

South Africa, Johannesburg

The Girl Next Door

First saw this movie when I was 17 and to this day stays one of my favourite romantic comedies

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One of those... What if movies. Simply brilliant!

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The Iron Giant

I'd RULE THE WORLD MUHAHAHAHAHAHA! But seriously a nice heart warming film

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The Longest Yard

Cliche'd to no end... But still watchable, one of Sandler's last good movies IMO.

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Toy Story That Time Forgot

UUURGH!!! Just give us ANOTHER full feature film already!! Just when I start getting into it, IT ENDS!!!

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Gravity Falls

Started watching this on Saturday with my wife. went in with no expecations and it blew us away!!

A must see!! Dont see a lot of shows so well written these days.

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The Visit

This movie sucked so bad. In real life this mom would lose custody of her children due to neclagence.

Police officer:"How did you not recognize that these crazy people werent your parents when you first dropped your kids off ma'am???"

Mom:"Aint nobody got time fo dat!!! I dropped them at the train station and made them do the trip ALONE. I didnt even call my parents to find out if they arrived safetly... I only took the word of my children talking to them through SKYPE.. I had a boat cruise with my name on it and man wait for no lonely woman! Im not gonna let my kids steal the little youth I have left to get laid and possibly getting a new hubby. I wanted to get pounded!"

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Left Behind

Nic Cage probably did this movie to pay off a LED TV or something, its THAT bad...

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Awesome movie... I dont think I'll ever a see a movie again that amused me so much as a kid growing up1

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The Matrix

Best of the trillogy obviously.... Just head cannon the rest lol

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Should've called this "horny grandma"

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Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

The trilogy at its peak!

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Bob's Burgers

I love Tina, she's by far my fav character of the show.

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Shrek 2

Best of the series.

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I really tried to like Season 9... Really I did, but I couldn't get into it... It felt so generic and lazy as if the cast couldn't care reunite again after season 8's awesome finale in my opinion

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Mars Attacks!

Not as awesome as I remembered as a child

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Full Metal Jacket

After the bootcamp training it felt like the movie was just another war movie... I hate this Joker, a real forgetable character he turned out to be

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Princess Mononoke

I seriously think this is the best animw movie EVER!!!! No competition

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The Devil's Advocate

Face it guys we juat warched the movie for the red head

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Hell's Kitchen

Was always curious about this show when I first heard about it and now I cant stop watching it!

The only gripe do have is the narrator, he can be such a drama queen. He literally makes everything sound like its ten times worse than what it actually is.

Damn reality TV ;)

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Lake Mungo

Don't waste your time.. I was expecting something in the lines of Paranormal Activity but got a crappy mockumentary pointless twist of a ending..

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Evil Dead

The trick is not to compare it to the classic then you'll have a AWESOME TIME!!!

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Snow White and the Huntsman

Wasnt as bad as people made it out to be

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Getting more scripted as each episode passes. Either that or all Americans are attention whores.

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I, Robot

Its I AM LEGEND with robots!

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Toy Story

I always love this movie... ALWAYS!

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The Vampire Diaries

People still watch this show??? I stopped at season 3!

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How to Train Your Dragon

Face it everybody wanted to adapot toothless after this movie

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Sky High

What it scored so low? I liked it!

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It's so intentionally cheesy and cliche.... I LIKED IT!

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