

Omicron Persei 8

Gen V

I'm not feelin it. From the opening scene where the girl discovers her superpower via her period to the bulimic shrinking girl the show has all the creativity of a bologna sandwich. Forcing current teen issues into storylines to make it seem relevant and topical. The same as "The Boys" and "Supergirl" went. Television writers who force pablum on viewers like this should have been left on the Picket lines and Studios should have hired more intelligent and less sensitive, less emotional and less fragile writers. It's a wonder they can get any writing done at all since I would imagine they rarely leave their apartments and spend most of the time crying over "mean" people. I think that not every form of entertainment needs to be a lesson to society and should not be a form of social justice. They are just perpetuating the stereotypes of the depressed, anxiety ridden teen and the cruel, cruel world they think they live in.

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National Treasure: Edge of History
The Ice Road

Too many ridiculous plot points it makes you feel stupid for watching it. Apparently the villain is indestructible and can run miles in minutes. Legs can support the weights of semi's and you can be impaled by a tree limb in one scene then forget about it and go about your business like it never happened. Then there are some awful lines of dialogue. "Gurty's like that commercial; takes a lickin', but keeps on tickin'" makes me wretch.

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15 Things You Didn't Know About Bigfoot

Started out with potential but went to garbage halfway through

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A Perfect Fake

You know, the Japanese CEO who has a collection of 40 love dolls he keeps in a separate apartment might want to get out of the house sometime and go on a date. He’s a little enthusiastic about how he has sex with them.

The photographer who is in love with his doll is just pathetic.

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30 Coins

Worth watching just for the actress that played Elena. Great actress very expressive and gorgeous.

Interesting plot, good effects, keeps moving. Worth a watch.

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Address Unknown

One of the most brutal, bleakest films ever made (IMHO). Pop some popcorm, gather the family around and settle in for a depressive ride!

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The Father

Incredibly sad. I watched this followed by korean film "Address Unknown" and now I am not sure I have the will and energy to get up in the morning. Anthony Hopkins is amazing. Watch it but then spend some time in some happy place.

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Abyssal Spider

Skip this. Has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

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One of the best series I have ever seen.

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Damn, I love this show. Interesting characters, well written, lots of unexpected twists and turns. A great dark comedy episodic. Should not have been canceled.

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A Discovery of Witches

I'm a simple man, I see Teresa Palmer, I watch.

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Monster Hunter
Agua Donkeys: Season 1

I gave this a shot. Was slow to like it but after awhile I really enjoyed the stupidity of the characters. They're short. About 7 minutes each so they aren't really television episodes. They are probably internet shorts presented as tv. They aren't bad. They're sick. Most of the episodes revolve around two guys, working as pool cleaners, trying to impress the girl who works at the office. Give it a shot. It was on Quibi which is no more. Also the ex-con, Leonard, at the pool store is awesome. Go watch and pull some chunky gainers and some chill seshes.

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Stargirl: 1x01 Pilot
Asia's Monarchies: 1x01 Japan

Excellent documentary on Japan's emperor's and the oldest monarchy in the world. Clear and detailed look at the role the Emperor plays as the head of Shintoism. How much the emperor's status has changed since Japans defeat in World War 2. Discusses the controversial enshrinement of war criminals at Yasukuni shrine, the memorial to Japanese war dead and the legal complication that only a male heir may succeed to the imperial throne.

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Ancient Invisible Cities: 1x03 Istanbul
Supergirl: 3x21 Not Kansas

More preaching by the writers. This time on the horrors of gun ownership. Every episode a sermon. Almost as bad as the Academy Award speeches by the better-than-everyone-else hollywood elite. Give it a rest. People don't watch supergirl to listen to your opinions.

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Supergirl: 3x19 The Fanatical

Again, we get a loadful of topics by the writers and producers crammed into the storyline. From gender issues to racial issues, ageism, and political jabs ("promises of making National City great again" - an actual line from an earlier show). While I would have really enjoyed this show. The characters and acting are top notch. If not for the writers (and those that allow these opinions to stay in the script) it would have been great. As it is it is a constant reminder that everything needs to be made into a soapbox by hollywood. Shot in Canada btw. So much for patriotism. Why don't they all just stay there.

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Legends of the Lost With Megan Fox
The Good Doctor

Unbelievably formulaic. Two patients, resolve at end of show, lots of banter and discussion with side (personal stories) of the main characters thrown in for filler. Pretty weak overall. Very little tension. Tackles social issues as much as medical ones (eating disorders, family interaction etc.). Rock climbing injury girl in one episode was same girl as was in Charmed as the "Harbinger Demon" airing just a week apart. Instead of rock climbing injuries she should have had demon possessing injuries and have been in the hospital on The Good Doctor. Would have made it more interesting but the casting between these shows is getting repetitive. Step up producers.

I find the show, in general, pretty boring overall. I was never a fan of medical dramas, not my cup of tea, but may be yours.

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I've been watching this as a semi "I have had a shitty day and don't feel like watching anything that makes me think" show and it works. It's light and cute and not as tragically bad as people make it out to be. Not every show has to alter your life. Cat Grant (Calista Flockheart) was the best thing about the show so when she leaves (The traitor producers jumped ship, left the US and shot in Toronto for the tax incentives to like their pockets with profits. She did not want to go to Canada so she was written out of the show.) I lost my interest in it a bit. For me she was the highlight and replacing her with the stereotypical gruff newshound just shows lack of imagination.

Yes, there are lots of cliches and political digs in the show (also not done well), the writing is weak, the characters bland, the romantic link between Jimmy Olsen and Supergirl stupid but there is a charm underneath it all and it's better than some of the others (ermmm.... Iron Fist... cough cough).

written by the last green martian (no, really, I am)

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The Curse of Oak Island
Wreckreation Nation: 1x03 Demolition Derby

The highlight, for me, of this show is to watch grown men and women running around a field semi-naked, covered in tin foil, with foam rubber shields and swords. They take themselves very seriously. While the majority of the costumes are pitiful there are some impressive ones. Search google images for Dagorhir to see what I mean. Not my cup of tea and not sure why people are so into it but a bit entertaining. Kind of like Trekkies.

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Zero Hour: 1x04 Terror in Tokyo

Fairly strong doc show about the Aum Shinrikyo sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway in 1995. The end draws parallels between the Twin Towers in NY and the religious-based cults that think that killing innocents isn't wrong if done for religious reasons. Points out that remaining members of Aum (under a new name) live together and still believe that the leader what right in his thinking but they were not ready to understand or execute his demands. Stupid. If you want to read more I would recommend "Underground: The Tokyo Gas Attack and the Japanese Psyche" by Haruki Murakami.

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Expedition Unknown: 1x02 Temple of Doom

One of the weaker shows. Takes forever to get to the lost city. He takes a trip through the jungles on abandoned railroad tracks which is a tourist attraction now. After a buildup and many mentions of mines (over 50,000 in the area, he decides to take a helicopter into the area followed by a motorbike. Sigh. Guess the showrunner can't really risk blowing up his talent after all. The end of the show is interesting when we finally see a glimpse of what they are excavating. For some reason (same as in episode one) they go explore the top of the mountain at night in a storm. Most likely because it is more dramatic to go exploring in the jungle by torchlight with lightning and thunder.

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Expedition Unknown: 1x01 Amelia Earhart

I like this guy.... Josh Gates, but the show is 95% filler. Mostly travelogue setting up where he is, local culture, food etc. This episode he explores sunken planes in Papa New Guinea, bones under a house and another plane crash in the jungle. All turn out to be busts in regard to Amelia Earhart.

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I'm Famous and Frightened: 1x01 Day One

Day one. Lots of filler. I am not British so I have no idea who these "celebrities" are. They look unglamorous. Like moms and dads except for "actress" Lindsay Dawn McKenzie star of "Sherlock: A XXX Parody". Lots of filler here, like a photo shoot set to the tune of "Ghostbusters", discussions with resident paranormal expert Ian Lawman and chit chat about the celebrities seeing ghosts in the past. This is basically a game show where the celebrities are voted off by the audience on live tv. Each contestant does a "challenge" like taking a walk in the dark with a torch (flashlight). The history of the castle is interesting but besides that the show is a bore and clocks in at 2 hours. Unless you are excited at the sight of bugs or dust passing through the lights in front of the camera lens and want to pretend they are "orbs" I would give this a pass.

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Powerless is the perfect word to describe this show. From the annoyingly perpetual smile on Vanessa Hudgens face to the desperate attempts at trying to be funny.

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