

Emerald Isle

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

Shout by Shay
BlockedParent2022-05-09T07:38:27Z— updated 2023-07-17T21:27:57Z

dropping by to leave my raving review and support johnny's work -

johnny's character makes this entire show and pirates is nothing without him. jd brings so much authenticity and vibrancy to his characters that it's impossible to ignore his talent. he's brought so much of his own craftsmanship and creativity into building and creating the captain jack sparrow that i can't imagine anyone else playing the part.

nearly 20 years later and this movie still stands up. i love it.

also shout out to that elementary school friend i had who would obsessively rewatch this show with me when we were kids and wrote a script for pirates 2 with me. we thought we were gonna make it big. i remember you boo!

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such a fantastic movie. this was interesting and entertaining, very fun and emotional and maybe even a little bit scary at times. i loved the friendship between luca and alberto. this was truly a story about friendship and accepting the people you care about as they are. please just watch it. it's fantastic.

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The Northman

I know this show is getting bad reviews but personally I thought it was phenomenal. Amazing example of dark norse tales, which many times don't have happy endings.

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I'm going to be the odd one out here. I actually prefer Aliens over Alien. Where Alien is a scifi horror movie, a little slower paced, very focused on the eerie horrifying factor, Aliens is full on action-horror. Some think the action is over-the-top, and I'd say that's a fair assessment.

But I also really like that. I like seeing them fight back against the aliens. I'm a huge fan of action-horror and really enjoy how fast-paced this movie is. The plot of Alien is vastly superior, but there's something really satisfying about Aliens that makes it one of my favorites in the Alien franchise.

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The Adam Project

this was good. i like ryan reynolds movies. it lacked depth but there was action, fighting, and jokes, so i'm here for it.

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Resident Evil

i forgot how much i loved resident evil. this was always one of my favorite shows growing up. i had a crazy obsession with zombies and milla jovovich was such a badass.

is it great in a technical sense? no. the acting is dramatic and yet still emotionally flat. the plot is your average hero vs. undefeatable enemy. it's nothing exceptional.

but it does bring back so many great memories and for that it will always be one of my favorite zombie films.

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The Martian

A troll is awakened from it's slumber and destroys everything in it's path on a mission to go back home. This movie was full of action and adventure from start to finish, with a unique spin on Norwegian troll mythology. Definitely different from anything I've seen before.

The graphics are phenomenal and the cast did an amazing job. I adored Gard Eidsvold's character Tobias and Ine Marie Wilmann did just as great of a job playing his daughter.

The ending left the book open for a possible sequel and as much as I enjoyed this movie, I would love to see it.

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Four Hours at the Capitol

This was a good documentary. It doesn't tell the whole story and a lot was excluded, but I was relieved to see that they included interviews of people that were there rather than filming a retelling of MSM reporting.

What happened to Michael Fanone is nothing short of tragic and I hope that he and his family are doing alright.

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DC League of Super-Pets

Surprisingly very good. I am not a huge DC person, but I have to admit, this was both cute and hilarious. Well worth the watch.

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The Bad Guys

good movie. cute, entertaining, wholesome. i really enjoyed it.

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Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

Chris Pine, Michelle Rodriguez, and D&D?

I'm in.

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Jurassic World

great show. i used to love watching the old jurassic park movies when i was younger and i remember when jurassic world was being released. it was so exciting seeing the dinosaurs redesigned in such stunning special effects and cgi. chris pratt also played the dino specialist super jock character perfectly. kinda a little shallow. definitely all about the action scenes and blood. 100% right up my alley.

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Mr. & Mrs. Smith

this was a fantastic movie when it came out and it's still so much fun to watch 16 years later. you can tell they had a blast filming this movie, and the quality is amazing. definitely one of my go-to's for action-romance.

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Ron's Gone Wrong

This was a good, wholesome show. Great for families and the message is very relevant to this day and age.

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The Mist

Well, not the ending I expected. I can't imagine how much that would suck.

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Blade: Trinity
The Burning Sea

This was a good action/drama film! I've watched a few oil rig films and I thought I knew where this one was going, but the direction of this one really took me by surprise.

My only complaint is that the characters could have probably been swapped out by completely different people mid-movie and I wouldn't have noticed. There wasn't great development pre-disaster and so I wasn't very engaged by what was happening. Stakes didn't feel all that high even though they should have.

But the plot and cinematography was good. I can't imagine the horror of something like this happening in the real world. What a nightmare.

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Take Your Pills
Ranveer vs Wild with Bear Grylls

This was unexpectedly entertaining. Ranveer Singh has a heart of gold.

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Queen of the Damned

When this movie came out I was 6 or 7 and I swear to you Aaliyah playing Akasha was my first tv crush. I rewatched this movie I don't know how many times.

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I used to watch a shit ton of cheesy high school romcoms when I was a teen and it just feels like life has finally come full circle seeing two women as the starring roles. It's nice to see kids on screen that are like me. The representation is great and isn't focused around a hateful family or scary coming-out story. It feels nice to finally have shows normalizing wlw relationships.

Plus the show itself was cute. Auli'i was amazing, as I already knew she would be. Several parts were absolutely hilarious (the principal had me laughing so much) and it had a wholesome message about standing up for what you believe in.

Pretty great.

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elliot did a great job in this movie. the dry humor, snarky back and forth between juno and paulie, and the mix of 'reality' made this a really good movie.

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The Ritual

this was really great and also really creepy, definitely not what i was expecting

i kinda thought it was going to be a creepy ghost spirit or some human hunting them down but i got a lot more than i bargained for, and it was both very strange and cult-ish. good movie.

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Blade Runner

This movie was very slow, which I think lent well to the dystopian theme, but the plot wasn't exciting enough to keep me hooked and interested. Like more recent dark, dystopian movies that are slow paced, I think this just wasn't for me.

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kept my interest through the whole movie and then the ending dropped off and was so unsatisfying. ryan reynolds, as always, did a fantastic job with this movie. a single man in a tiny box for 94 minutes is a hell of a limitation but he managed to pull it off and keep me engaged. this was a good movie, but it could've been great with an alternate ending.

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Pet Fooled

I really only watched this movie because I enjoyed watching the Black Widow movie and wanted to check out some more movies starring Florence Pugh.

It wasn't my favorite, but it wasn't entirely bad. Just predictable. The beginning started off strong with the story-telling, but as with most any ghost movie it starts to fall apart near the middle once we get to the same old typical 'tragic backstory.' The twist in this movie has been done a million times and I started getting a little bit bored.

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