Lucas C.



The Strain: Season 3

Zack, the kid you wish it were dead.

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The movie made me feel compassion for the missionaries, the villagers and even made me understand why a government would go to such lengths to "murder" an idea. Even though I believe that both sides are wrong, the government being the worst of it, doing to the extreme to stop indoctrination and the church trying to pass their believes as the only truth that, for me, is totally taking advantage of people who are in a almost complete state of despair.
But you cannot stop the feels, even if you don't believe, you can fully enjoy this movie.

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Falling Skies: Season 5

It is good enough to watch, don't expect a masterpiece not even something great, it's a TV show for when you have nothing better to do which is most of the TV shows out there.
The Plot:
Not complex, the thing that got in my nerves is they don't answer some pretty simple questions that needed to be appointed. The other part is that they don't explore the Volm culture enough making them look like they are their only as a fix for Earth's technological inferiority.
The Acting:
I'm didn't see anything bad in the acting, the actor who plays Tom Mason it's good, Weaver it's quite good him self, Tom's sons also do a pretty good job.
The other stuff:
Special Effects is something that I don't mind being week in TV Series, I totally understand why some of those don't make better ones, (MONEY!!!!). The Soundtrack was nothing amazing but it did make the show any more horrible.

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An amazing movie which shows you how far one group can go to defend power and the most awful problem that still persists in the world since the beginning of civilization.

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Gossip Girl
The 100

The second season is way better than the first, in the first season you think this would be another chick flick with an apocalypse theme, but in the second season the story takes a more serious turn with questions of right and wrong, and what would you do if those who you love were in danger.

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Watchable, but not a good start, it show be concentrate in characters individual stories and built up to the creation of the school, instead they already start the movie with a plot already in the middle.

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Video Game High School

I can no longer stand the "stereotypical nerd who gets beat up in school" cliche, is annoying, really annoying to me. Someone beats you up and you stand there like a retarded? For f***** sake, grow some balls. This kind o writing was pretty popular for a long time, but this doesn't mean that this type of right should be rewarded.

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Just rewatch (again, 5th time I think) and have to say what I never expressed right, the shows is good till the 4 season, 5 season starts its downfall though still good. But this is one of my favorites. The IT Crowd is on pair with the first seasons of Community, though one of my favorites is Fawlty Towers.... or Fawrty Towels, Farty Towwels....

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While I do get the reason a comedy show mocking politics and the people around it is so successful, I found Veep to be barely funny most of the times with some giggles here and there. I cannot laugh when all, seriously all, of the characters are so unlikable and doesn't change at all maintaining their ridiculous problematic personality without any room for improvement. Imagine a comedy show but with a bunch of arrogant pricks, a few masochists and submissive types, greedy types that are openly greedy with loose morals and you would see a really crap show where you would found Veep. I do get the joke were they are basically saying politics is the joke and people in it are pretty much the worse people on earth, but even so, most jokes I didn't find it funny, even if some were pretty original or smart. I guess I just don't like these embarrassing-type joke or absurd reaction to dickness.

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I do agree this has a marvelous soundtrack while being an adaptation is good, but as a movie about Dracula it doesn't live to the book.

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Sandy Wexler

Its been a long time since I watched a movie so boring!

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Grave of the Fireflies

When I watched this I was on the dinner table, I wasn't able to cry there because I was also talking with my family, but later, when I was watching paying attention, the sadness and how brilliant this movie is hit and even remembering now makes me close to crying.

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2 Rabbits

Great movie, very different from what we have in Brazil, the only annoying thing is the overuse of slow-mo scenes.

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The Last: Naruto the Movie

Did love how they got together, but hate it the movie plot. Damsel in distress? Really? Again? Naruto has some great characters but poorly use in the movies, all the fights naruto doesn't use all his power, only in the end, in the beginning when he could use it to save Hinata (which was obviously made weaker for the movie, and then shows some power in the middle, doesn't even make sense) he uses a few clones and rasengan, the end.

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Son of Batman

I think Damian should be way more older than this, some fights scenes I can't stop being annoyed for the fact that Damian, a little kid who weights what, around 50kg while a ridiculous huge guy or monster who may weight 4 times that can be kicked so far away just because he was trained by the League of Assassins, it doesn't matter who you got to train with, you can't challenge physics, unless there is a "plot filler" explanation with fiction like "It's magic" or "It's God', or the favorite "Because I'm Batman".

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Masters of Sex: Season 3

I don't know why this season has suck a low score, it wasn't worst than season 2 and it got on a subject about how religion screws science when it doesn't agree with it.

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Masters of Sex: 3x01 Parliament of Owls

The finale of this episode was so funny in the irony, great come back, Virginia's Son is like Captain 'Murica before the drugs, and her Daughter really have a fetish for older guys lol, in which I think they should explorer but I doubt a little because of her age.

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Jupiter Ascending

The movie is watchable, the acting bearable but the story is a fairy tail bed time story, it's like Cinderela mix with Snow White.
The only actor who is starting to astonish me is Eddie Redmayne who can act like few can.
The story was the main problem, it would be wonderful if they took out the romance bs and put more construction on the characters, this movie would be more good if it were a TV Series or a book, with a compelling story of a far society who farms people to live forever, it would be great, but the movie lacks construction, and with less cliches it would've been a great story.
The special effects and the ideas of future tech (or pass tech in the movie) was awsome, it not excellent as movies like Avatar, but has some great views and beautiful settings.

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American Sniper

From a non-american viewer, this movie is great in many aspects like acting and action scenes, but lacks the other side of the coin, I believe that every one has a reason for what they do even if the reason is stupidy, but for a good story (and more so a REAL STORY) should have showed at least a little about the terrorists faith, witch in my opnion every american movie and TV show can't do it right.

The last scene when Kyle shots the other guy at 2K yards away only made me believe that he didn't actually kill anyone acording to the movie since he only sees a silhouette.
But I enjoyed the movie cast choice, the actors were great and each time he, Bradley Cooper, shoots some one I actually felt sad because of Bradley's acting.

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Good movie, still better than X Men, but still shows the limited effects and some great quotes and some horrible ones.

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I find this movie a great one, the story is good, with a few twists and good performace from the actors, I think this movie is worth to watch even if sometimes the camera work it's kind of annoying but to little to damage the movie.

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The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

This triology is one of the best, some mistakes were made, but hell, no movie is perfect.

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The Evil Dead

I think this movie would be better if it were comedy like Army Of Darkness, at least I would laugh a little. But, i don't like horror movies, not because it's scary, I just don't like the pace of the movie, it's like "wait and you'll get scared" but in the mean time I get sleepy, I slept during the first Exorcist movie (the original old version) and since then i don't watch a lot of horror movies, and for me to be watching a Cult horror movie it's obvious that I would rate with a lower rate than someone who does.

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O Auto da Compadecida

O Auto da Comparecida is a movie from my country, Brazil, please, change it.

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Marlon Wayans: Woke-ish

Dave Chappelle's specials were better, but this was still funny.

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Neo Yokio

One of the worse animations since toei.... toei sucks. I'm only comparing to toei because they tried an anime look.

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2 Broke Girls

Watchable but really meh, better shows got cancelled while this goes on.

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Bones: 10x12 The Teacher in the Books

Shout by Lucas C.

Not so good mistery. I figure who did with 11 minutes of play time. The professor obviously was the one since he had a 40% approval, it was obvious he was cheating in a challenging context.

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The Magicians

I love how the shows started, but finale was utterly disappointing. The Finale of the first season was pretty much ridiculous, doesn't she realize that she is trusting the person that could do something worse to her than rape? He is a pedophile! And she is supposed to be smart!

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