


Star Wars: Andor: 1x07 Announcement

Hot DANG I love this show so much. I had no expectations going into it, but every episode keeps impressing me. This week was a big change of pace from last week's, but still very much my speed.

I also keep catching myself half-rooting for people I shouldn't, which I guess is a testament to the writing/character quality? Meero handily smacked down Blevin and I was like "yeah get it!" and then I was like "oh no wait a second, I don't want you to actually do well!"

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The Legend of Vox Machina: 2x06 Into Rimecleft

Holy shit this season is so good.

But Pike! :( And Kami :( :(


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Star Trek: Voyager: 7x22 Natural Law

I liked this one. Chakotay clearly loved getting to spend time immersed in a new culture, and I'm glad that even Seven warmed up to the people after a bit (although isn't she supposed to be pretty strong? why'd the group of Ventu guys have to haul the deflector array up the hill while she just kinda walked alongside?). Of course the Ledosians acted like they'd come so far as a civilization, but there was that expedition down on the planet like a pack of hyenas as soon as the barrier went down.

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Obi-Wan Kenobi: 1x04 Part IV

Well that was... something. This was disappointing because it COULD have been much better. The writing could've NOT been lazy.

Also, lol at all those stormtroopers near the end of the episode when the alarms were going off, walking around like nothing was happening - what's even the point of the alarm? They were moving with all the haste of a dorm full of college students on a Saturday night who had to evacuate the building for the fifth time this week because Kevin burnt his popcorn and set off the fire alarm again.

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Ahsoka: 1x04 Part Four: Fallen Jedi

Sigh... god damnit Sabine :neutral_face:

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My Happy Marriage

Unfortunately I think I might have to move this one to my DNF list. I actually really did enjoy the first handful of episodes, seeing Miyo start to come out of her shell and begin to heal with people who actually cared about her. But the more time gets spent on supernatural abilities and the Usuba family, the less interested I get. Oh well.

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The Handmaid's Tale: 5x10 Safe

WTF was this season? I'm not sure how to feel about it even though I was mostly glued to the screen every episode. I loved seeing more of Janine and Aunt Lydia. As much as Serena is an awful person, I still liked the scenes with Serena and June. On the other hand... wtf is that cliffhanger? Why did we get to see so little of Moira and Rita? Is the reaction of Canadians towards the American refugees even realistic? And lastly, how the hell are they going to wrap this all up in just one more season?

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Star Trek: Voyager: 7x23 Homestead

So sad to see Neelix go! I tried watching Voyager once a couple years ago and only got through the first season or so, but I remember not being able to stand him at the time. This time around I finally got through the whole series, and Neelix really grew on me, especially in the latter half. I loved the relationships he developed with different members of voyager's crew, especially Tuvok and Naomi.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 6x23 Fury

Nothing in this episode makes sense given how we knew Kes from earlier in the series and how she parted with Voyager the last time we saw her.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 6x17 Spirit Folk

I don't actually mind Fair Haven. What bugged me about this episode is that it seemed like the writers had a goal in mind for the plot and making sense be damned, they were going to get there. Was that a HOLOGRAPHIC gun (with safeties on) that hit the control panel and caused it to turn safeties off and malfunction? Since when does The Doctor need his mobile emitter on the holodeck? And that angry crowd that was at the point of piling kindling changed their tune awfully quickly with a little "we should find a way to still be friends!" talk from Janeway and Sullivan. I feel like this episode would have been mostly fine (albeit silly, but hey, sometimes I enjoy that) without the nonsensical decisions in the latter half.

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The Last Kingdom: Seven Kings Must Die

Pretty enjoyable to watch overall, and I'll certainly take this over no more Last Kingdom at all... but holy moly the pacing of it was breakneck. They could've made an entire season out of this. It would've also been nice to actually have time to spend on, like, character development. (Maybe especially for Aethelstan? Like a redemption/come-to-his-senses arc that feels a little less like "OOPSIE!")

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Shadow and Bone: 2x03 Like Calls to Like

I hadn't read (or even heard of) the books before watching the first season. Between seasons I read the first trilogy and Six of Crows, but part of me wishes I'd held off, because it's distracting me how many changes they've made for the show and makes it harder for me to judge the show on its own merit. That being said, most of my "complaints" so far are along the lines of "that's not how it went in the book!". Aside from that, I'm enjoying the season so far.

My ACTUAL main complaint so far is the bit about Nikolai being the one who hired Kaz & crew to kidnap Alina last season? Am I just missing something? How does that even make sense? Why would he need to do that? I'm assuming they were trying to tie together the storylines more, but it truly makes no sense to me.

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The Legend of Vox Machina: 2x01 Rise of the Chroma Conclave

The start of this season is pulling no punches, holy shit!

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Fate: The Winx Saga: 2x03 Your Newfound Popularity

Still don't love the recasts, especially Ben, but I don't dislike Rosalind's new actress as much as I originally did. What I still can't get over is how awful the soundtrack is.

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Stargate SG-1: 7x20 Inauguration

Some interesting bits with the new president and Woolsey, but overall, blah blah clip show blah.

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 2x07 Rules of Acquisition

For as awful as Ferengis can be, I love them so much. Ferengi episodes are some of my favorites, and the Rules of Acquisition always crack me up. Wallace Shawn does such a great job as the Grand Nagus. Sad that Quark let Pel get away, though! They could have had such a profitable future together...

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Stargate SG-1: 5x13 Proving Ground

This one was a lot of fun! I'd like to see more of this kind of episode.

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Stargate SG-1: 5x03 Ascension

Teal'c the Star Wars fanboy in a cowboy hat: amazing. John de Lancie: yes please. Everything else about this episode: pretty boring.

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Lovely Runner

I honest to god can't gush enough about this show. If I could rate it higher than 10/10 I would. The casting, acting, characters, writing, directing, music, comedy, emotions, everything: perfection the whole way through. AND it nailed the ending. Sol and Sun-jae are just the most adorable ever (I love loser Sun-jae to pieces). Really sets the bar high for the rest of 2024!

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Daily Dose of Sunshine: 1x12 Daily Dose of Sunshine

"Depression is just like fickle weather. On some days, it seems there's no end to it, but on others, you feel nothing but endless optimism." How true that is.

I'm glad things worked out for all the characters, even Seung-jae who came back to join the psych unit as a full fledged nurse!

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Flower of Evil: 1x12 Hyeon-su is not a Bad Person

Shout by herimantic
BlockedParentSpoilers2024-01-12T02:47:14Z— updated 2024-04-06T02:32:21Z

Muscle atrophy? What's that? But boy howdy I wish Hee-seong had just died when his mom took him off the machine.

Also whyyyy did the lady working for the family say everything she knew?! And straight up threaten to expose everything?! What a catastrophically bad idea :grimacing:

On a different note, I'm still living for these emotional moments between Hyeon-su and Ji-won (and that one with Eun-ha) :sob::sob::sob:

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Flower of Evil: 1x11 Can't Leave Without You

Oh my god, my heart :sob: This was such an emotional episode. I've been so anticipating the moment when Ji-won revealed that she knew everything and Hyeon-su realized that she knew, and it didn't disappoint. And for him to realize that she still accepted and loved him for who he really was... :sob:

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Star Trek: Picard: 3x02 Disengage

What a world of difference decent writing can make. Also finally liking Raffi as a character. Also WORF!!!! :heart:

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Love Village

I don't even really want to call this show a "guilty" pleasure, because I actually really enjoyed this! It felt fun and wholesome, and it was especially fun with the hosts watching the final edited show along with me and giving commentary. And it didn't take itself too seriously, what with the hosts laughing at some overly-dramatic edits, stuff like Anchovy's Misunderstanding Playhouse, etc.

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Avatar: The Way of Water

Visuals and world building? Absolutely stunning. Actual plot? Mostly uninspiring and forgettable for me. Certainly not a bad movie overall, but I don't feel like I'm ever going to be excited at the idea of watching it again, especially given its length.

I know it's a common criticism of the first movie to point out that it's basically a retelling of other movies, but I never really had an issue with that. A lot of things are retellings of similar story beats, but as long as there's compelling new characters and/or worlds involved, it's all good. For this movie, as a sequel set in the same world as the first... eh. At the very least, give me a new antagonist (yeah, I get it, big bad killer Earthlings with their fire and mechs are super bad, but can we do something else now?).

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Stargate SG-1: 9x05 The Powers That Be

It took a few episodes, but Vala has slowly grown on me. Her actress did a great job!

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Stargate SG-1: 8x06 Avatar

As soon as they explained how the game worked I thought "that's a terrible idea!". And for a player to be able to accidentally override the failsafe is the equivalent of that one Voyager episode where a hologram in Fair Haven shoots the holodeck control box and disables safeties.

An enjoyable episode regardless, though, and love to see this much Teal'c screen time!

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Bridgerton: 2x04 Victory

I really like both Anthony and Kate and their actors, but despite the scenes that are clearly showing the tension between them, I'm just not quite feeling the chemistry for some reason.

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Stargate SG-1: 6x17 Disclosure

Not a bad episode, I just dislike clip shows and usually feel like they're wasting my time. Glad other countries finally know about the Stargate now, though, for as long as the US has been representing the whole planet to other worlds.

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Stargate SG-1: 5x21 Meridian

This has to be one of the best SG-1 episodes I've seen so far. I'd known Michael Shanks left the show for a bit, but I didn't see the details coming or expect it to hit me so hard. Sad that he only had a chance to say goodbye to O'Neill, though :(

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