

Hanover, Germany

Marvel's Inhumans

I really don't understand the fuzz. I watched this and The Gifted on the same day and even when I think that The Gifted is not (yet) on par with the other Netflixed Marvel shows, it's still worlds better than this, but this appears to be the price of being an ABC or CBS show. I can see that some actors really try to do their best but something is clearly missing.

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I was sceptical in the beginning because comic adaptations are getting into fashion and some fail with the drama element. Not this one though; after 5-6 episodes I am now officially hooked and can't wait for next week's episode! The hints here and there for future character developments are fantastic and you develop a natural sense for the city of Gotham.

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Maybe it's too early to give decent reviews, but I was pretty surprised and impressed by the pilot... doesn't happen that often, at least at such an early point. I can't do anything else but to recommend at least watching the pilot, this is everything you can possibly expect from a pilot. Decent acting, great writing and a nice twist of (kind of black) humor and violence... awesome!

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This show has grown with every single episode aired, and not many show succeed like that. The second season really is a blast so far, wonderful acting, visuals and script. If I were to die on one of his tables, I'd be glad that I lived long enough to see that television finally turned out good. :p

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The cut and overall quality of the pilot seems good, but the story... I don't know. It's all what one would expect, people being surprised and emotionally overwhelmed by beloved dead ones who came back to life. Since ABC has a thing for picking up mystery shows with higher expectations, I wouldn't be surprised if this turns out the other way.

But I like to be proven wrong!

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House of Cards

I'm glad I sticked with the show, season 2 added some depth I felt was missing in season 1. I used to think that Boss was more close to the political environment, with more convincing story arcs, but thanks to season 2, that show caught some serious wind and is now on par.
I hope they stick with the current pace of storytelling, for this show has not disappointed me. If you can imagine watching a political drama, just go for it. You won't regret it.

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