


Game of Thrones: 8x05 The Bells

What in the actual f*ck.

I'm a reasonable man, I realize I've been crapping on D&D even more than usual this season but I really do have to give them props for doing exactly what they set out to do. They hoped to subvert our expectations and they did just wonderfully in that regards.

We expected all of that buildup over the years to actually amount to something that at the very least passes for a presentable series finale but instead, we got an incoherent, steaming pile of shit. Expectations subverted!

We expected all of that character development to actually result in a beautiful pay-off that respects the journey of self-discovery each and every one of our beloved characters went through to get to where they are now but instead, we got a painful, disrespectful cycle of character regression. Expectations subverted!

We expected the final season of this show to keep us at the edge of our seats with thrilling writing that didn't subvert our expectations for the sake of subverting our expectations via low-quality shock value-seeking writing, but to introduce plot twists that make sense within the overall narrative of the story but instead, we got CW-level predictable, cringe material. Expectations subverted!

I get it. I really do. GRRM let them down by not getting the books ready in time and so they had to improvise away from his influence, but this? This? For a long while, Game of Thrones lived up to the slogan of its parent network, it wasn't just TV, it was something different, something unique and now to have to see it come to this... it's nothing short of disappointing.

On the bright side though, at least this episode didn't suck completely. The acting, score and cinematography were all on point, so I guess it's nice that I didn't walk out of it having appreciated absolutely nothing about it.

So why do I even bother anymore? I honestly could not tell you, though it's probably a mixture of masochism and a faint sliver of hope that they won't flush our collective investment into this series down the drain by the end of it, just one more episode dammit.

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@jinzulen not sure mad comes with a dial. at this point she lost all friends and all advisors.

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A Series of Unfortunate Events: 3x07 The End

A nicer ending than the books. The book ending left me with more questions than answers. This ending is more satisfying. Yet still too faithful to the books ending. While it’s a more happy ending there’s still questions in the end that were never answered.
Spoiler warning: For instance. Season 1 teased us season long that the Quagmire parents were the Baudelaire parents. Yet, now that we know they aren’t. The writers wrote them out basically and they are never reunited with their children.
I guess since it’s a coming of age story. About children learning to not need the help from grown-ups and growing up. So just like the books. The Baudelaires and Quagmires aren’t reunited with parents that are teased to be alive.

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@jim222001 I'm not sure what that would add to the story, it's nice to have some unknowns in there. Like the teased pirate story at the end.

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Game of Thrones: 8x05 The Bells

I'm seeing some negative reactions in here. Well, I quite liked it tbh. Had me glued to the screen the whole time. Maybe I don't remember the quality of seasons 1-5 or maybe I'm just happy with little, who knows. Everyone seems to hate this season and I have to say I'm not 100% happy with it. BUT. I really liked this episode. Anyway, what can I say.

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@gatocheshire5 well she's the new mad queen, so I think it actually makes sense and was well hinted at

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Halt and Catch Fire: 4x10 Ten of Swords

First of all, I am so grateful that AMC let this amazing crew and cast finish their vision.

I lived in Silicon Valley for last 18 years, during the heights of dotcom, followed by a dotcom crash, then web 2.0 revival, and now cloud computing and machine learning revolution. I remember coming to Silicon Valley with big dreams, living in a sparsely furnished 1-bedroom apartment. Worked with big companies, worked with dotcom startups. Ups and downs. Now living in a pretty nice house in the heart of Silicon Valley, I sometimes wonder if my dreams are still alive. Just like the cast of Halt and Catch Fire.

The series ends with an open question, the very question that started the series: "Let me start by asking a question."

Dreams start with a question. And like Phoenix, it's then all about the journey. People you meet and work with. The brainstorming. Sleepless nights. Iterate. Demos. Failures. Pivots. I loved every minutes of Halt and Catch Fire. It's been an amazing journey.

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@nutmac Not 100% sure as it's hard to make out, but I think Joe says "Please start by asking a question" in the final. Which I feel reflects his growth.

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God, I can't wait for the next season.

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@rokeykokey I think it's still coming, they just need enough content, as the manga isn't that far ahead.

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American Horror Story: 8x10 Apocalypse Then

Reply by Kolja

The episode turned out better than expected tbh, but all in all there's still so much wasted potential.
I can't believe they just killed the Antichrist by traveling back in time and running him over with a car. It's just so cheap.
I also don't really understand how the two kids with extraordinary genes from the first episodes managed to birth the next Antichrist and what even made them special in the first place (I saw theories they might be the alien children from Asylum but I doubt the writers even thought that far), what the point of Coco's power was, why Mallory was the most important character but was so bland and had no real development or why we even had a whole Murder House sequel episode when it's all undone again now anyway. Just to throw some unsatisfying things out there. Though the most unsatisfying thing has to be the Antichrist - How can anyone take him seriously after we know he's basically just a 6 year old who feels abandoned by mommy and daddy?

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@haibara Well increasing his age might have the effect of him getting all his powers :P

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American Horror Story: 8x10 Apocalypse Then

Reply by Kolja

The episode turned out better than expected tbh, but all in all there's still so much wasted potential.
I can't believe they just killed the Antichrist by traveling back in time and running him over with a car. It's just so cheap.
I also don't really understand how the two kids with extraordinary genes from the first episodes managed to birth the next Antichrist and what even made them special in the first place (I saw theories they might be the alien children from Asylum but I doubt the writers even thought that far), what the point of Coco's power was, why Mallory was the most important character but was so bland and had no real development or why we even had a whole Murder House sequel episode when it's all undone again now anyway. Just to throw some unsatisfying things out there. Though the most unsatisfying thing has to be the Antichrist - How can anyone take him seriously after we know he's basically just a 6 year old who feels abandoned by mommy and daddy?

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@haibara What wouldn't feel cheap, to kill a antichrist in his not yet developed/discovered form? No idea about cocos power, but you can't have everything matter, otherwise nothing will ever get you by surprise.

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Reply by Kolja

So season one of Legion has finished. Easily the best (non anime/comic) tv show currently running. Can't wait for more!

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@philrivers it's based on a comic but it's not animated is what I'm trying to say

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Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness: 2x05 Stark Raving Mad

Reply by Kolja

There just wasn't a new story to be told in this second season. Netflix is trying to milk this his as much as possible. The people in it are still all batshit crazy and just trying to extend their 5 minutes of fame. But because this was such a huge hit everything thats in this second season we've all already seen on the mainstream news. And the stuff we haven't seen just isn't as interesting anymore. So yeah, pointless second season.

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@jshwlr as somebody not getting mainstream news, this was a nice update

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Ninja Scroll: The Series

Reply by Kolja

Great movie! if you like Ninjas this is for you ^^

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@cuddlebear This is not the movie :D

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One Piece: 21x940 Zoro's Fury! The Truth About the Smile!

Reply by Kolja

:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol:One Piece Episode 940 :asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol:

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@jm2002096 Have a look at the title, it's already in there

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Over the Garden Wall

Reply by Kolja

This show is hauntingly beautiful. I love how creative it is. It learns all the right lessons from Adventure Time without being derivative of it in any way.
I hope they make more.
The beast is a metaphor for time and age, right?

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@duuitnow Not sure about the satan part. But the rest checks out and is what I was thinking, as they are trying to escape death in all scenes that are not in real world.

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Attack on Titan: 2x12 Scream

Reply by Kolja

I won't survive another round of waiting as long as we waited for season two. But very well done again. The problem is, I probably have more questions now then at the end of season 1.

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@keddyan your actually the first one that had also read the manga to say to me that the anime confused him :)

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Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress

Reply by Kolja

Apparently the anime community is not very confident about this show, but as someone who loved Attack on Titan, Claymore and other dark/fantasy stuff, I really hope this doesn't devolve into a shit show, because I really like the premise and design.

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So far so good, give me more.

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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Reply by Kolja

Thoughts after leaving the cinema but before reading critics reviews: The plot actually very coherent, I had no problems following it whatsoever. Things happened for specific reason, they were deliberate choices that moved the plot along as opposed to randomly contrived events. Not only that, the narratives that were occurring concurrently made for a comprehensive movie that was multi-faceted and set up the future movies well. Complaints on my end were negligible, really not worth mentioning.

Thoughts after reading some critics complaints: I'm sorry that you don't have the brain capacity to sit down for 2.5 hours and pay attention to a movie with multiple narratives to tell a story. I'm sorry that you don't like films that deviate from common Hollywood narrative structures. I'm sorry that you keep comparing it to summer-blockbustery Marvel movies that are meant to reel in everyone and their dog and have become so formulaic and vanilla that my 9 year-old brother is getting sick of them. I'm sorry that you're not comparing it to Watchmen. I'm sorry that you wanted to hate this movie from the beginning.

My reconciled thoughts: All of this aside, I thought it was a comic book movie through and through. It's a real service to the fans who pay for comics and keeps the industry alive (also see Amy Robinson's review on BvS). Despite some deviating creative choices, for me, the essence of the characters stay true and pure to the heart of who they are and what they represent. Henry Cavill's Clark Kent/Superman rings to what a modern day iteration of him would be, not whatever New 52 has done with him. They really captured the depth and breadth of 75 years of Lois/Clark's love in the movie. Even the tension between Bruce and Diana is right on the money and calls back to the awesomeness of the pairing that is Batman/Wonder Woman that we all got a taste of in JLU and Blackest Night. Batffleck's Batman/Bruce is the Bruce after Jason's death, before Tim came along, y'know? The movie leaves a whole lot of room for the future Justice Leaguers and maybe even beyond to legacy movies where mantle is passed on.

Also, if we got like 5 minutes of Jason Momoa's Aquaman instead of 10 seconds I would have died and gone to heaven right there on the spot.

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Well that's what Luther does? He actually did many times.

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Over the Garden Wall

Reply by Kolja

This show is hauntingly beautiful. I love how creative it is. It learns all the right lessons from Adventure Time without being derivative of it in any way.
I hope they make more.
The beast is a metaphor for time and age, right?

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Nope, the beast is probably death himself

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