

Hanover, Germany

Mad Men: 3x13 Shut the Door. Have a Seat

This episode is essentially the heart of Mad Men. One of the best episodes of any show I have seen.

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Legion: 2x11 Chapter 19

What exactly happened when the Shadow King, as a spider, bit David during the fight scene, could that have possibly triggered his followed schizophrenia? In my opinion it's that what has caused David to make Syd forget ("I know what I have to do"). Also it kinda felt like the whole thing with the Shadow King still having a grasp at Division 3 and the other guys acting against David, they caused a paradox which made David actually finally turn, but only against them, not the world as they said, or at least not yet.

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Obi-Wan Kenobi: 1x02 Part II

It took me a while to realize that Leia doesn't remind Obi-Wan of Padme, but of Duchess Satine.

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Gotham: 1x16 The Blind Fortune Teller

Shout by makitango

That potential Joker interrogation was superb even if it's not 100% certain if it will truly be him.

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Loki: 1x05 Journey Into Mystery

When the alternate surviving Lokis part ways with Sylvie and Loki, you can see the Dark Aster on the ground, left from the smoke monster.

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