

Sydney, New South Wales

One Piece: 9x282 Parting Builds a Man's Character! Sanji and Chopper!

aaand i that's it. literally 4 episodes of re-telling.

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One Piece: Season 17

Currently up to ep87 of this arc and am really getting bored of it – just like the Maineford Arc ( but in this case much, much worse ), it's gone on for far too long with nothing happening for the most part. I really love the overall plot concept with [spoilers]people turning to toys[/spoilers], but there were a number of episodes that you could just skip and still be fine continuing. Not only that, but it's been over 30 episodes or something, and we haven't gotten any updates about [spoilers]Team B of the Straw Hats.[/spoilers] They'll most likely be important for the tail-end of this arc but it feels like the writers know how much more expendable / weak they are that they just don't include them in this battle-heavy sitch. It also doesn't help that a lot of these recent episodes have started almost a whole 5 minutes in.

60-75 episodes would have been perfect with enough filler events to actually get through the entire main plot.

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Ted Lasso: 3x12 So Long, Farewell
  • Rupert with the all black outfit and the tail of his coat trailing behind him like a true villain lmao
  • "Wicked" "Kinky Boots" TOOK ME A SECOND BUT THAT WAS GREAT
  • It's a shame they had full, hour long episodes and still didn't give enough for the main characters until the montage at the end. Rebecca getting one episode's worth with what may or may not be her future partner, and then just a per-chance meeting with the guy at the very end. Roy becoming the manager makes sense, but he hasn't shown in interest in the position, otherwise? Why is Sam with another team all of a sudden? A couple of doozies there, though I guess it's better than leaving it hanging.
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Abbott Elementary: 2x21 Mom

I loved Taraji in Person of Interest but otherwise haven't seen her in many other things, so her rolling up in this ep as Janine's mum was a complete shock!

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Ted Lasso: 2x12 Inverting the Pyramid of Success

Shout by Ki

"I mean, look at it out there. Looks like a Renaissance painting portraying masculine melancholy." :joy:

Damn, you know Nate's been charging up his evil powers 'cos his hair's now fully grey lmao.

Not too bad overall for a second season, but the first is still better, imo. More solid, focused more on the soccer / sport aspect of the show while developing their characters through the scenes between matches. I liked that about the first season, 'cos it felt more original-and otherwise the show feels more of just like your standard drama show, with a bit of the sports sprinkled in there, which this season was definitely leaning towards, especially during the middle. I honestly still don't understand the Beard After Hours episode, and I don't think I ever will.

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True Blood: 1x12 You'll Be the Death of Me

Hoyt: [ I mean, I don't care what nobody says if I met a nice vampire girl, I'd be proud to have her on my arm. ] Does Bill know anybody my age?
next scene, Jessica walks in

Oh, well that's not subtle at all... :joy: Keen to see that dynamic if it ever happens!

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The Blacklist: 7x06 Dr. Lewis Powell

that opening makes no sense... why would bomb squad shoot someone they think has explosives on in the chest ???

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The Blacklist: 7x03 Les Fleurs du Mal

grace le domas voice: F***ING RICH PEOPLE !!!!!

also, is liz stupid? so far she's only introduced herself to the new neighbour and that warrants a coffee in her own home? liz, you're an fbi agent... i thought you had much more common sense than this! you don't just let your child near a stranger, not especially with your line of work!

the red riding hood parallels are kinda too on the nose and come off as super cheesy as well.

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The Blacklist: 7x01 Louis T. Steinhil (1)

150mg of Ketamine's gonna absolutely kill you or a healthy adult male lmao i love that my med school education is coming in clutch here :joy:

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One Piece: 9x284 I'm Not Gonna Hand Over the Blueprints! Franky's Decision!

took them 6 episodes to get back on track to where the last one actually left off... oof

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One Piece: 9x280 The Ways of Men! Zoro's Techniques, Usopp's Dream!

skippped this episode 'cos it's just backstory / flashbacks we've already seen.

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Supergirl: 5x18 The Missing Link

"You can’t play the game from both sides, Brainy. You can’t pretend to be on our side one minute and then push us away the next. If you can’t pick a side, I’ll choose one for you." – oh, that was an EXCELLENT line.

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The Flash: 6x19 Success Is Assured

Can the people complaining about this show just drop it already? Ffs it's the 6th season's finale and you're STILL somehow here when all you do is whinge...

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You: 2x10 Love, Actually

Shout by Ki
BlockedParent2020-01-20T14:07:15Z— updated 2020-01-31T01:39:05Z

uh, so... they just left candace there, in the middle of the hallway of the locker room... and that's it? no follow-up? i hope it comes to bite them in the ass next season.

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Mindhunter: 1x10 Episode 10

AMAZING episode, though not exactly a 10/10 from me as I'm left feeling a little unsatisfied with Debbie and Wendy's characters.

Debbie's always challenged Holden in some way, but their getting back together all of a sudden was jarring - it didn't make sense, not without any telling or context as to how it happened, they sort of just... Are around each other again, for some reason.

Wendy's character did a sort of 180 these last 2 episodes, which is a shame, because she's a brilliant addition to the team. I'll admit, the putting out the tuna thing was great, but lead to nowhere ( or perhaps there was symbolism behind it, but I certainly didn't pick up on it ).

The ending scene is exactly what a crime drama / thriller should be all about, and I'm absolutely floored at the phenomenal acting.

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Hudson & Rex

Shout by Ki
BlockedParent2019-10-22T11:04:13Z— updated 2020-02-06T13:58:24Z

I just read the description and I already KNOW it's gonna be a knock-off, Walmart version of Kommissar Rex, the original Austrian show this show is basically recreating.

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Queer Eye: 2x07 Bedazzled

Sean looks a little like Logan Lerman with this transformation!

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Queen of Tears: 1x12 Episode 12

Shout by Ki

I actually hated that first bit. You'd think Hae-in would've just told Hyun-woo something happened (something like, "I had another lapse in time" or whatever), if it it was a white lie... But no, she instead heads off with the guy that ruined her family's life... Wtf?!

"What kind of woman wouldn't want to date you? You're handsome, kind, smart but not arrogant. Plus, you're a good cook. There's no man like you. Even if I was reborn a hundred times, I'd still marry you every single time" AAAAAAAA :sneezing_face:

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Queen of Tears: 1x08 Episode 8

VINCENZO?!?!??!! oh that was a surprise! :')

It's so funny that Joong-Ki popped up after I was thinking about how both Kwak Dong-yeon (Soo-cheol) and Lim Cheol-soo (Hyun Woo) are both in Vincenzo as well. It's a really neat tie-in, but I've seen that Joong-Ki is only in this episode, which is a shame. I mean, I know it's not his show but he'd be damn useful with the Queens family situation right now!

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Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA: 2x11 Sante La Brea

Shout by Ki

Genuinely one of the whackiest, stressful episodes I've seen. The owner went from not being assertive and a leader to literally just yelling at everyone, smh :')

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Queen of Tears: 1x04 Episode 4

I realised about 20 minutes into this episode that the entire plotline to this is almost like Taming of the Shrew, lol

Also omggg wdym THEY MET WHEN THEY WERE KIDS??????

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Queen of Tears: 1x02 Episode 2

Shout by Ki

Hae-in: I just told you that I had a serious matter, too. Aren't you curious?
Seon-hwa: You always know what to do, whether it's big or small.
Hae-in: ... Right... I'll take care of my business. You should go. This is my workplace.
Seon-hwa: Hey, don't mind me. I'm here to see Hyun-woo anyway.


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The Artful Dodger: 1x08 Untapped Potential
The Artful Dodger: 1x04 The Stitch Up

This episode goes to prove that Fagin could be completely taken out of this show and it would be just as amazing. I don't care for Fagin, don't think I ever will - the drama with the position of Head Surgeon and all the medical discoveries/progress is SO much more interesting to watch.

Also, Jack in those clothes at the party was both cute and ridiculous. But sheesh, Belle's clothes (especially in the past 2 episodes) have looked so pretty on her!

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The Artful Dodger: 1x02 Blessings of St. Coccyx

Shout by Ki

While any show needs an antagonist, I just don't really like Fagin - like, at all. He's annoying at best, and just really not at all entertaining in the least. Up until the very end of this episode, he was just a nuisance and I couldn't care about him.

I'm much more interested and invested in Belle and Jack's hospital shenanigans and that ongoing plot. In fact, there could be some sort of exchange between the two that could've gotten Jack his money back since she's wealthy anyway, instead of him having to deal with Fagin in the first place.

Still, I'm enjoying this as a casual watch, and it's cool to see how they've artfully filmed in the same couple of locations while still making it look like a big part of a city... Let's see what the next couple of episodes hold!

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Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba: 4x11 A Connected Bond: Daybreak and First Light
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba: 4x10 Love Hashira Mitsuri Kanroji

Shout by Ki

Tanjiro, Nezuko and Genya all just STANDING THERE at the end while the main body flees YET AGAIN... Like stfu, stop yelling and just KILL HIM lmao

Also once again, just a huge chunk of flashback narration. It's getting tedious at this point, couldn't they have done this particular one when we'd met Kanroji earlier this season?!

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Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba: 4x09 Mist Hashira Muichiro Tokito

Shout by Ki


Really starting to miss Inosuke and Zenitsu, so hopefully they're back in the last 2 episodes of this season!

Every slayer has a different technique and it's really cool to see it being reflected from their personalities. I also really love Kanroji's style of fighting, with the cutesy flips and her sword being more like a ribbon, reminds me of rhythmic gymnastics.

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Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba: 4x08 The Mu in Muichiro

Shout by Ki

I don't mind a few flashbacks every now and then because they're a great way to tell a story, but we just had a full episode 2 episodes ago with the same thing, which meant actual story progression was put to a halt and nothing really happened this episode. Don't get me wrong, LOVE that we're diving into each important character more deeply and exploring their past to explain why they are the way they are now, but... Too much, too soon, at least for my taste.

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Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba: 4x06 Aren't You Going to Become a Hashira?

Shout by Ki


oh man, i really didn't understand genya's character until now, and the writers putting all his tragic backstory in moments before his death makes it so much worse :sob:

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