

Emerald Isle

Supernatural: 3x02 The Kids Are Alright

dean plus kids always makes for a great episode. makes you wish he had the opportunity to have a family of his own. he's really great with ben, and the kid did some really great acting in this one. he was like a little dean. great job to him!

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Supernatural: 10x05 Fan Fiction

This episode had me laughing all the way through. I love when they toss in episodes like this that are purely for comedic relief. It was a great recognition of the Supernatural fan base sometimes being a bit extra and also of how much Supernatural has impacted and touched the lives of those of us who love the show. The songs were hilarious and the boys' reaction to the plot had me dying.

Only Supernatural can go from this ridiculous dumb funny kind of comedic episode and the next delve into a massive family tragedy that has me weeping through the whole episode. This show truly does it all.

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Supernatural: 10x08 Hibbing 911

I love this episode lol. I never imagined a Jody meets Donna scenario but Supernatural delivered it anyway and it's so much better than I imagined. I love both Jody and Donna as characters anyway and it was exciting to have the boys back in a scenario where they're hunting while trying to stay under the radar and keep it secret from the others around them. Having Jody in on it just made it so much better.

Donna's first intro to the world of the supernatural was great. Briana brings so much humor to the show and I loved the chemistry and friendship between her character and Kim's.

Honestly, this was a great episode. The first 'filler' in a long time that's on par with earlier seasons of Supernatural. Thank you Phillip Sgriccia for bringing us this plot masterpiece.

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Supernatural: 10x16 Paint It Black

What a cool episode! This brings back early SPN memories. I miss their short little monster hunts where we get the complete story in one episode and it wraps up and we move on to the next. Sure, they're "filler" episodes between the main plot but I love them so much. This episode was so satisfying, not to mention, it was just a really great horror story. It was tragic and dramatic and maybe a little bit predictable but that didn't take away from the enjoyment of it at all.

It's good to see the boys come back to ghost hunting, even though they're dealing with things that are so much bigger than that now.

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Supernatural: 1x02 Wendigo

this is possibly my favorite episode of the entire series. there's something that's so great about this episode and i can't quite put my finger on why.

after the pilot, it's really refreshing to see sam and dean coming together to save the campers. more information is shared about john winchester's journal and the plot thickens on finding their dad, and whether he even wants to be found. in these details, we also start to feel more of the separation between sam and dean in how they respond to their father's 'instructions.' despite their differences, though, they make a really great team and both bring different things to the table.

it was also great to see a branch off from the typical 'ghosts' and 'zombies' in these types of horror shows and see different types of lore from different cultures. my aunt used to tell me stories about the wendigo growing up, so it was really cool to see it being adapted for tv like this.

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The Walking Dead: 10x22 Here's Negan

This was a LONG overdue episode, and arguably the only good thing about this season. The longer the series goes on the more I am disengaging from the characters themselves. We've essentially ended up with a zombie show that isn't actually about zombies. If we're not getting the 'high stakes' zombie encounters though, we need something else to make the show engaging, and Negan's villain origin story is the perfect way to do that. I'm just upset it took them until episode 22 of this season to do it.

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1899: 1x08 The Key

I was not expecting that ending. This show has kept me on my tip toes trying to guess what's going to come next and I never quite managed to figure it out enough to guess well. There were so many twists and turns, and right when I think I understand, POW! another twist in the story.

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Supernatural: 10x01 Black

Seems I'm in the minority with this one but I really liked this episode haha. Dean and Crowley being buddy-buddy was an interesting scenario to explore and I'm not all that mad about it. Crowley thought it'd be cool but ended up feeling more like demon babysitting.

With the typical flow of Supernatural, I know Sam's going to end up finding a way back for Dean but in the meantime it's interesting to see what Dean is like without his morality and humanity.

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Supernatural: 10x09 The Things We Left Behind

Good on Cas for looking after Claire.

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The Wheel of Time: 1x04 The Dragon Reborn

Shout by Shay
BlockedParent2021-12-04T20:20:13Z— updated 2022-03-20T00:35:41Z

Fantastic episode. It feels like a lot of the storytelling and foreshadowing thus far is culminating into one big event. The storyline is starting to come together, conversations about the dragon and the one power's corruption in men are all coming together in this one episode tying it all together.

There were sad and exciting elements to the episode and the end left off in the good kind of cliffhanger that makes me excited for the next.

Great episode.

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Hellbound: 1x01 Episode 1

This was a great first episode. I was hesitant about watching it (and had to rewatch some sections) because it's hard enough for me to understand English audio with English subtitles and it's much harder when the language audio is one I don't understand, but honestly it was worth rewinding to rewatch things I missed because this was a really great pilot episode. The concept is unique and the small details make it clear it was really fleshed out and well-written. The videography gives a somewhat dull and dreary vibe that feels ominous at times. This is very promising for the rest of the season and potentially for future seasons. I'm really looking forward to seeing where this story goes and the choices that the writers and director made to showcase it.

Absolutely fantastic pilot!

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Teen Wolf: 1x01 Wolf Moon

i honestly forgot how great of a pilot episode this was. humor, mystery, excitement, drama, fantastic character intros - all reasons why this is a fantastic first season. the title sounds like some teen drama flick, but i've somehow gotten my 48 year old dad to watch it several times.

it's still strange going back and watching this 10 years later and seeing dylan o'brien and tyler hoechlin looking so young (i've recently watched maze runner and superman & lois so the difference is very stark.)

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Supernatural: 2x20 What Is and What Should Never Be

this was a really great episode. you learn so much about dean and what he really wants out of life, and dean learns more about himself and what he actually wants. at the end of the day, despite his loss, he's proud of what he's accomplished as a hunter, and i don't think he'd trade that for a different version of a dysfunctional family. this also starts putting his relationship with sam into more perspective because dean is realizing how important his brother is to him.

the one complaint i have is that we seem to be getting all of these insights into dean but nothing on sam. he's just the sidekick brother. i wonder if this has to do with making him seem mysterious for the future of the series (with his demon shenanegans.) not something i noticed before i started taking little notes/commentary on the episodes.

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Supernatural: 12x03 The Foundry

I cackled at Agent Beyonce lmao. Poor baby Cas just doesn't have the cultural knowledge to realize how obviously fake his rockstar agent names are. And Crowley masquerading as Jay-Z was the icing on the cake. Love it!

This was a great episode. We learned a lot about Mary - not only how she hunts but how she longs for the way things used to be. And how she's managing all the sudden changes in her life... including her life.

She adds a new element to the Winchester family hunting dynamic and I love it!

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1899: 1x01 The Ship

This was such a weird episode. I'm not sure how to feel about what's happening but I'm intrigued. It's dark and gloomy, woven with historical accuracy (which is quite refreshing to see,) and picks your brain in the most ominous way.

This episode has me sitting flush against the back of my seat wondering what on earth I've gotten myself into. It's been so long since I've had an impression like this from a pilot episode.

I think I like it.

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Supernatural: 10x04 Paper Moon

I loved Kate's origin episode and wasn't really expecting to ever see her again. I loved getting to revisit her and see what she's been up to, but sad that it had to end this way.

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Supernatural: 10x06 Ask Jeeves

Absolutely fantastic episode! We get to revisit an old Bobby storyline, which doesn't really include him much but the essence of it is there. Makes it feel a little nostalgic with the boys talking about Bobby so much. Loved the plot in this one as well. Definitely turned out different than I expected and surprised me.

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Supernatural: 10x20 Angel Heart

Just when I was hoping that Claire would have a happy ending. Why do these stories always end badly lately? In the earlier episodes the boys actually managed to save people but it seems now the writers are constantly throwing in tragedy left and right. Especially after losing her Dad, Claire deserved better.

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Supernatural: 3x03 Bad Day at Black Rock

it's really strange going back and watching all of the old spn episodes and realizing that a bunch of the 'the walking dead' cast worked on the same shows previously and it's likely they knew each other or knew who each other were. lauren cohan plays such different characters (maggie vs. bela) that it's really entertaining to watch. same can be said of jdm though (negan vs. john winchester.)

this episode in particular was full of humor. these somewhat lighthearted episodes help uplift the series into something that's both horror and comedy, and it does it in a way that doesn't feel like purposefully staged 'sit com' or typical 'slapstick horror' type shows. this is one of the reasons i love supernatural so much. the writers did a great job of blending genres and developing a fantastic script.

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Supernatural: 1x15 The Benders

this episode was so fucked up.

but it was also really good.

i'd kinda been wondering what would happen if they ran into some really twisted humans and thought it was a case, and i guess the directors answered that question. this was a great episode, especially with the backstory about the cop and her brother and his missing case. we go on to see more and more how dean winchester is winning over the hearts of everyone around him. the funny thing is he's made out to be some horrible person who doesn't give a damn and yet he has the biggest, softest heart of all and he's truly a great person.

episodes like this are what make this such a fantastic show.

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Supernatural: 1x03 Dead in the Water

these are the episodes that get to ya. watching dean (hardened shell 'don't need no one' dean) get all soft and attached to a kid really tugs at the heart strings, and it also makes dean a lot more likeable as a character. we get to see a completely different side to him, and we also learn a lot more about dean's past as he's able to relate to lucas.

there is also a little less conflict between sam and dean in this one. sam sort of takes the back seat (as this episode is kinda dean-centric) and even sam is able to see how dean connects to lucas. they're able to have a heart-to-heart (as distant as they still are) and i really enjoyed the softer tone that this episode gave with getting to know the characters.

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Supernatural: 12x11 Regarding Dean

What a fantastic episode and amazing acting. Watching Sam's distress at Dean becoming 'not him' in this episode was so genuine that it was at times difficult to watch.

And Jensen Ackles was amazing pulling this whole amnesia routine. He's been playing this character for over 10 years and I'm sure at this point a lot of this character is second nature to him. To go through the process of slowly dropping the mannerisms and speech patterns that make Dean who he is was both tragic and impressive from an acting standpoint.

And it's always lovely to see Rowena assisting the boys. Amazing episode!

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Supernatural: 12x06 Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox

This is a wonderful episode! Very cool seeing so many storylines tying together - Mary saving Asa, talking about Ellen and the Roadhouse (I miss them so much,) Jody meeting Mary, and brining so many hunters together to fight another superdemon (We haven't seen anything like this since Yellow Eyes.)

It was creepy and thrilling and at times even made me worry for some of our favorites/pillar characters.

Sad we didn't get to really meet Asa though.

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Supernatural: 12x04 American Nightmare

This felt like a throwback to the good old Monster of the Week days, where they really get into the case and make a difference in people's lives. It was kinda reminiscent of the hell hound and bella talbot era - sufficiently dark and ominous to really get the blood pumping but not so much that you're curled up on the couch scared one of the boys is going to die.

It brought back a lot of mystery to the show where the boys don't know ahead of time what they're hunting, they're just looking to solve the case. Really goes to show that sometimes the worst monsters can be human too.

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Grey's Anatomy: 2x17 As We Know It

This episode was terrifying and insanely memorable because of all the drama going on. I can't imagine such a terrifying situation to be in.

The ending was so sad and it kinda shocked me though that after that (the bomb squad team exploding) nobody really talked about it again... or asked Meredith if she was okay after witnessing that.

But at the same time NO IZZY NO!! She deserves so much better. Alex is such a jerk.

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Supernatural: 10x07 Girls, Girls, Girls

Ruth Connell makes for a pretty great witch. This episode was a great setup for her to remain as a major character in the show, but I'm not sure how thrilled I am about the direction they decided to take with the details... like her son. Definitely agree with the other commenter that this could have been stronger if she were a standalone character who came in like the badass morally questionable character she is and had a chance to define who she is herself rather than relying on pre-existing stories to fill in a lot of the background info.

Still excited because I still think Rowena is an interesting character but I think it could've been better.

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Supernatural: 10x10 The Hunter Games

I love Crowley as a villain, but this arc with Rowena vs. Crowley and the whole 'mommy doesn't love me' thing is getting a little bit... idk frustrating? It doesn't seem like the kind of thing that would particularly bother Crowley when he's not on human juice and feels unlikely to me that Crowley didn't know about Rowena this entire time. I mean, he's the king of hell. He has warehouses full of kraken essence in Belize, not to mention his supposed connections and other resources. Something about this just feels like it doesn't add up and that makes the whole plot feel weak.

Excited about the Claire and Cas arc though. This was a long time coming and we haven't really revisited Jimmy's family for a long time now.

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Supernatural: 10x19 The Werther Project

For some reason this episode reminded me of that TVD siren arc, with opening the forbidden safe and letting the unknown monster out and all. Not really relevant I guess, but it was interesting to me how my brain mixed up details of those episodes even though they're entirely separate shows.

It was good to see Benny again. I miss having him around and I think he brought out a brotherhood/softness in Dean we don't get to see often anymore, especially lately with the mark. I miss that quality to him.

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Supernatural: 11x01 Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire

At first I was excited about the start of this season, given the end of S10 and the unleashing of the darkness, but this was a tad underwhelming. Still enjoyed the fact that the boys were thrown into the middle of a plague like monster infection. I love episodes like this. But this premier didn't have the same gusto that previous seasons have had.

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Supernatural: 2x19 Folsom Prison Blues

This is one of my favorite episodes. I love all of these early episodes of Sam and Dean traveling around to help other people out. I also loved that this episode sort of flipped the script on it's head. Instead of knowing all of the background information and watching it unfold on-screen, we know basically nothing and it's a little bit like reading a mystery book in that sense. And it shows just how far Sam and Dean are willing to go for a case - which is to say that with as much as they goof around, this is still a horror show and they take their jobs very seriously.

I love the brotherhood that Sam and Dean have. It makes me wish I had a sibling so I could harp on them as much as they do each other. These earlier episodes are so wholesome in that way.

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