Omicron Persei 8

Legion: 2x11 Chapter 19

So you have a boyfriend with a history of being mentally unstable. Suddenly you decided you don't really like him anymore, what is the best thing you could possibly do? Push him over the edge, obviously.

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The Expanse: 3x08 It Reaches Out

Thanks god this show is prolonged to another season! phew!

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American Gods: 2x05 The Ways of the Dead

12 episodes later, I am still trying to figure out what is this series is about

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There is no way you feel emphathy for those astronauts because they are dumb as fuuuuuuuuuuuck

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The Expanse: 2x04 Godspeed

This show is pretty F good, except the fact they are constantly forgetting that there is no gravity in space

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What I hoped for: descent cyberpunk tech noir detective with megacorporation and government conspiracy
What I got instead: another religious centered bullshit trivia

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Legion: 2x09 Chapter 17

Aubrey Plaza was the best thing in this show
Now she is the only good thing in this show

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Lead character literally almost died and got back from the other side to tell the story 10/10

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I'm Thinking of Ending Things

Right... So cast was great

About all the rest, what was all that, by the way? Anyone figured out?

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I find it amusing how Jennifer Connelly is carrying this TV show solo just like the giant train is carrying the rest of those useless actors trough the piles of snow

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Bad Boys for Life

This movie actually cracked me a few times, I was NOT expecting that.
Turned out to be better than the first or a second one.

While watching this, I was thinking, "Shieet, this movie is actually pretty darn watchable! Can't believe this was shot by a transformers-guy, he really stepped up his game!"
And here I am watching the credits, browsing trakt and discovering this movie was actually NOT directed by Michael Bay.
Everything makes sense now.

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The Walking Dead: 10x08 The World Before

Hey, guys, remember the time Daryl used to be smart?

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The Purge: Election Year

Poor movie, one-sided, weak characters

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Demolition Man

Plot twist: she is actually his daughter HAHAHAHAHA

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Avengers: Endgame
Sense8: 1x06 Demons

I got nothing against gays or transgenders before watching this show. Now I feel so fucking bored with all that "not like everybody else" crap. I mean, I get it, those two fucks, but honestly, WHO GIVES. Why do I need to hear the same exact message again and again trough out the first like 5 or 6 hours of the show? Are they making it so just to piss the viewers off or something? I came here to see some science fiction, look on the various problems trough out the nations and cultures and maybe some heavy action, but all I got so far is huge amount of mummbling about gays and transgenders

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The Stand: 1x04 The House of the Dead

It started out as a descent end of the world movie
now WHY THE F*CK would you want to do a 180 and replace base of the show with religious BS
WHY THE F*CK would you do that
W H Y T H E F * C K

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Shadow in the Cloud

Not bad enough to be funny
Not good enough to be interesting

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What a pile of shit... How do they even got Blunt into this?

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Tomb Raider

Lara Croft without a tits, story you are not going to believe in, characters you are not gonna care about...
What a beautiful cocktail.

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Pacific Rim: Uprising

First movie was a visual masterpiece and a great story told by Guillermo Del Toro genius.
This one has nothing to do with Del Toro and you will notice it right from the beginning.
If you are into disney 6 yr old kiddie movies like the new Star Wars, you might even like it, otherwise don't even bother.
Youngsters are getting into giant robots because... Because fuck you, that is why. Nothing in this movie is making any goddamn sense and whole picture basically aimed for 6yr old kids entertainment.

I am still trying to forget Josh Boyega's cringy acting attempts. Cant figure out the difference between him and Jaden Smith, remind me how are those guys are even getting into the business?

Charlie Day's performance was probably the only thing in that picture worth watching. But with the 10 minutes of a total screen time you can't really do much.

Do us a favor, just bury this series. No need to fuck with the corpse no more. Just let it go. We already have Transformers big screen TV show, another one will simply be too fuckin much.

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The Walking Dead: 7x14 The Other Side

Another episode wasted on nothing

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The Walking Dead: 7x07 Sing Me a Song

Totally agree with the other guy, it is hard to believe the story of that particular bad guy, I mean, I get the idea, dude is smart and he walks on the thin ice, but cmon! It is starting to get really unrealistic

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mawgad that was such a BS

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Battlestar Galactica: 1x10 The Hand of God

Wtf what that BS with that pedal 6G crap? Doesnt those guys suppose to have like boosters or something? I mean, they are flying in the fockin space, dammit, you expect us to believe that they are pulling cables or something to fly those things? Maybe they also have carburetors in those vipers?

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True Detective: 3x08 Now Am Found

disappointment, but not a huge one, compared to season two

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So you'll going to get like 10 minutes of solid adrenaline action movie and the rest 2 hours is going to be a shitass boring documentary you could not care less for. Brace yourself.

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Love: 3x10 The Cruikshanks

And when you think it could not possibly get worse, he made it worse

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Black Books: 1x06 He's Leaving Home

-You know, I am probably getting alot of secondary smoke from you.
-Nah, don't worry about it, get me a drink sometime.
THAT was fuckin hilarious!

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You'll love it if you are 13 years old girl. Otherwise, don't expect too much.

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