Jessica E Bixby


Orlando, Florida

Futurama: 8x07 Rage Against the Vaccine

This episode felt a few years behind the times...

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@ssonick ya but all the onicron memes during the pandemic make it funnier.

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Ahsoka: 1x01 Part One: Master and Apprentice

Did this show required home work (watching the animated shows) before watching? I found the first episode uninteresting and boring with bland characters.

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@eriohm Yep I had to search for a few names to understand a bit of a few things cause I didn't watch Rebels after the 2nd episode.

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uhg I really was not planning on watching rebels. I felt lost.

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Where can I see this movie?

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@lolosanchu kodi had links but i bet Netflix

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I thought this was brilliant - very nordic, dark, slow paced, thoughtful, complex - and I loved the sub-titles for the Swedish dialogue. Very interesting story line which for me had a some surprises from my initial thoughts. I hope that they don't devalue this with a second season though!

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@kuzeyboy › katla
Katla Season 2 Release Date, News
Apr 29, 2022 — Netflix Network announced release date of Katla season 2. New episodes will return on June 15, 2023. Here's all to know on the second season.

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Young Justice: Season 4

Whatever emo writers they have writing this show need therapy. Man, YJ has gotten CRAPPY. This... is how you permanently kill a show that has been resurrected.

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@djelite I've noticed this same crap with other DC shows too. Legends went way downhill. Super Girl was starting to turn woke before it ended and Bat Women is a disaster. Hell, the new Batman Re-write movie was crap.

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Coming 2 America

This was a lazy pointless remake of the original movie it was very fitting in the movie they made a point to mention long sequels to movies nobody asked for this movie fits perfectly. This is a retread of the original movies story recon and everything. I had zero expectations for this film and knew this would be no were near the classic original in terms of quality the jokes in this new movie were bad the woke sjw politics were not nessesary and just annoying. This is a insult to the classic original and shouldn't have happened. The barber shop scene was the only good sequence till the white jewish character started saying we are being taken over by nazis a dig at trump obviously. I am not a trump supporter at all and find this sequence annoying political bs. The way akeem had a son was a stupid lazy way to recon the original and continue the story. The new actors were annoying I don't recommend this trash to anyone the movie is predictable woke trash.

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@danielryno000 Not a remake hence the number 2.

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Coming 2 America

I knew regardless of what this new version was people would hate! I’m so tired of people being so critical lol. Nothing is going to be as great as the classic and any version of this movie would be compared to the original. It wasn’t fantastic but I didn’t care because I loved seeing Eddie and the rest of the cast in this light. I didn’t go into watching this for any other reason except the nostalgia of it all, and you should to!

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@jeaneats Ditto! Not only that but they even poke fun at themselves. "Sequels are never as good as the first one and so unnecessary but, some deserve an exception."

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American Dad!: Season 17

This show is getting so tired. They need to let it go.

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@maximusmmiv I know lately the episodes have been rather flat.

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Doctor Who: 12x06 Praxeus

dude im like 5 minuters in and i han allready se how this is gonna be a save the earth from trash woke greta tornberg episode I think I'm gonna quit watching doctor who soon is this is what every episode I gonna be like

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@jim222001 So trash suddenly shows up in the oceans since 2016? That girl's speech was full of wholes and incorrect data.

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Doctor Who: 12x06 Praxeus

What happened? Did I miss an episode? What happened to the other Doctor and to all the plot that's attached to that mystery?
Instead we get another episode that is more or less the same as Orphan-55 with some ridiculous monster connected to environmental issues and some blatant lecturing. If you really want to raise awareness on how humans are destroying earth please do it in a serious way and not like this. Otherwise even people who agree - like I do - will feel annoyed. The overall idea and concept of the story and the monster is totally fine, but the delivery ruined it.
In other news: Once more an episode full of diversity for diversity's sake, not because it makes any sense. Why are you suddenly so bad at this, BBC?

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@onlime The whole season has been lacking on the plus side the last 2 episodes I've watched of this season, I was like oh good they fired those shit writers and brought the real ones back.

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Doctor Who: 12x03 Orphan 55

I honestly struggle to see how this made it to air without someone stopping it. Awful writing (that contradicts existing Who), awful acting from some (BENNI!), a message so heavy-handed it's annoyed even the people who agree with it and don't even get me started on the 'cat' person.

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@velvetthunder Oh thank god I'm not the only one. It was so bad I seriously was like way too preachy and then the next episode was the exact same type of message.

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Black Lightning: 3x12 The Book of Markovia: Chapter Three: Motherless ID

that song at the end was bloody awful. Why do they insist playing awful music over the dialogue?

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oh thank God i'm not the only one who thinks the music sucks!

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The OA

9 stars from me. I loved this series much more than the first episodes had me expecting.

Some people seem to be fairly confused as to what the point of this series was. Without saying too much, I'll say this, which might steer you in the right direction: if you were to force a label on me, I'd have to say I'm "agnostic", and yet this show was still great for me.

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@calex It's Carlos Casteneda type stuff. I just can't believe there was a 2 year gap between seasons.

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Star Trek: Discovery

Review by Bevans
BlockedParent2017-10-10T19:11:35Z— updated 2017-10-18T14:34:30Z

I do like the show, but it's not Star Trek. If this was just a new sci-fi show that existed in its own universe, it would be incredible. However, the fact that they've tried to pass this off as Star Trek when it's clearly not sullies the experience.

If it wasn't already apparent, Paramount and CBS have no idea what made Star Trek great, and don't care either. The simple explanation is that the world of Star Trek is supposed to be optimistic; this is pessimistic. And I do enjoy pessimistic sci-fi, but there's so much of it, and to see one of the few optimistic sci-fi worlds turned into something pessimistic is a shame.

Fortunately, we now have The Orville, which is doing Star Trek better than anything has since Voyager ended in 2001.

The show is supposed to take place between Enterprise and TOS, but the technology is very different. For example, there are holograms everywhere. Why try to do a prequel again? Why not set this after Voyager? That would make a lot more sense, and they'd be able to add whatever technology they like, and not be constrained by existing continuity. Fortunately, it's not too late for the showrunners to say "hey, we made a mistake, this actually takes place X years after Voyager".

Last, they fucked up the Klingons. For almost 25 years, they had the look of the Klingons figured out perfectly. They're iconic. But this show (and the reboot movies) messed them up and made them look like generic sci-fi bad guys. What happened to their hair and beards? Also, the costumes are ridiculous, and their ship interiors look like they're made of coral. I do like the idea of having an albino Klingon though.

And I applaud their desire to use the Klingon language on the show, but it's pretty annoying having every Klingon scene subtitled. The previous shows used a common sci-fi conceit: the actors speak a language that the audience understands, but it's accepted that they're really speaking a different language. The viewer effectively has a universal translator so they can understand what's being said.

Also, it looks nothing like Star Trek. Once again, The Orville got that right, and this didn't.

All of that said, I do like the show. The characters are interesting (especially Doug Jones), I've enjoyed each episode, and I think the storyline is pretty interesting. But goddamn it, why did they have to try to make this Star Trek when it's not?

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@bevansdesign Orville sucks and the only thing treckie about it is the nock off costumes. I will, however, agree to disagree on it being Star Trek. Well known characters from prior shows, diversity overcoming their own fears and join in for the greater good. Ok, that's every action show pretty much but, Star Trek was always acknowledging the plusses & minus of themselves and overcoming going through hell.

Yeah, I get ya on the languages so you must hate Lord of the Rings & Game of Thrones too?

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 4x08 Legends of To-Meow-Meow

The worst thing I've seen from the DC universe. The script looks like a bunch of lost pages from other seasons. I'm impressed with how much effort they put into using the same actors as different characters and sometimes the timeline is super dangerous, other times fucked up like it's nothing. Anything is possible. They should've stuck with the Crossover instead of this mockery of an episode.

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@dinar-fontoura OMG! I totally agree I swear the writers were either on drugs or just tried to quit drugs, either way, thank God my husband fell asleep. I love musicals but there's been too much of that so 100% agreed with Constitine when he said, "No music".

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Supergirl: 4x03 Man of Steel

I hate stories like this. Tales of the Noble Racist.
"The Noble Racist wouldn't be so racist, but they just had all these good rational reasons to be."
Real people are almost never actually like that, it is just the story they convince themselves of to make themselves seem less hateful.

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@echelon_four It's not even about racism. It's about immigration & big business politics.

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The Crossing: 1x11 These are the Names

They did a decent job of wrapping up the main threads -- and doing so in satisfying ways -- while making it obvious what they would have pursued in a second season that won't be happening. I'm actually gonna miss this one.

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@jimgysin WTF! Damn it! We just finished watching them.

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Shockwave Darkside

I only watched this film out of respect for Sonequa Martin-Green, as I find her performance in the new Star Trek Discovery series to be fantastic. I wanted to simply explore more of her work.

That said, let me warn you, this is a bad film. It's not so bad as to be good like 'The Room'. It's just not good. I don't base my criticism on the low budget, i love shoe-string sci-fi if there is a good story. Doctor Who, early Star Trek, Blake's 7, and many more, it's great if the stories are relatable.

Now, I don't know who or how this film was made, but it feels like a student film project (and might actually be one), so it deserves some respect on that level.

Sonequa's acting talent shines through despite all of the obstacles. The other actors also do pretty well. They just had a crappy script to work with, and probably less than top notch direction. It's hard as an actor to throw their heart into their work when a project pretty clearly won't succeed, but she manages pretty well.

-- If you're a student of the film industry - watch this for educational purposes.
-- If you are just part of the audience, stay away.

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@callmetrimtab LOL, me too! No, I was curious to see what else she was in. All during Star Trek I was like why is she so familiar. Oh, The walking dead!

Thanks for the warning. I'm going to skip this one. ;D

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Powerless: Special 1 No Consequence Day

RIP Adam West

For a limited time this unaired episode featuring Adam West in one his final roles is available on YouTube

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@majormercyflush Video not found.

the episode will never air. :(

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Powerless: Special 3 Van of the Year

Is this ever going to air?

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@belle333black Nope it was canceled.

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The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

Weak and drawn out compared even to the first one.

Things I liked:
* Trippin' in Mirkwood,
* Barrel-ride,
* Lake-town,
* Dialog between Bilbo and Smaug

Things I disliked:
* NO SONGS!!1!
* 3 of the 5 major plot points are rushed through, culminating in a drawn-out battle/chase scene at the end that, after a while, becomes boring and stretches the suspension of disbelieve to its breaking point
* the added female lead is only motivated by her affaction for two members of the male cast. If you can't handle realistic female characters than leave them out.

Also: HFR+4K+3D makes prostetics look like what they are: rubber :(.

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@authmillenon LMAO, You didn't like it but you pretty much liked the whole movie. You left out just a few small parts.

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Shout by Deleted

Anyone know if this is worth the price of admission?

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@mjones4256 ask again in 10/2018.

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American Dad!: Season 11

Episode order is wrong again /still

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@deano7610 It's not Trakt that has it wrong. They pull from TMDB who has it wrong.

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American Dad!: Season 11

All episodes are wrong ! please fix it !

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@jahoo3d It's not Trakt that has it wrong. They pull from TMDB who has it wrong.

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The Crazy Ones

Shout by Alex

As if cancelling this show wasn't bad enough, now we also have lost the craziest one of them all as well... he'll be dearly missed. Thanks for all the laughs Mr. Williams, gonna rewatch this today in your honour. :(

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@mellowb I'm not going to look back but, I was pretty sure that's why it was canceled. :(

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Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed

There is NOTHING here that would cause people who understand science to even raise an eyebrow (well ignoring all the godidit claims obviously LOL), however, I would still recommend everybody (people who accept evolution, and science deniers alike) watch it, but ONLY with the freely downloadable subtitle track debunking all the lies, straw-men, and disinformation put forward in this joke of a documentary. It just shows how willing creationist are to lie to further their agenda.

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@mex5150 but what caused the big bang? What science has proven and attempts to prove doesn't deny that there could be a God. Its all a very slippery slope.

I do how ever agree everyone should watch.

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Hunting Hitler

This show is ridiculous! Why America is "lying" about Hitlers death is explained in one minute and it doesn't make any sense. Next up, some "experts" get together and on their way to gasp at any "clue", which is nothing more than poor deductive reasoning. They find "evidence" left and right while adrenaline inducing music plays at every second. GOOOOOD THIS BAD.

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@segreto Why is everything America's fault? Dude t's a 70+ year old cold case. The tech we have today didn't exist back then.

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The Maxx

People should watch this show, it's really great.

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@sadlad I'm just sad it was only 1 season.

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Steven Universe: Season 1

Dude, where are the episodes 50, 51 and 52?

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@luke2206 Apparently it pulls the info from TMDB who has them not listed.

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Containment: 1x13 Path to Paradise

I guess they want a season 2, that's why it ended like this...

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@mio_ The way it ended leads me to think there is no season 2. IMDB shows no season 2 in the works and if you do a search, it confirms it.

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