Jerry Howell


Planet Macintosh

Austin & Ally: 1x14 myTAB & My Pet

I've loved this show ever since I first saw it. It's cute, it's funny, and it has great music. What's not to like?

Content Concerns:
Sex: None. 5/5
Nudity: None. 5/5
Language: None. 5/5
Violence: Comedic pratfalls. 4/5
Drugs: None. 5/5
Frightening/Intense Scenes: None. 5/5

Score: 4.5/5

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K.C. Undercover: 1x19 K.C. and the Vanishing Lady

This series is a fun blend of action and comedy, and this episode follows suit. Disney Channel fans should definitely check this one out.

Content Concerns:
Sex: A brief remark about a bra. 4/5
Nudity: None. 5/5
Language: None. 5/5
Violence: A scene of action violence, where two people are knocked out. 4/5
Drugs: None. 5/5
Frightening/Intense Scenes: An innocent woman is kidnapped. 4/5

Score: 4/5

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Wizards of Waverly Place: 2x14 Helping Hand

I love this show, and episodes like this are why. The fact that the storyline features Harper, my favorite character, is a big plus.

Content Concerns:
Sex: None. 5/5
Nudity: None. 5/5
Language: None. 5/5
Violence: Comedic pratfalls. 4/5
Drugs: None. 5/5
Frightening/Intense Scenes: None. 5/5
Other: Use of magic; occasional mild gross humor. 3/5

Score: 4/5

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Garfield & Friends: 1x21 Good Cat, Bad Cat

This one is rated a little lower due to one of the characters having an annoying voice; other than that, it was good.

Content Concerns:
Sex: None. 5/5
Nudity: None. 5/5
Language: Name-calling. 4/5
Violence: Mild cartoon slapstick. 4/5
Drugs: None. 5/5
Frightening/Intense Scenes: None. 5/5
Other: Some may quibble with Garfield's bad side being represented in a devil-like fashion. 4/5

Score: 3.5/5

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Garfield & Friends: 1x20 The Worm Turns

Usual U.S. Acres fare...which isn't a bad thing.

Content Concerns: Nothing worse than some cartoon slapstick.

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Garfield & Friends: 1x19 Weighty Problem

Cute and funny...just like usual from this series.

Content Concerns:
Sex: None. 5/5
Nudity: Jon in seen in his underwear. 4/5
Language: None. 5/5
Violence: Mild cartoon slapstick. 4/5
Drugs: None. 5/5
Frightening/Intense Scenes: None. 5/5

Score: 4/5

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Batman: The Animated Series: 1x25 The Cape and Cowl Conspiracy

Another enjoyable episode, and with a surprise ending. What fun!

Content Concerns:
Sex: None. 5/5
Nudity: Dresses that show a lot of back. 4/5
Language: Name-calling. 4/5
Violence: Superhero action violence throughout. 3/5
Drugs: People drink at a party. 4/5
Frightening/Intense Scenes: A freaky opening scene; a sequence where it appears someone will get run over by a train; an overall dark mood. 2/5

Score: 4/5

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Good Luck Charlie: 2x13 Charlie Shakes it Up

A crossover featuring two of my favorite Disney Channel shows? Wow! Seriously, this was a fun one.

Content Concerns:
Sex: Mildly suggestive dancing; flirting. 3/5
Nudity: Slight midriff. 4/5
Language: None. 5/5
Violence: None. 5/5
Drugs: None. 5/5
Frightening/Intense Scenes: Slight emotional intensity. 4/5

Score: 4/5

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Power Rangers: 4x40 Where In The World is Zeo Ranger 5?

A fun episode with a surprise ending. Can't wait to see what happens next!

Content Concerns:
Sex: None. 5/5
Nudity: Girl in short shorts; shirtless guy. 4/5
Language: Name-calling. 4/5
Violence: Fantasy action violence throughout. 3/5
Drugs: None. 5/5
Frightening/Intense Scenes: A monster that could be scary. 4/5

Score: 4/5

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Hannah Montana: 2x04 Get Down Study-udy-udy

Cute and funny, as always, with a great guest appearance by Tiffany Thornton (Sonny With a Chance).

Content Concerns:
Sex: Flirting. 4/5
Nudity: None. 5/5
Language: Name-calling, at worst. 4/5
Violence: A comedic pratfall or two. 4/5
Drugs: None. 5/5
Frightening/Intense Sequences: A presumed death of a pet. 4/5

Score: 4/5

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Freakazoid!: 1x03 Hand Man

This one was also cute and funny, as I've come to expect from this series.

Content Concerns:
Sex: Kissing; a silly version of a honeymoon. 3/5
Nudity: None. 5/5
Language: Name-calling. 4/5
Violence: A bit of superhero action. 4/5
Drugs: None. 5/5
Frightening/Intense Scenes: None. 5/5

Score: 3.5/5

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Freakazoid!: 1x02 Dance of Doom

This show is an obvious blend of comedy and superhero action, and this episode was quite fun.

Content Concerns:
Sex: Kissing: 4/5
Nudity: Girl in bare-midriff outfit; girl in low-cut dress; shirtless guy. 3/5
Language: Name-calling, at worst. 4/5
Violence: Cartoony action violence; no blood or gore. 4/5
Drugs: None. 5/5
Frightening/Intense Sequences: The villain is freaky, but only mildly so. 4/5

Score: 4/5

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Freakazoid!: 1x01 Five Day Forecast

A good intro to the title character.

Content Concerns: A mildly freaky weather forecast.

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H2O: Just Add Water: 3x10 Revealed

This series is as cute and charming as ever, but parts of this episode smack of the second season, when it jumped the shark. Hopefully, it'll stay away from that territory as it continues.

Content Concerns:
Sex: Flirting. 4/5
Nudity: Girls in bikinis; girl in low-cut outfit; shirtless guys. 2/5
Language: Name-calling, at worst. 4/5
Violence: A comedic pratfall here and there. 4/5
Drugs: None. 5/5
Frightening/Intense Scenes: A bit of emotional intensity. 4/5

Score: 4/5

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Shake It Up: 1x14 Hot Mess It Up

I didn't care for the zombie bits as much, but, overall, this was a good episode; it was cute and funny, and it had great music.

Content Concerns:
Sex: Flirting. 4/5
Nudity: None. 5/5
Language: Name-calling. 4/5
Violence: None. 5/5
Drugs: None. 5/5
Frightening/Intense Scenes: The zombies. 3/5

Score: 3.5/5

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Kickin' It: 2x20 New Jack City

This show is a wonderful blend of action and comedy, and this episode is a perfect example. The humor is great, the karate action is well-done, and, overall, this show is a winner. If you haven't tried this show, you should check it out!

Content Concerns:
Sex: None. 5/5
Nudity: None. 5/5
Language: Usage of terms such as "butt". 4/5
Violence: Karate action throughout; not bloody or graphic, though intense. 3/5
Drugs: None. 5/5
Frightening/Intense Scenes: Some emotional intensity. 4/5

Score: 4/5

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Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters: 1x07 Attack from the Deep

I loved this series when I was in high school, and I still enjoy it today. This early episode features Yugi going against a fisherman duelist, and it's as fun and exciting as this show usually is. Though you kind of know the ending from the start, it's still cool to see just how Yugi makes it out of these dire situations.

Content Concerns:
Sex: None. 5/5
Nudity: Shirtless guy, made less sultry thanks to the animation style. 4/5
Language: Nothing worse than name-calling. 4/5
Violence: Monsters battle it out; no blood or gore, though. 3/5
Drugs: None. 5/5
Frightening/Intense Scenes: Some scary monsters. 4/5

Score: 4/5

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Good Luck Charlie: 2x12 The Break Up

Maybe I'm just biased because I adore this show, but this episode was great fun, as usual. If you haven't seen this show, you're missing out!

Content Concerns:
Sex: None. 5/5
Nudity: None. 5/5
Language: None. 5/5
Violence: Comedic pratfalls. 4/5
Drugs: None. 5/5
Frightening/Intense Scenes: A scene of emotional intensity, which is played for laughs. 4/5

Score: 4.5/5

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: 1x18 The Shredder Strikes Back (2)

One of the things I like about superhero cartoons is the action sequences; when done right, they can make an episode a blast to watch! This entry in the adventures of the heroes in a half-shell definitely delivers on that front, since the story was set up in the previous episode. Shredder is his usual utterly despicable self, and the ending is definitely a shocker. However, the intensity may be a bit much for younger kids; proceed with caution.

Content Concerns:
Sex: None. 5/5
Nudity: None. 5/5
Language: Name-calling and euphemisms such as "butt". 4/5
Violence: Intense--though bloodless--martial arts violence throughout. 1/5
Drugs: None. 5/5
Frightening/Intense Sequences: There's little that isn't intense in this episode, especially the ending, which implies the death of the Turtles. 1/5
Other: A reference to flatulence. 4/5

Score: 4/5

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The Real Ghostbusters: 1x03 Mrs. Roger's Neighborhood

This one went a little too much into occult territory for me; not only did it feature actual demons, but one character even got possessed. If the next episode continues this trend, I may stop watching this series.

Content Concerns:
Sex: Kissing. 4/5
Nudity: Woman in a short skirt. 4/5
Language: Name-calling. 5/5
Violence: Fantasy violence throughout. 3/5
Drugs: None. 5/5
Frightening/Intense Scenes: Scary monsters and intense sequences throughout. 2/5
Other: Themes of demons; a man is possessed; some mild gross-out humor. 2/5

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iCarly: 2x01 iSaw Him First

iCarly is a fun show; I had forgotten how good it was until I started re-watching it recently. If you haven't seen it, you definitely should; be prepared to laugh and laugh! While I mostly enjoyed this episode, a moment or two of crude humor muddled things a bit.

Content Concerns:
Sex: Several near-kisses; a reference to a padded bra. 3/5
Nudity: Girl in short shorts; girl in hula outfit; some bare midriffs. 3/5
Language: None. 5/5
Violence: Mostly comedic pratfalls, though a character is hospitalized from a fall (played for laughs). 3/5
Drugs: None. 5/5
Frightening/Intense Scenes: Arguing; the aforementioned fall. 3/5

Score: 3.5/5

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The Real Ghostbusters: 1x02 Killerwatt

More animated fun from those specter-hunting heroes. Lorenzo Music's voice has actually grown on me. Fans of the movies, or of old-school action/adventure cartoons, should check this out.

Content Concerns:
Sex: Kissing and mild flirting. 4/5
Nudity: Girl in short shorts; woman in short skirt. 4/5
Language: An incomplete "What the...?" 4/5
Violence: Fantasy action violence throughout. 2/5
Drugs: None. 5/5
Frightening/Intense Scenes: Plenty of scary monsters, including seemingly possessed appliances. 2/5
Other: A reference to demons. 4/5

Score: 4/5

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Doctor Who: Special 2 The Christmas Invasion

My official return to Doctor Who! I had missed the interdimensional adventures of the mysterious Doctor and his right hand woman, Rose Tyler. While Christmas is months away, that didn't prevent me from enjoying this episode. There was adventure, there was comedy, and not to mention suspense as well, plus plenty of British charm. What's not to like?

Content Concerns:
Sex: Kissing; talk of a live-in relationship. 3/5
Nudity: Slight cleavage. 4/5
Language: Three or four h-words; one d-word; four or five misuses of God's name. 2/5
Violence: Sci-fi action violence throughout; a sword fight that leads to someone losing a limb; a spaceship blows up, presumably killing everyone inside; two people are reduced to skeletons. 2/5
Drugs: None. 5/5
Frightening/Intense Scenes: Along with the violence, the aliens were rather scary, and tons of people nearly jump off buildings to their death. 1/5

Score: 4/5

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Good Luck Charlie: 2x11 Gabe's 12-1/2 Birthday

My Thoughts: This show is one of my favorite Disney Channel sitcoms, and I enjoyed this episode just as much as the others. It's cute, it's funny, and it's clean; what's not to like? I have to hand it to Bradley Steven Perry, who plays Gabe; when he was upset, I really felt his pain. I may have been late to the party when it comes to this show, but I still love it!

Content Concerns:
Sex: None. 5/5
Nudity: None. 5/5
Language: Name-calling. 4/5
Violence: Comedic pratfalls. 4/5
Drugs: None. 5/5
Frightening/Intense Scenes: A scene of emotional intensity. 4/5
Other: Someone is insulted because of his weight. 4/5

Score: 4.5/5

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: 3x44 Bye Bye Fly

My Thoughts: I almost always enjoy the cartoon adventures of the heroes in a half-shell, and this episode is no exception. Plenty of action, and a good dose of fun...what's not to like? I'm almost to the fourth season; I'm curious to see what adventures await the Turtles as the series continues!

Content Concerns:
Sex: None. 5/5
Nudity: None. 5/5
Language: Name-calling. 4/5
Violence: Fantasy action violence throughout. 3/5
Drugs: None. 5/5
Frightening/Intense Scenes: The insect villain could be a bit scary for some kids, as could a scene that implies a character is eaten by a giant spider. 3/5
Other: A bit of crude humor, i.e., burping. 4/5

Score: 4.5/5

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Jessie: 1x04 Zombie Tea Party 5

My Thoughts: This isn't my favorite Disney Channel sitcom, but I still enjoyed this episode for what it was. Jessie was likable, and the kids were hilarious. Maybe once I get into this series more, I'll enjoy it better.

Content Concerns:
Sex: A guy wears a tiara for the sake of a little girl; a boy is accused of wearing a dress, when it's actually a battle uniform. 3/5
Nudity: One tiny outfit on a teenage girl. 4/5
Language: A character says "OMG," which is an abbreviation for a misuse of God's name. 4/5
Violence: Kids play paintball; a girl falls down the stairs. 3/5
Drugs: None. 5/5
Frightening/Intense Scenes: Some bullying. 4/5
Other: References to bodily functions; a lizard burps twice; a scene of revenge which isn't vilified. 2/5

Score: 3.5/5

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Sabrina, the Teenage Witch: 1x12 Trial by Fury

My Thoughts: This is just the kind of cuteness and humor that you'd expect from a show based on a legendary comic book franchise. Fans of Disney Channel sitcoms who haven't seen this yet should definitely give it a try.

Content Concerns:
Sex: A guy's posterior increases in size via a spell. 4/5
Nudity: Slight cleavage; a woman in a tiny outfit. 3/5
Language: Name-calling; nothing more. 4/5
Violence: None. 5/5
Drugs: None. 5/5
Frightening/Intense Scenes: None. 5/5
Other: Usage of magic throughout; themes of revenge. 3/5

Score: 4/5

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Batman: The Animated Series: 1x26 Perchance to Dream

My Thoughts: Another fun adventure featuring the Caped Crusader; this time, brute strength alone isn't enough to win. It actually makes a very good point about the value of working for what you have instead of just having it handed to you. It had been a while since I'd seen any episodes of this show; I can't wait to check out the rest of the second volume of the Dark Knight's cartoon series.

Content Concerns:
Sex: None. 5/5
Nudity: None. 5/5
Language: None. 5/5
Violence: As usual, superhero action violence throughout; nobody dies, but a character jumps from a tower in order to escape a dream. 3/5
Drugs: Possible alcoholism. 4/5
Frightening/Intense Sequences: Along with the violence, there is some emotional intensity, and the villain, once revealed, is a bit scary. 2/5

Score: 4.5/5

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Wizards of Waverly Place: 2x13 Fashion Week

My Thoughts: Another enjoyable adventure with the magical Russo family. This one features the adorable and hilarious Harper in a main role, and her crazy outfit made the episode all the more fun. That said, since this episode features supermodels, the fashion sense is not as modest as usual for Disney Channel.

Content Concerns:
Sex: Flirting. 4/5
Nudity: Short skirts and mild cleavage. 3/5
Language: None. 5/5
Violence: A comedic pitfall. 4/5
Drugs: None. 5/5
Frightening/Intense Scenes: None. 5/5
Other: Several people are heard vomiting; a Dungeons-and-Dragons-esque game is played; as usual, magic is featured throughout. 2/5

Score: 4/5

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Good Luck Charlie: 2x10 Meet the Parents

My Thoughts: Yet another hilarious misadventure with those crazy Duncans! Gabe has a big scheme; Amy and Bob are trying to outdo each other; Charlie is her usual cute self...this is what we've come to expect from this show and Disney Channel sitcoms in general! Try watching this show and see if you don't laugh.

Content Concerns:
Sex: A misunderstanding leads to a false accusation of extramarital affairs. 4/5
Nudity: None. 5/5
Language: Nothing worse than "gosh". 4/5
Violence: Comedic pratfalls; nothing more. 4/5
Drugs: None. 5/5
Frightening/Intense Scenes: None. 5/5
Other: Someone vomits into a picnic basket. 4/5

Score: 4.5/5

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