Jerry Howell


Planet Macintosh

Star Wars

Easily one of the most influential pieces of entertainment ever created, this first Star Wars flick still stands the test of time. Not only did it change the face of cinema forever, but the franchise had a personal impact on me as well. If only the recent "sequels" measured up to this film's legacy...

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Solo: A Star Wars Story
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

Widely considered to be the best of the prequels--though, according to popular opinion, that's not saying much--Revenge of the Sith brings the action and drama as we see how one-time amazingly powerful Jedi Anakin Skywalker becomes the evil cyborg Darth Vader. A commanding story, insane lightsaber duels, appropriately heartbreaking scenes, a forbidden romance...this one has it all.

As good as it was, I did have one complaint: After the final lightsaber duel, the movie really drags. It spent too much time alternating between stories, and felt like it was just added for the sake of length. If they ever remake this saga, I hope they'll give us a more summed-up epilogue next time around.

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Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
A Wrinkle in Time
Justice League

I don't have time to do my usual in depth review, so, I'll just be brief: While Gal Gadot shines as Wonder Woman, the rest of the film falls a bit flat. Too much building up for what proves to be a rather anticlimactic battle. Ever since I was introduced to superhero cartoons back in 2011, I've always preferred them to the "blockbuster" films, and flicks like this are why. I'll take the Cartoon Network Justice League over this mess any day.

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The Lion King 1½
Incredibles 2
Forever My Girl
Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert
Jeopardy!: 2019x08 Jessica Holloway, Dave Kaplan, Anneke Garcia

Is it just me, or does Anneke look like Velma Dinkley?

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Alice in Wonderland

I've seen multiple celluloid adaptations of Lewis Carroll's classic book, including the 1999 telefilm, the live-action Disney flick and its sequel, as well as SyFy's Alice miniseries.

Out of all of them, this has to be the worst.

While the animation was great, the songs were positively ingratiating, the heroine was unlikable and annoying, and it strays from the book quite a bit, but not in a good way.

This is definitely not among the best that the House of Mouse has to offer; then again, I've always been a bigger fan of their live-action productions, such as George of the Jungle or Lizzie McGuire.

Little kids may like this movie, but, this thirty-year-old viewer felt like he was being subjected to an episode of Barney and Friends.

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Bill Nye: The Science Guy: 1x04 Skin

No parody music video? Those are the best parts!

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Bill Nye: The Science Guy: 3x03 Plants

This was a mostly good episode, but they made one major mistake:


What were they thinking? You don't do that with such an iconic piece of music!

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Kim Possible: A Sitch In Time
Mia's Father
Power Rangers: 12x19 Lost & Found in Translation

It's been a while since I've posted an episode review, but, I have to ask: What was this mess? A superhero show where the heroes spend the entire episode watching television? True, at times, the Japanese version of Power Rangers was interesting...but, with all due respect to those in the land of the rising Sun, I much prefer the American adaptation to what I saw here.

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A Christmas Star

It's great to see a Yuletide film that showcases the true meaning of Christmas; not just love, kindness, and family, but the birth of the Savior of the world. I've seen far too many "holiday" movies that are all about Santa Claus and gift giving, which leads many people--especially children--to be misled about the actual meaning of December 25. The story was touching, and Noelle was a likable protagonist. I have to give the makers kudos for including a handicapped kid as her best friend. Along with the British charm and lack of profanity, sexual content, drug use, etc., this was a winner. The only downsides were Maria's immodest wardrobe and an appearance by sultry singer Kylie Minogue.

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Home Beyond the Sun

This movie brings to light the struggle that those who profess Christ in China face every day. It makes you thankful for a country like America, where our Constitution grants us freedom of religion. Some scenes were hard to watch, especially when that mean lady tried to hold poor Chu Lee captive. Unfortunately, the film's production values are seriously low budget, which may turn some viewers off, and the whole approach to the subject could have been done better. Hopefully, a better funded film will help American Christians everywhere really see what their Chinese brothers and sisters experience on a daily basis.

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The Final Season

I don't usually do baseball in my spare time, but, this movie sounded intriguing, especially since it was based on a true story. It turned out to be rather inspiring and well-made. The story drew me in, and I was definitely rooting for Norway the whole way. Unfortunately, the makers decided to add excessive profanity, drinking, and teen smoking into the mix. Even if that's the way it really happened, I still don't care to be inundated with such content. So, this was a mixed bag.

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VeggieTales: Merry Larry and the True Light of Christmas

With December 25 soon approaching, we all need a reminder of what the biggest holiday on the calendar is truly about...and this episode shows just that. Along with the typical excellent animation, a fun Silly Song, and even a character voiced by Si Robertson (Duck Dynasty), this brings home a moral that all of us need to hear during the Yuletide season.

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Pride & Prejudice

I don't usually do Jane Austen, but this movie won me over. A sweeping story, excellent performances--especially from female lead Keira Knightley--and sets that took me back in time. The only downsides were the occasionally immodest wardrobes and one usage of the a-word.

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Pure Country 2: The Gift
The Home Coming
The Lego Movie
Pure Country