bullet Train with this but failed miserably. The best part of this movie was absolutely the first 3 minutes that also happens to be the trailer! I suspect they also thought casting Henry Cavill in this would carry it, making up for the shortfall in movie quality, epic fail again. It’s not helped in any way by the story which is absolutely ridiculous making even the most far fetched espionage movie, comedy or not, appear sensible and credible, the smoke grenade battle scene was the worst I’ve ever seen, totally cringeworthy. The final nail in the coffin is the crap sound track. I really don’t get what the point of making this was at all and in all honesty REALLY struggled to watch it through to the end, even then I only had the second half on in the background while I was reading. I’m just glad I didn’t pay to see it yet I still want my money back!

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Asteroid City

This movie should have been described as a tragedy, a tragedy that such an outstanding cast of A list actors were wasted on garbage like this! This is definitely one for hard core Wes Anderson fans only and I think even they will find struggle to find anything to praise here. The movie is boring, self-indulgent, unfunny and with virtually no story at all; it is very stylish but this is definitely a case of style alone cannot carry a TOTAL lack of substance. Binned.

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Asteroid City

This movie should have been described as a tragedy, a tragedy that such an outstanding cast of A list actors were wasted on garbage like this! This is definitely one for hard core Wes Anderson fans only and I think even they will find anything to praise here. The movie is boring, self-indulgent, unfunny and with virtually no story at all; it is very stylish but this is definitely a case of style alone cannot carry a TOTAL lack of substance. Binned.

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Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One

Mission Impossible meets Fast and Furious. Good enough but definitely not as good as some of the MI films. Overly long IMO with too little story as a thin veneer over a string of (at times seemingly never ending) action sequences, more holes than a string vest in the overall plot, very predictable and some lame acting at times. Still a very good watch but a definite 7/10 vs the normal 9, or at times, even 10/10.

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Not terrible but not great, watchable enough. The character Killer and his wife, Mrs Twee, are a complete joke though, so out of place and incompetent to boot. The Killer’s attempts to sound über cool and talk tough are both an epic fail! The Rock deliberately going to kill someone and then failing, having to go back again, is one of the movie’s dumbest moments.

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The Terror: Season 1

Great cast, well acted and nicely filmed. The atmosphere is excellent. If I had any complaint at all the season was overly long IMO, dragged in places, it could have been at least only 6 episodes long, even 4 would likely have covered it.

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I felt like I just watched a montage of a dozen or so overly long trailers for the world’s most boring movie. I don’t mind movie being slow paced and with little action provided they are interesting, this wasn’t, it was just sloooooooow. I’m sure the people that made it knew why they made it, I sure as hell don’t. Just glad I didn’t pay to watch it, but I’m sure the actors enjoyed their pay-checks. Little in it for anyone else sadly.

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Don't Look Up

A moderately funny movie, in a smile humour sort of way, but with a script that is spread WAY too thin for a movie of this length. I found it really hard to maintain interest beyond the 80 minute mark wish is about as long as this should have been.

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Looks OK but just can’t be bothered, it’s yet another Netflix subtitle-fest. If I want to read, I’ll read a book!

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Mr. & Mrs. Smith

Firstly, this show has virtually nothing in common with the movie. It’s basically two people (both actors here are the worst examples of miscasting I have seen in ages), who share a life together and are supposed to be top contract killers. The actual story however is entirely about them trying to find their way through their relationship problems. I mean that’s it, in its entirety, with 15 minute story lines each stretched out to an hour. Some folks I guess might like it, for me it’s just slow and as dull as dishwater with quite literally no redeeming moments. I’d rather read a telephone book.

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This is DEFINITELY one of those movies where the best 3 minutes are in the trailer. Looks very promising at first but drops of a cliff after about the first 15 minutes from where the story has more holes in it than a string vest! I’m assuming a lot of the rave reviews are sponsored by Netflix because this was pure drek.

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Melissa McCarthy is capable of making some good, funny movies. This sadly isn’t one them. The humour is very limp and there is zero depth to any of the characters and nothing by way of personality. A movie that I would class as a total waste of time.

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Masters of the Air: Season 1

I had really high hopes for this movie, knowing how Ridley Scott can do historical if he sets his mind to it (Kingdom of Heaven, Gladiator). OK he can play fast and lose with historical accuracy on the characters and even the technical details, but by and large I find his movies very good overall.

Enter Napoleon and seriously, like WTF? The focus of the movie was on his relationship with Josephine (a story that didn’t need to be told if ever there was one), meanwhile doing a whistle stop blitz tour through the history of France during his time, paying scant attention to any detail, to say it’s superficial is an understatement! Militarily, aside from the dates and countries involved, Scott hasn’t played fast and loose this time, he just threw the books in the bin and made it all up! Again, none of the key characters that impacted him from the military are portrayed at all. In fact there is virtually zero development of any character in the whole movie. It’s just a montage of stuff featuring Napoleon, some of which happened, some that might have and the rest, total fantasy.

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Leave the World Behind

If parts of this movie had been used to tell a different story and one that actually had a decent ending it might not have been too bad. As it is I think I’d rather not have bothered watching it and as ever, Netflix peddling the woke bike way too hard. None of the characters were particularly likeable, a couple outright objectionable and did I mention the crap ending? Pretty dire overall.

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Fast X

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, they made this. Flat, soulless acting (from the rest of the cast that is, Vin Diesel always is!) with a dumb story that’s just full on ridiculous, it doesn’t even rate as embarrassingly unbelievable. I REALLY hoped this was going to be the last one but even the this movie itself isn’t over. Watchable if you’re in the mood for some mindless action with literally zero footing in reality, other than that, pretty crappy overall.

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You People

An inter-family differences (this time it’s race) that, of course, get resolved. The road to getting there though is so painful, jokes either just fell flat or totally missed the mark. Even for a comedy much of the dialogue was really cringeworthy and the ending, the one that was telegraphed right from the start, was so limp and pathetic. Comparing this to other good family difference movies like Meet The Fockers and this doesn’t even rate a 1. On its own it’s watchable but only just.

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The Pigeon Tunnel

I find the novels written by Le Carre interesting, this not. If you’re REALLY interesting in knowing about the man himself it might be interesting, otherwise it’s as dull as dishwater and even a touch pretentious.

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Season 1 was good, season 2 fairly good but season 3? The first 2 seasons were a) interesting, b) at times funny and c) fairly innovative. Season 3 had absolutely NONE of those, instead it was an unintelligible mess that was literally all over place, being just dragged out for the sake of it. It’s as if they brought in a new team of writers who had never seen the first 2 seasons, had the general outline of (the now non existent) story explained to them and just told to write but not allowed to talk to each other. It was a REAL struggle to slog it through to the end of season 3. If there’s a season 4, I’ll skip it thanks!

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Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre

Brilliant movie. Great to see Guy Ritchie (mostly) back on form after the somewhat lacklustre Covenant. The Stath was on form again and Hugh Grant I think has done his best movies ever with Guy Ritchie. Great to see Aubrey Plaza getting more and more parts too, really enjoyed watching her in S2 of the White Lotus.

Guy’s movies have somewhat lost their sparkle since the glory days of the Lock, Stock and Snatch movies but this is decent enough.

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The Hurt Locker

Fairly watchable representation of a bomb disposal dude doing his bit in Iraq but there was nothing by way of a story. I constantly found myself thinking “yeah….. and?” That this movie did so well in terms of Oscars shows more about the state of those awards and how far Hollywood is up itself than the fact that this is an outstanding movie, which even by any stretch of the imagination, it isn’t. Not a patch on Green Zone.

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