

Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil

The Walking Dead: 6x08 Start to Finish

The only thing I hated to like is that's pretty clear some kiddo is going to screw things up next episode...
The rest of it, I'd say: painfully obvious. Just the good ol' cliff-hanger without many surprises.

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High Noon

An amazing western!
I really loved the real time aspect here, a pacing intertwined with the great soundtrack by Dimitri Tiomkin. Talking about that, what a great theme song led by Tex Ritter's powerful voice!
The cinematography is great, the acting too... everything put together just makes a damn good movie.

A lot of people talk about the final clash, as anticlimax and all,
But I guess the the main message remains on one of the last shots.

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The Night Manager: 1x06 Episode 6

I believe this to be, sadly, the most lukewarm episode of the series. It's a pity, for we all expected a real grand finale.
I don't withdraw my overall feeling, though: this is some good TV. Susanne Bier did a great job directing this!
The cinematography quality is beyond the vast majority of series, the acting by Hiddleston and Laurie while sometimes nothing spectacular, never disappoints.

The fourth episode was the peak, for me - and it made me hope for the whole show keep it up.

Anyway, it is worthwhile.

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Mr. Robot: 1x04 eps1.3_da3m0ns.mp4

I didn't understand all of the disappointment some people had with this episode. You guys must really hate Trainspotting.

Wasn't the best, but still, nice insights about human frailties. I still hold this series on a high note!

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Fear the Walking Dead: 1x06 The Good Man

Nice wrap up. Didn't care much for the whole "oh, finally lots of zombies" that some people have been missing so much. For me, the 6 episodes were really tight, the best one being epi 5 and this one keeping up with the pace built on the former. Strand has everything to be a fan favorite.
Reaching the end, I'll say this one last thing: I won't ever understand why so much bashing towards this great show. It's drama with zombies, for brains sake! No Rick, no Daryl, but The Walking Dead just the same.

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Arrow: 4x05 Haunted
Lucifer: 1x08 Et Tu, Doctor?

I don't know... 8 episodes in and all I can say is that I expected more (so much more) than what this show got me.

It is too regular a show to bear that brand, I'd say. How many others case-a-week do we have floating around, right?

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Supergirl: 1x05 How Does She Do It?

Some very quick thoughts:

  • No unbuttoned shirt for Jimmy this episode;
  • I'm still waiting for a decent soundtrack to pop in;
  • Should've watched the former episode 5 as 4 and vice-versa... bullocks.

All in all, it's Melissa Benoist who keeps getting this show together.
Anxious to understand more about Henshaw, though... I believe we've just seen a Super Cyborg skill on that episode.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 1x05 Cobalt

Best episode of the season so far. It's nice being able to see the backgrounds of TWD. And Daniel Salazar, man! What a character, really great acting here. I definitely bought the idea of this spinoff!

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Preacher: 1x03 The Possibilities

I don't know if this can get any worse.

The dialogues not even by a longshot get close to Garth Ennis',
Cassidy is totally dumbed down (he is silly, but not like on this) and Tulip is just annoying.

JC himself is quite unintelligent in comparison to the source material.

What a sad thing it is to be liking the soundtrack and nothing else...

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Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance

I'm speechless. This is perfection. The intensity, the pace, the details.
Chan-wook Park is a master of his art, making us suffer ever so gracefully, twitching us, twisting our sentiments, making us silent, until we get the blood-red feeling painted all over the piece.

We absorb, then we endure.
Maybe the message here is that graphic or not, all is violence.

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Human attention. Our focus.
It just doesn't sit still in one place for the whole time as we often desire.
Some people said that the editing, the camera, some other technical stuff didn't work that well on JUNUN.

I think that's just a document of our perception slipping over and over again, shifting to different spots, people, instruments, colors.
The connection, of course, was there all along:

It IS a good movie... and it was there for the sake of making amazing songs.

Maybe I can say just this: my favorite record of 2015, so far, is a film.

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The Stranger

Shout by Leco

It's not amazing, but still fairly enjoyable.

It was the second time I've watched it and this time I tried to analyze it a bit more. The antagonist here has a dark and heavy background, straight out of a twisted mind, but this isn't very well represented in his hiding days... so that's definitely a bummer.
Edward Robinson may not be at his best, but I still enjoyed seeing him on-screen.

And a lot of times, we can just sit back and appreciate the fair amount of great shots, the light, the composition... very good B&W photography.

All in all, I like it. And I'd watch it again.

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Heroes Reborn: 1x02 Odessa
Master of None: 1x05 The Other Man

Shout by Leco

Didn't dig as much as usual from the storyline, but am I crazy OR I did catch a Wes Anderson homage here? Loved that!

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Penny Dreadful: 3x04 A Blade of Grass

I feel that I didn't care for the storyline as much as I should have. Still, it's necessary to indicate that it IS getting together, finally. Well, it's a small season...

But my god, Eva Green nails it so damn hard. What an amazing actress!
Rory's one to admire, as well... specially with the difference perceived when he is portraying Dracula. Very nice job!

All in all, what makes me keep coming back for PD is the acting (and, not as much on this episode, but even so) the great photography.

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The Miners' Hymns

As I can acknowledge the beautiful cinematography throughout the film, I still fail relating to it.
Maybe I'm just too far away (both in time and feeling) from what the folks there went through, with the miners 84-85 strike.

Not that I'm unable to empathize, but it'd possibly have been more meaningful if I was more connected to the events - the deal is, the movie failed to connect me.

Jóhann Jóhannsson's soundtrack, though, is a gem.
I can and I will experience that again. I can't say the same for the movie.

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The Evil Dead

Well, maybe it's just me, kicking the hornet's nest and all, but it doesn't appeal that much for me. I do understand the cult status it got, though. I myself have seen it as a child and a lot of images got stuck on my head and that's my main point for checking it out again. The final 20 min or so concentrates a lot of decent camerawork, before the last moments they're more scattered through the scenes.

Being a low-budget flick and having in mind the gore it intended, I get its flare.

After this rewatching thing, gonna do it right and head to the latter movies, for everything I remember more vividly about Evil Dead, from my childhood, came from the other two.

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Night of the Living Dead
Supergirl: 1x03 Fight or Flight
The Last Kingdom: 1x07 Episode 7

Make no mistake!
This was, as far as I can remember, what episodes before a season finale are supposed to be: a build-up.
I wouldn't say it excels on that task, though, for I've been hoping to see more of the Alfred's "pagan affair" results on his mind (but, not as much on his faith, Alfred's changed and that can be seen on next and final episode's teaser)... but it's fair to say it achieves the minimum requirements.

Curious to see how it's going to work Alfred & Aelswith's relationship with Uhtred & Iseult from now on...

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The Last Kingdom: 1x06 Episode 6

Not the best, but not the worst, for sure. It's difficult to surpass what was achieved by the last episode. On this one, I've sensed we suffered a bit when it comes to the story's pace, but we get a turn of events by the end that is as good a cliff-hanger as any.

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The Kingdom: 1x02 Thy Kingdom Come

If you weren't so sure about the series for the pilot, please, check this one out. A lot of clues being chased down and leaving us with bits of horror everywhere! The suspense, the humour, everything works here. Don't think about the quality here, it's 1994, and as I've been saying: definitely not the focus.

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The Kingdom: 1x01 The Unheavenly Host

I'd give up American Horror Story for this anytime!

I know that on this pilot we don't get to see much, but the whole feel promised me more than any graphic feature on AHS.
It's not beautiful, but it didn't appear to pursue that. It was like some weird tale that would fit inside Silent Hill canon... I hope the other episodes get even better.

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Computer Chess

I was no less than happily surprised with this one... It's been some good minutes after I've seen it and I'm still thinking about it! It's worth mentioning that Bujalski's option for old cameras fits perfectly the constant underlying feel that the movie beams towards the viewers... I'll definitely check this out again.

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The Colour of Olives

Silence. Patience. Empathy.
Three exercises for everyone's everyday life.
In order to not let fear or hatred take over ourselves, this documentary was a fair reminder.
Moving away from petty definitions, there are universes within everyone.

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Black Sabbath

Shout by Leco

Except from the scenarios, specially on "The Wurdalak", the first two tales haven't done much for me... very obvious, no help from the acting nor the dubbing... as for "The Drop of Water", it sure keeps up with the "best for last" saying.

I was hoping for the second one to be better (hey! Vampires!), but the last one surprised me enough to save the whole experience. I'll definitely check some other Mario Bava's out.

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The Flash: 2x05 The Darkness and the Light

Oh, my, finally an episode that makes me sau THIS WAS GOOOOD...

For me, that episode was just the same as Arrow's Haunted: redemption.
There, we got Constantine helping Team Arrow to make amends and achieving the great deal that is having an interesting meaning within Oliver's flashbacks.
Here, we got back our Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh, baby!)... Sort of. But he's badass, he's Tom and that's great!

I need to say this once again: Spivot! I love the geeky dinamics with Barry. She's like Felicity to me when I used to compare her with Laurel, because I end up doing pretty much the same with Spivot and Iris.

Well, episodes like this one here (and Haunted in the other city you all know about) are the ones that make me pay a new visit every week.

"Her fiancé died because of him"
leaves the room
Man, I didn't even remember when was the last time I LOL'd with The Flash!!!

And (finally) Vibe, Hawkgirl, a bit more Zoom...
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ out of 10.

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American Horror Story: 5x01 Checking In

I have to say: I'm not a fan. Tried AHS the first time it came by, tried again with its sophomore season and even saw some of Coven... But all of the times something just seemed off.
When I heard about this new one, I thought to myself: why not? The hotel thing seems cool (The Shining nostalgia, maybe?) and well, curiosity got me for Lady Gaga's here.

Reaching the end of this first check-in, some things keep happening since the first season, one being (and I always say this) the amazing intro. Every time, they do it splendidly. The second, the constant spinning of plates when it comes to great shots and useless ones.
Also, shouldn't forget to point out: nice job with the soundtrack. That made the whole episode more interesting.

I'll probably come back, albeit not like a hardcore fan would. But as I look back, I can see that my relationship with AHS is close to being able to checkout anytime I want, but never actually leave.

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Heroes Reborn: 1x03 Under the Mask