

Emerald Isle

1899: 1x01 The Ship

Potentially good, but for the love of god, please tell Netflix to buy some stage lights, or market this as an audiobook, because in half the scenes you can't see anything.

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@mystech It is pretty dark and I think the darkness adds to the suspense, but I was still able to see everything on screen. I don't think this show is intended to be so dark you can't see it. Maybe you can mess with your brightness and visual settings to make it easier for you to see?

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Supernatural: 10x17 Inside Man

Reply by Shay

Of course the door # was 42..!

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@jensequel I didn't notice that before but the number 42 just unlocked a memory I forgot I had lol. Thanks for that one!

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Supernatural: 1x01 Pilot

Shout by Deleted

Hilarious how they tied in Negan's baseball bat "Lucile" from The Walking Dead

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this episode was released long before JDM was cast as Negan in twd.

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Station 19: 6x03 Dancing With Our Hands Tied

Reply by Shay

OMG, what is it up with the defense of abusive wives?

Took me a few seconds to realize that she was the abusive one, she even told them more or less point blank - yet they continued to treat the wife as the abused one for MINUTES.

Interestingly enough they only spent less than a minute talking to the husband about his situation.

To round it off, they literally see her throwing a vase at his head and still accuse him of being the abuser.
And then you wonder why men feel that dating in this day and age is unsafe...

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@player8472 Idk but the impression I got from that is they were telling him emotional abuse is still abuse to point out that his wife yelling at him (and throwing things at him) is still abuse. Yeah, they thought she was abused at the beginning, but once they saw their fight it seemed to me like they switched it up and were trying to hint to him that his wife isn't a safe person for him to be around.

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Superman & Lois: 1x03 The Perks of Not Being a Wallflower

It's like they want to have the show be like what comic books use to be. Like they aren't reimaginating the stories to fit some new socio-political agenda.

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@cmonster if you think old comic books didn't have a socio-political agenda, i've got some news for you lol

however i do agree with the sentiment that a story can be told without it having to be a political statement. likening that to old comic books though isn't entirely accurate as many comic books, for decades even, were used to help push the political agenda of the time.

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Invasion: 2x07 Down the Rabbit Hole

i really like the pace for me i do not find it slow or boring, there is probaby to much story to tell and what are the showing is enough for now. I like how they trying to connect everything.
Also the opening credits are fantastic.

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@great_vc I completely agree. I don't think the pace is too slow at all. It's described as a scifi drama, so I would expect the pace to be medium/slow compared to fast paced action series.

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Supernatural: 1x21 Salvation

this was a strange episode and i have so many questions. why did john send the boys? didn't he previously say he didn't want them around the demon? did he just change his mind all of a sudden? how does meg know who john's friends are? why can't john just call everyone and warn them? group text? snapchat? little heads up would be nice, just sayin'

nothing about this episode made much sense, but it was still entertaining as always watching sam and dean kick some ass.

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@momoiro5648 uh... that was sarcasm

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Star Trek: Discovery: 4x06 Stormy Weather

Reply by Shay

Not a single positive comment about this episode. If you all don't enjoy it or think it's good, why do you bother watching?

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@sheldon1985 my thoughts exactly. and it's the same people week after week commenting on the same issues or saying it's the final straw, and yet they're back again next week. imo a lot of the overly dramatic negativity is to get likes on their comments. idk i don't have time to watch four seasons of a show i don't like so tbh at this point most of them just seem like trolls.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 4x06 Stormy Weather

Reply by Shay

I find it absolutely hilarious that the big complaint about this episode is that a computer is experiencing emotions or thinks it is experiencing emotions and that's just too far for some people lol.

We live in a world where advanced AI is not outside of our reach. We have the beginnings of humanoid robots expressing emotion and AI programs trained to express themselves using human emotions. The idea that 1,000 years from now computers wouldn't be far better at this is absolutely absurd. It's no more 'impossible' than invisible shields or the magical walls in the brig that somehow maintain atmosphere and are near indestructible (or warp speed or a mycelium network lol this is all fiction.)

I think all in all this was decent for a filler episode. We checked in with how Book is doing after, well, the anomaly destroyed everything a few episodes ago. We touched bases with Gray (who, after not having a physical body for a long time) is now making friends with the computer. Those interactions seemed a little odd/forced to me.

The interactions between Stammets and Book were wholesome. After Stammets has been struggling with Tarka the past few episodes (and also with working well in a team) it seems he's trying to make extra efforts. Seeing some of this between Stammets and Book added another layer to the show and even though Book gave some skeptical expressions in response, this seems like the set up to what could potentially be a great friendship (collaboratively for Stammets and socially/emotionally for Book.) Especially after everything that he's lost, finding a home and a family on Discovery seems possible and I hope the show goes that way.

I was more than a little surprised that the other members of the crew didn't fight to stay with Michael when they were all facing imminent doom as the ship dissolved. This felt very out of character for some of the major supporting characters of the show (like Saru, Rhys, Owo, and Keyla.) AND ESPECIALLY BOOK?!?! What? They all refused to allow her to fly the Discovery into the future because they didn't want her to be alone so they went with her, knowing it could mean death, but a dissolving ship going through a plasma barrier (generating massive heat and basically turning the ship into an Easy Bake) is too much?

My only complaint is that it seems that whoever wrote this episode didn't know the characters they were writing about. It's very unlikely there was only one EVA suit but if that were the case then it should have been mentioned in the show at least.

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@tusk haha no not at all. i very much understand the limitations of the current tech - i don't see any near future where AI is going to take over the world and destroy us all (though i do know the types you're talking about)

i doubt that any shows or science fiction literature we have now are going to get it wholly right in terms of how the future is going to develop - i mean just look at literature and television from 50 years ago and how they envisioned the future - but really who knows what we have in store for us and future generations.

and no worries about it. i'm glad you brought it up. it was an interesting conversation and i don't think it was your comprehension at all. your english is great and i never would have known it wasn't your first language if you didn't tell me. i think i was quite vague in my initial comment and that does open up plenty of room for this conversation.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 4x06 Stormy Weather
Star Trek: Discovery: 3x04 Forget Me Not

Reply by Shay

We're starting to get into 'The 100' strange new world territory. It feels like the script writers exhausted their initial ideas and now it's just basically anything goes.

Not saying I hate it. Obviously I'm still watching it - but season 3 is very very different from seasons 1 and 2 so far.

Sonequa is amazing, as usual, but this episode was lackluster in comparison to the rest of the season so far. Partially because we have very little to no context on why Adira is so important. Taking a foray at the very beginning of a season to explore an emotional story with a character we literally just met, while we're still trying to come to terms with the end of the previous season and what that means for our characters this season, was a poor move. Despite the episode being emotional I still struggled to connect with Adira's character because I didn't know her. There was little character development before this point so the story didn't hit as hard as it probably could have.

Looking forward to the rest of the season but I hope that the plot starts to make more sense/become more tied into the rest of the series.

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@withadventure UPDATE 12/25/21 - I've now made it through S4:E6 and I can say that this episode absolutely makes sense now. Still wish we'd had more character development for Adira before this. It seems like the script writers tried to make this event her main introductory 'hook' so to speak, to get more viewers on-board and start seeing her character as one of the crew. IMO this episode is still out of place and didn't completely work for me where it was in the timeline, but having perspective and being able to go back and rewatch it definitely does add to Adira's character. Knowing more about her I can also appreciate her story more because I have more context for what all of this meant to her. Just some thoughts I was having after watching the most recent episode and I wanted to come back and update this review.

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The Devil Below

Reply by Shay

This movie blows chunks. That should be enough said, but I'll add some... This movie reeks, it stinks, it sucks, it's lousy. The ONLY thing I can even remotely give this movie any "credit" for is the opening scene: I'll give them credit for hooking you. Especially when the opening scene makes you THINK Will Patton is the actual star of the film. (Hint: He's not) I should have turned it off the moment the prologue ended and they "flash-forwarded" to the female protagonist. From the get-go, they tried to make her appear tough, no-nonsense, all business, you can't get close to me heroine...and from the get-go, she couldn't pull it off. I don't know if she's truly Latina or just trying to pull it off as part of the schtick but her "accent" was just bad enough to be annoying; it didn't come across as harsh, real, or anything but as an actress trying to pull off a Hispanic accent. The story itself was anything but original, and probably the single most annoying thing: you never really get a look at whatever this creature/alien/monster/demon thing is. The best you get is some pencil sketches in an old cabin, but the film? Nada...just grainy "oh! I think I saw something!" shots and one or two split-second from-a-distance looks. The one redeeming quality this film has is that it's only an hour and a half and then mercifully it's over. With a very predictable ending. Yay. I love happy endings. :rolling_eyes:

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@hubes-0a31c592-8851-4ddf-8e72-a7a20966824a just an fyi, the actress is from spain and that's her natural accent

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Foundation: 1x06 Death and the Maiden

Reply by Shay

Ok the main character needs to come back right now. This is starting to feel like they didn't give us enough information before so they made her go away so they had a reason to spend the last five episodes going unnecessarily into detail about everyone else.

Really hoping that the next episode isn't another side quest into another character's life and we can get Gaal back. They've made the Hari murder a mystery and haven't done much to explain or further the plot after getting me hooked on that plotline and now I'm starting to lose interest in the series altogether.

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@trek42 That still doesn't explain his plan, which is still a massive mystery at this point in the show because they've failed to explain exactly what his plan is, why he needed to die for it to happen, and why it needed to be staged as a murder. There are far too many questions that hadn't been answered at this point, including what Gaal had to do with the 'murder cover plot.'

I can't remember which episode this is revealed in so spoiler alert but they also don't explain what went wrong and why it was important. They've dropped hints over and over from the beginning that Gaal wasn't supposed to see that murder happening. They hadn't yet explained why it was significant that she did and how that changed what they originally had planned. As a mystery/thriller reader, having this high tension, exciting, 'mysterious' plot with so many unanswered questions (that I'm very interested in) and then switching to a different character's plot feels like the worst kind of cliffhanger, especially since at this point I did not like the 'Empire' plot line at all.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 1x01 The Vulcan Hello

Reply by Shay

Really good beginning but can we please stop that lensflaring.

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@finfan Trying to mimic JJ Abrams...

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Y: The Last Man

Reply by Shay

I will definitely watch the pilot as I am really interested to see how they plan to "explore gender and race" when there is only one male left alive. Seems like a very one-sided exploration.

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@player8472 are you implying that gender and race only exist when men are included? do women not have gender and race?

also - the main character of this story is a man, which makes your comment both petty AND nonsensical.

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