

Sydney, New South Wales

One Piece: Season 17

Currently up to ep87 of this arc and am really getting bored of it – just like the Maineford Arc ( but in this case much, much worse ), it's gone on for far too long with nothing happening for the most part. I really love the overall plot concept with [spoilers]people turning to toys[/spoilers], but there were a number of episodes that you could just skip and still be fine continuing. Not only that, but it's been over 30 episodes or something, and we haven't gotten any updates about [spoilers]Team B of the Straw Hats.[/spoilers] They'll most likely be important for the tail-end of this arc but it feels like the writers know how much more expendable / weak they are that they just don't include them in this battle-heavy sitch. It also doesn't help that a lot of these recent episodes have started almost a whole 5 minutes in.

60-75 episodes would have been perfect with enough filler events to actually get through the entire main plot.

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The Amazing Race Australia: Season 5

I've seen so many seasons of the US version, and it's cool that it's picked up again in Australia... However, it's one of those shows you can only stream on the network's channel or live rather than via a streaming service or torrent, which inevitably means you're gonna have to wait through so many ads just to get to the actual show itself. One of my friends and her husband's actually competing this season which is why I've started watching, so I don't particularly mind... But it does get incredibly irritating super quick.

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One Piece: Season 8

All filler episodes. They're nice, but not stand-out as the first 5 are just solo dedications to the OG team.

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