Αλέξανδρος Σούβας


Thessaloniki, Macedonia, Greece

Chernobyl: 1x05 Vichnaya Pamyat

—Unbeleivable, one's man's incompetence caused so much loss of life.

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Who concealed the problems of the nuclear reactor and the AZ-5 button?

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Star Wars Rebels: 4x02 Heroes of Mandalore (2)

Didn't Sabine herself say it can't be turned against Stormtrooper armor just like that before she just did that ? headscratch

Even if the premiere episodes were a bit conventional and predictable (add to that that I already knew Katan will get the Dark Saber). In the origional trilogy there only was Fett and to be honest he didn't leave any impression at all. He was background noise for me. I have to say I really like Mandalorians now. The live action show helped me on that path even if that Mandalorian seems a bit different. It could turn out to be very exciting when the animated Mandos appear on the live action show.

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@finfan She said that she study the armor of the Stormtroopers and that she thought about to turn it against them, but that's wasn't their mission, they needed to destroy it.

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Life of Brian

This is a cult classic, which usually means that people who grew up on it love it and people who now watch it for the first time don't get what's so great about it. With this movie I'm in the second group.. Sure, there are some hilarious moments, and sure, they mock the story of Jesus and rebel against the church. But the movie moves too slow and there were too few funny moments for me to really enjoy it. Always look on the bright side of life is brilliant though!

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I watched it now for the first time (shame on me) and I love it.

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