

Omicron Persei 8

Alex Edelman: Just for Us

This was brilliant! It was immensely funny, energetic, introspective, and entertaining.

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As You Are

This movie didn't seem able to decide what it wanted to be. The script was really ambiguous, a feeling only strengthened by the ending of the film. I wish that they had focused more on the struggle between Jack and Mark, instead of trying to be something that it ultimately wasn't.

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Finding Steve McQueen

This was incredibly poor. After five minutes, I was bored out of my mind. I barely made it 25 minutes in, and I was ready to give up. Travis Fimmel is not an actor. His portrayal was labored and a ridiculous caricature of how a human being would act. The writing was also pretty bad, as both the dialogue and storyline were really weak. I have no idea what Forest Whitaker or William Fichtner were doing in this film.

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This was a fantastic film. The acting was tremendous, and the pacing of the film was quite good for such a movie. I was really impressed w/ the overall production, and I learned quite a bit about the entire process of the atomic bomb coming to be. I will say that I was somewhat surprised that there wasn't any real focus on the long-term effects of dropping the bombs, however.

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The French Dispatch

This film was about as Wes Anderson as Wes Anderson gets. The casting and acting were incredible, but unfortunately, the story left a bit to be desired. I also felt that the use of three women being portrayed nude was unnecessary, especially in this day and age. If you're a big Anderson fan, I imagine that you'll enjoy this. For those of us who simply find his works amusing, I don't know that there was all that much here other than the performances.

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Burn After Reading

It was a solid effort w/ an extraordinary cast, who were all fantastic, but the story left a bit to be desired but, I suppose that was sort of the point. It's a story about a couple of bumbling gym employees who find what they believe to be government secrets and the confusion it causes in figuring out what they really have in their possession. In the end, it turns out that they have notes related to a former government security analyst's memoir. The experience in trying to sell what they believe to be sensitive information to the Russians is detailed in this movie. The entire idea was that no one was on the same page, and even in the end, they couldn't figure out what had taken place, b/c it was so bizarre. It's difficult to dislike it, b/c the cast really was great, but the story lacked, and the humor was really nuanced.

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It was a solid effort. I think that they could've made it more dramatic and less of an action-adventure, but other than that, I didn't really have any complaints. Millie Bobby Brown was solid in a difficult role, b/c she didn't really have anyone to play off of.

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The Hateful Eight

This was a terribly pointless film from a vile racist, bigot, misogynist, and child-rapist. Always remember that Tarantino said that a 13-year-old girl wanted to be raped. That thing is a fucking subhuman.

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The Huntsman: Winter's War

It's difficult to imagine that filmmakers could compile such a great cast, then go so far off base w/ the script that it doesn't really make a difference. I've read where this was considered a prequel/sequel, but I don't see how that's possible, since the events of this story clearly took place after the first movie. To have that be the case and not have Kristen Stewart reprise her role as Snow White, it was the huge hole at the center of the story. Charlize Theron's primary motivation was killing Snow White, so how do you make that a central theme of a film w/out utilizing Snow White? Other than that, there really wasn't anything special about this story. It was standard fare for this type of film. One thing that stood out to me as bothersome were two scenes, where, when approached by opposing forces, Chris Hemsworth just stood there and was taken captive. It begged the question: Isn't your entire purpose in this film to protect the mirror, and kill the evil queen? What sense does it make to simply stand there and be captured...twice?!?

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Awakening the Zodiac

This followed a formulaic horror plot, and the writers took no time to investigate a well-researched topic. They got so many details of the Zodiac case wrong, and it made this difficult to watch. Aside from that, the ending made zero sense. The end of this film has the two leads confront the Zodiac, who, if he were still alive, would be roughly 85-years-old. The man they used in the film looked to be maybe 60-years-old. And, after they killed him, the last scene of the film indicates that he's still alive and stalking them. So, are they saying that he's some supernatural entity? B/c, the film had nothing to do w/ that type of storyline. All in all, it was just a bad film that the filmmakers seemed to put very little effort into.

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Beasts of the Southern Wild

I really enjoyed this. The cast was fantastic, and it was an enjoyable and amusing film. I wasn't sure what to expect going in, but I thought that Rachel Sennott and Emma Seligman did a wonderful job handling the material.

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Wish I Was Here

I really enjoyed this. I felt that it got better as it went. It was a movie w/ heart about the intricacies of family dynamics, and they really delved into what makes and breaks these intensely personal relationships.

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True Detective: 3x04 The Hour and the Day

I love seeing white nationalist and neo-Nazi mutts get what they deserve.

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Garden State

This was a really solid first effort for Zach Braff writing and directing. I enjoyed the film. It was an eclectic character piece about connecting w/ oneself and making our pieces fit together w/ others. And, the soundtrack for this film is still one of the finest of all-time. It's difficult to believe that this film will be 20-years-old this year.

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Scrubs: Season 9

It's unfortunate that they chose to carry on w/ this season. After the eighth season, and the finale of the original series, they didn't have much of an idea to move the show forward. Yes, it was nice to see Elliot and JD married w/ a baby on the way, but it really wasn't enough to base a new series around. To me, that was the best part of this ninth season. Quite frankly, I'm surprised that they chose to create another season given that they had little to work w/.

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This show was always best, when it led with its heart. They combined the proper amount of emotional idealism with comedy, and they produced a winning formula. This show is one of the few that got better with age. In fact, I can't think of another serialized program that did what Scrubs was able to accomplish. Forgetting the ninth season, which was really its own separate show, I felt that the eighth season was the best of all of them. They wrapped up storylines and allowed pieces to fit together, without having to force them, and they gave each character hope for the future without dismissing their past. The eighth season finale, the de facto series finale, was one of the best I've ever seen. I'm glad that I rewatched this, because it was a series, and characters, worth revisiting.

Edit: I realized that upon finishing this rewatch, it was exactly 14 years to the day, since the final episode of the series aired.

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Ricky Stanicky

I'm down for dumb comedies, but when all you have is dumb, there's nothing fun or interesting about that. This was a huge swing and a miss on the part of the scriptwriters. There was nothing funny about any of this, and I don't know who Andrew Santino is, but his delivery comes across as mean-spirited rather than playful or funny. I don't know what William H. Macy was doing slumming in this.

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Anyone But You

I really enjoyed this film. The cast was great, Sydney Sweeney and Glen Powell had great chemistry, and the story moved along at a good pace w/ a fair amount of amusing dialogue. I don't really ask for much more from romantic comedies.

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Worst Roommate Ever

The stories were interesting, if not disturbing, the cinematography could've definitely used quite a bit of work. The extreme close-ups, the shots of highlighted text from documents, while people were speaking, it makes it difficult to watch, and follow, at certain points. My rating was based on the content, which was solid, but the framing of it could've been much better.

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Reservation Dogs: 3x10 Dig
The Swimmers
Reservation Dogs: 2x04 Mabel

Devery Jacobs really gave it everything in this episode. You can see from her performance that's an incredibly well-skilled actor.

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This started off well enough, but it ended on a sour note. It's never a good sign, when the final episode of a mini-series is roughly 10 minutes shorter than each of the other episodes. It gives a feeling of watching the leftovers. One thing that I didn't really understand was the jumbled timeline. Griselda Blanco's life story was interesting enough w/out them having to change so many details, and keep in actual events but in an alternate order. It didn't make much sense, and it certainly didn't add anything to the story. If anything, the story that they concocted was more of a rendition of Scarface than anything else. I wish that I knew why they had done this, especially when there were plenty of action involved in her real-life story. I will say that one thing I didn't care for about this series was how they made her a sympathetic figure. She wasn't, and to make her and her family victims was disingenuous and dishonest. Other than that, it was well-acted, but it just didn't flow well.

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Griselda: 1x05 Paradise Lost

Just as I thought that this mini-series was making an upward turn, it came crashing back to Earth. This episode did little-to-nothing to move the story forward, and w/ only six episodes in the entire series, that's not something that could be afforded. This episode spent nearly an hour hammering home a singular point that really didn't do much for the overall entirety of the storyline. The time would've been better spent covering a range of plotlines.

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This was phenomenal. There was such great care taken in the attention to detail that it made so many scenes really stand out for how well fleshed out they were. The acting was superb! There were so many wonderful performances, there were too many to list, but Michelle Dockery and Merritt Weaver were exceptional. I'm not a big fan of the western genre, but this was so far above and beyond a simple western tale. This is one of the best mini-series I can ever recall having watched.

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Godless: 1x03 Wisdom of the Horse

The attention to detail is really what makes this mini-series so compelling.

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This was a solid film, and Ms. Luss did quite a competent job in the lead role. I found the story to be engaging and entertaining, and while there were parts of the story that I questioned, overall, it was an enjoyable film.

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Now You See Me

At its core, this film was rotten. The dialogue was insulting awful, the characters ridiculous, and the storyline was as dumb as it was improbable. Not only this, but it was written by three men, who clearly have a distaste and disregard for women, as the two women in this film are disregarded caricatures of human beings. To give you an idea of the type of dialogue, a culmination of one scene is, "New York, thank you for the magic," unsurprisingly spoken by a woman character. Oh, the direction is terrible, too.

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