Jerry Howell


Planet Macintosh

Power Rangers: 21x20 Legendary Battle

Synopsis: Emperor Mavro has millions of spaceships at his disposal, and is ready to destroy the Earth. The Rangers seem outmatched...until the previous generations of those mighty morphin' heroes comes to their aid! Will that be enough?

The Good: Appropriately epic, this was a blast, and a fitting conclusion. It's great to see some of the old-school Rangers, especially Tommy, the original Green Ranger.

The Bad: I've been watching Megaforce/Super Megaforce off and on for a while, so, this was a bit bittersweet. I'm going to miss these Rangers.

Content Concerns:
Sex: One kiss.
Nudity: Girl in short shorts; brief cleavage.
Language: Name-calling, at worst.
Violence: Fantasy violence throughout; intense at times.
Drugs: None.
Frightening/Intense Scenes: Emotional intensity; scenes of peril; scary monsters.

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Jackie Chan Adventures: 1x04 Enter the Viper

Synopsis: While trying to obtain the Snake talisman, Jackie and Jade encounter the Viper, a female cat burglar! When Jackie is wrongly accused of stealing a rare diamond, and is jailed as a result, he'll have to rely on the Viper to rescue the talisman from the clutches of the Dark Hand!

The Good: Action-packed, fun, entertaining; what's not to like?

The Bad: Nothing, really.

Content Concerns:
Sex: None.
Nudity: None.
Language: Name-calling, at worst.
Violence: Action violence throughout; no blood or gore.
Drugs: None.
Frightening/Intense Scenes: Scary villains; emotional intensity.
Other: Use of magic.

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Austin & Ally: 2x01 Costumes & Courage

Synopsis: Austin, Ally, Dez, and Trish are invited to Jimmy Starr's big Halloween party! Austin and Ally write a song that Austin is supposed to perform with Taylor Swift...only for Taylor to get injured in a ghost-hunting mishap! Who will perform Austin's new song?

The Good: Halloween episodes aren't usually my thing, but this was fun and entertaining; I hadn't watched this show in a while, and had kind of missed it.

The Bad: Nothing, really.

Content Concerns:
Sex: Crushing.
Nudity: Ally wears a slightly short skirt.
Language: Name-calling, at worst.
Violence: Comedic pratfalls and slapstick.
Drugs: None.
Frightening/Intense Scenes: A scene with a ghost that turns out to be a gag; emotional intensity.

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Totally Spies!: 1x02 The New Jerry

Synopsis: The girls travel to a remote African country to investigate a bizarre kidnapping attempt; the queen of the country was nearly captured by an anti-gravity ray! When the girls arrive, one of them--posing as the queen--gets captured! Will the three teenage spies be able to save the queen and escape unscathed? Also, Clover has her sights set on winning the title of Homecoming Queen, and enlists help from geeky Arnold...which comes at a price.

The Good: Just like before, this was good fun; plenty of action and humor.

The Bad: Nothing, really.

Content Concerns:
Sex: Flirting and such.
Nudity: The three spies and other female characters wear midriff-baring outfits at times.
Language: Nothing worse than "sucks" and "fool".
Violence: Action violence throughout; nobody dies, and there's no blood or gore.
Drugs: None.
Frightening/Intense Scenes: Scenes of peril and emotional intensity.

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Garfield & Friends: 3x18 Flat Tired

Synopsis: When Garfield is too tired to do the cartoon, Odie becomes the star...only for the hapless pup to end up in big trouble! Will he safely escape?

The Good: As usual, this was cute and funny.

The Bad: Nothing, really.

Content Concerns:
Sex: None.
Nudity: None.
Language: None.
Violence: Cartoon slapstick.
Drugs: None.
Frightening/Intense Scenes: Scary witch; scenes of peril.
Other: Usage of magic.

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Garfield & Friends: 3x16 Binky Gets Cancelled...Again!

Synopsis: When people complain about Binky's show being non-educational, he is replaced by the Buddy Bears, and is left without a job. Will the loud-voiced clown be able to make it without his own television program?

The Good: Cute, funny; I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

The Bad: Nothing, really.

Content Concerns:
Sex: None.
Nudity: None.
Language: None.
Violence: Cartoon slapstick.
Drugs: None.
Frightening/Intense Scenes: Emotional intensity at times.

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Garfield & Friends: 3x14 Secrets of the Animated Cartoon

Synopsis: Orson explains how cartoons work, with examples of chase scenes, spit takes, and such.

The Good: Cute and funny, as usual.

The Bad: Nothing, really.

Content Concerns:
Sex: None.
Nudity: None.
Language: One use of "gee".
Violence: Cartoon slapstick.
Drugs: None.
Frightening/Intense Scenes: One brief scene with a scary monster.
Other: Spit takes.

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Garfield & Friends: 3x08 Barn of Fear II

Again, I'm short on time, so, I'll be brief: This was cute and funny, as usual.

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H2O: Just Add Water: 3x26 Graduation

A fantastic ending! Can't believe I've finished the show!

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Garfield & Friends: 2x48 It Must Be True!

With all of the misinformation out there, this is timelier than ever.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 3x22 Wookiee Hunt

Epic and action-packed! Glad to see Chewbacca make an appearance!

(With this, the third season, and my monthly goal, is COMPLETE!)

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 3x21 Padawan Lost

What an epic start! Can't wait to see what happens next!

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 3x20 Citadel Rescue

A good episode...but I'm glad this storyline is over.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 3x18 The Citadel

This was an exciting one!

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Good Witch: 3x06 Say It With Candy

As usual, this was great fun.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 3x12 Nightsisters

A bit darker than I'm used to from this series, but still exciting and fun.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 3x09 Hunt for Ziro

Between an overuse of the always disgusting Hutts, a creepy female alien, and the scantily clad dancers, this is easily the worst episode I've seen of this series. I hope it doesn't stay this way.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 3x07 Assassin

Exciting and fun, with a great plot.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 3x05 Corruption

A fun little space opera mystery.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 3x03 Supply Lines

I wasn't too entertained by the political debate scenes, but the rest of the episode was fun!

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Good Witch: 3x05 A Birthday Wish

What a fun episode! I adore this series!

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 3x01 Clone Cadets

An awesome start to the third season.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x20 Death Trap

Not the best episode...but still fun for what it was.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x18 The Zillo Beast

Fun and exciting! Can't wait to see what happens next! :D

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x16 Cat and Mouse

Exciting and fun; kept me on the edge of my seat!

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H2O: Just Add Water: 3x23 Beach Party

As usual, this was cute and fun, though I can tell the end is near for this series.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x13 Voyage of Temptation

Action-packed and fun. Better than The Last Jedi any day of the week.

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Ben 10: 4x13 Goodbye and Good Riddance

A fitting finale for a wild ride of a series.

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Ben 10: 4x01 Perfect Day

This one has such an amazingly convoluted plot, I don't even want to give any of it away. The fourth and final season of this show starts off with a BANG!

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Ben 10: 3x07 Super Alien Hero Buddy Adventures

I'm short on time just go read my other reviews of this series.

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