

Toronto, Canada

The Hunters

For a made for TV movie I thought it was pretty good! I enjoyed the concept even if it's reminiscent of The Librarian movies. I hope they make a second one!

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@roswellgeek HOLY FRIAR TUCK.... this was a MOVIE??? I'm almost done with it and somehow I completely missed that. I assumed this was a pilot for a show.

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Alex Rider: 1x07 Episode Seven
21 Bridges

Omggg I had to take my kids to see Frozen ll... Otherwise this is my choice.. I'll watch it tho.. Sometime next week

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@rcarter25 it's been a few years you ever check it out?

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Seeing this 1998 movie in 2020 makes me think it must have been mind-blowing when it was released. It is amazing.

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@arielrodriguez The crazy part for me is that I saw this on the SciFi channel one day randomly. No fanfare just showed up and that would have been a little after 1998. I got hooked and watched the whole thing. And then for a while I th ought maybe I had rose tinted memory. And eventually I found it again and dang... nope still a good film.

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Mr. & Mrs. Smith: 1x06 Couples Therapy (Naked & Afraid)

Review by wolfkin
BlockedParent2024-02-06T05:23:01Z— updated 2024-02-11T20:44:38Z

Okay so let's talk about episodes 5 and 6.

Ron Pearlmen was an utter delight. I can't not say that. He always is. Just is. Even here in this lackluster role. That said the second half of the season is a noticeable upswing. I really like even this episode and what it's doing character-wise. Plot-wise it was nonsense but it's not like it's going anywhere anyway at least now I'm starting to enjoy the ride. The interplay between our leads is interesting even if the again the fact that they are spies is not. What I find fascinating is that there's more narrative flow and consistency in the titles and descriptions than there is in the show. It's like they prepared the show with the titles and synopsis long before they started filming. Because this

Couples Therapy (Naked & Afraid) - Oh, John. Oh, Jane. Our pair have been oh so bad at sharing and caring. Time to call in help -- John and Jane, get ready for: COUPLES THERAPY, what a gas!

Is an entire different level than what even this episode is. This is fun and goofy and comical in a way that not even at it's best the show is. Maybe on a scene by scene basis you might find something worthy of the type of gassing in the title/synopsis but most of it is very different. It's lazier, more laid back, less invested. Which to say yet again I don't put on Maya and Donald. They're solid but the writing and directing just don't care. It's weird to look at this show and say "Well at least True Lies the TV Show tried." I mean the True Lies show bombed like 70-80% of it's run time but at least they were going for something. The jokes were sometimes dumb but they came (a little too) consistently.

As for episode 6? Well honestly it's my favorite episode so far. It's fun in a way that few episodes have been until now. Holy snap it just occurred to me. Part of it is the missing intrigue. As I've said before this is a show with zero guile. I mean they're spies but spies in this world is a gig job. Anyone signs up anyone gets in and the AI runs you like an uber app. It's dumb and boring and uninteresting. But here... here they have to lie. They have to explain translate and keep things up in front of a therapist who, imo, Sarah Paulson made utterly adorable "Yeah! Whatever DID happen to Mya?" I died. She was hilarious. It's amazing how just getting the formula right finally lets everything shine. The spycraft is minimized but it doesn't matter because I'm having a ball watching Maya and Donald rehash their relationship. A relationship I actually care about this episode. "The therapist episode" shows the potential of this series.

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artificial reason for two strangers to be stuck together and have some kind of amusing relationship issues

Agreed. I just don't find their relationship issues compelling. It's too dull for a spy show and not meaty enough for a relationship show. and IMO most of the early episodes are just failing on all fronts.

Being spies is more just a running gag

Disagreed. mostly because of the word gag. it carries a tone of humor that this doesn't have.

the film versions

One film but before the film there was a CBS crime drama series starring Scott Bakula of Quantum Leap fame. But yes. In the film version (Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie) it was definitely way more bombastic and action packed. From what I've read the CBS show plotwise was more similar to this. Two spies have to work as a married couple. In the movie it was two people who were a married couple but unknown to each other they were spies on opposite teams.

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Okay, that psycho of a father put the girl in his head but where did Ian get his fighting skills from, all of a sudden?? Also, who have thought, that Adriana herself would have been victim to a loop? That ending is a open... Seems that they are angling for a sequel.
Fells more like an extended pilot for a show.
As a stand alone film it feels to open, not enough closure...

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@syntis in the beginning of the movie after the alcohol heist Ian goes to the arcade by himself. Now, if you watch that scene again, you'll notice that Ian does some training with a wing chun ? thing. The whole movie. I was wondering why he was why he did that and that's why it's to show that he does have the ability to fight. He had that ability from the beginning of the movie. Personally, I kept waiting the whole movie to see him fight and thought it was weird. He kept hanging back in the fights when in the beginning we saw he knows how to fight but that's why that's where he got those martial arts moves. They weren't out of nowhere. They were telegraphed in a very subtle way

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Role Play
The Machine

Shout by shmosby
BlockedParent2023-05-29T05:18:04Z— updated 2023-07-23T19:12:58Z

This was SO much fun. I knew almost nothing about Bert Kreischer going in, and I absolutely loved it.

I was expecting crass comedy. What I was not expecting was a massive John Wick influence.

Mark Hamill was great, and Iva Babić was fantastic. And it looks really good - dare I even say artistic? I can't believe it's only a $20 million budget. This movie has no right being this good.

Did I do that??

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@hgram I urge you to see his stand up routine. It really contextualizes the movie. If you like the movie you'll really enjoy the set.

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The Beast Must Die

3rd episode and once again, the Brit’s make the best exciting intellectual addicting crime dramas I’ve ever had the pleasure to observe.

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@wastedfish just FYI you got a bit lost you were looking for https://trakt.tv/shows/the-beast-must-die

This is the movie page for the werewolf murder mystery from 1974

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The School for Good and Evil

Haven't read the book (or books) but if they're remotely similar to this movie, then the author should consider retiring. The story has all the tropes you would expect from a CW show (including the terrible CGI). Obnoxious characters, bad acting, obvious references to the HP saga... I could only watch for like 30 minutes and its runtime still had two more hours! No way, Jose. Charlize... Girl! What did you see in this script?

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@fzirit I'm about 30 minutes into the movie and I'm confused myself. And someone who read the books they are infinitely more subtle. To the point where I'm not sure what the point of this movie is because it loses every ounce of creativity and subtlety and interest.

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Harlan Coben's Shelter

Review by Chandramohan Kannan
BlockedParentSpoilers2023-08-20T05:08:34Z— updated 2023-09-15T09:25:19Z

Is there a rule in the US that 14 and 15 year olds have to be played by 20 somethings?? Always find that casting paradigm a tad silly...

Regardless, it is nice that the original authors are increasingly finding their way to being creators of show... and so it is equally perplexing to why they would change their own stories for the live motion format... Mickey's uncle Myron Bolitar is a major character in the Harlan Coben universe... why create a new character called Shira to surrogate for him... I'd understand if Harlan had a contract with a different studio, that has exclusive contract on Myron Bolitar and its usage... but here, he gets named and identified as an alum of the school with basketball records... then why replace that character?? Is it supposed to be some sort of misguided gender equality?

Update (Sep 15, 2023): Funnily enough the live motion format moves slower than the literary format of the book... the first 3 episodes could have easily been edited into a one hour pilot... there is nothing here that deserves a 3 episode run... the remaining episodes do pick up the pace... especially given the serious topics (child sex trafficking, adultery, etc.,) the story deals with... however it does itself a disservice by dealing frivolously with too many hard topics in a teenage setting...

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@chandramohan-kannan The pilot wrapped in 2021, the kid was born in 2003, hence 18. The rest of the series finished filming in 2022 so 19 then. That's where the 18 number is coming from.

That said it's a minor point in the face of, as you put it, the general observation. Hollywood parents let their kids do a surprising number of things so I don't think it's limits per se. I do think there's a bigger push for body types. Which is why all these fully developed six-pack abs jock types are played by dudes almost 30 because you need to be that age to get six pack abs like that.

There are also other filming considerations when filming with actual teenagers both behind and in front of the camera that makes it more preferable to film with older actors. In front of the camera they age faster and more. Behind the camera younger actors do have restrictions on their time and how MUCH they can film.

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What We Do in the Shadows: 4x08 Go Flip Yourself

[7.7/10] I loved about 80% of this one, and it only gets points knocked off for ending the whole thing on such a miserable note. I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen an episode soar so beautifully for most of its runtime, only to crash and burn at the very end like this.

Suffice it to say, putting the vamps and Guillermo into an HGTV-style reality show is a hoot. I thought it was a little odd that they brought in such talented comedians like the Sklar brothers to do the little ads for the home-renovation show that Lazlo watched regularly. It makes sense now! And they kill it! Both of them absolutely nail the saccharine sunniness and hollow positivity of those sorts of televised cheese merchants. There’s an “I’m your server at TGI Fridays”-esque faux-enthusiasm to everything that makes for an amusing juxtaposition of the darkness and vulgarity that pervades the vamps’ abode.

I’ll confess, I haven't seen a ton of those HGTV shows, but WWDitS absolutely nails the tone and rhythms of the few I have seen. The forced taglines, the false drama of the act breaks, the silly swooping shots, and the goofy graphics are all done to perfection. You don’t have to be an expert in this sort of television to appreciate the attention to detail in the presentation and how it exposes how ridiculous this sort of thing is by merely replicating it.

But it also injects the peculiar ridiculousness of the vamps in all of this. Lazlo as a starstruck superfan tickled my ribs. Nadja being against the whole thing until it nets her a golden toilet made me chuckle. Nandor being so amazed by a “Home Is Where the Wine Is” sign is adorable. Guillermo being against the whole thing for very practical reasons of avoiding exposure, until he realizes he can spin things to improve his “hidey hole” is a great bit. And I love the humor of Nadja hypnotizing the crew, editors, and other nerds not to notice they’re vampires or that one of the hosts was murdered in the first scene.

I also enjoy the subplot about Nandor trying to build a mancave to get away from Marwa. There’s genuine insight to the idea that having someone who likes all the same things as you sounds good on paper, but that in practice, having someone who never challenges you or complements you, only matches you, would be exhausting and unsatisfying. I also appreciate him being hoisted by his own petard, where the fact that he wants a mancave where he can be away from her means she wants a mancave where she can be away from him. It’s a nice twist on the whole thing.

But god, I’ve never liked Devious Simon, or Nick Kroll’s whole shtick for that matter. I can appreciate the absurdity of turning this whole production into a shaggy dog story where it was all a ruse to get Lazlo’s witch skin hat. I have to tell you, though, I find Kroll’s overdoing it as a vampire exhausting, and the “humor” of his parade of hangers on to be dead on arrival. There’s some more funny digs at home renovation shows, about how they’re only fit for people half paying attention in hospitals and airports (which is, candidly, where I’ve seen them). But delivered in this package, the whole thing goes over about as well as a big wet fart.

Overall, I love this one as a format bender and in its ability to mesh the show’s sensibilities with the nonsense of reality television, but the limp, annoying ending brings an otherwise quality episode down considerably.

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@andrewbloom fun fact it's becoming more of an open secret that the show are even more ridiculous than they appear as often people have made up their decisions before the show even gets involved. As in people buy homes and THEN get on home hunters where ostensibly they "search" for a home before settling on a home they already were going to get.

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The Bourne Identity

i don't really understand why this film is so popular - it's not bad and the fight scenes are enjoyable, but i don't think the plot really goes anywhere. it's quite obvious that bourne is some sort of spy/assassin from early on and there's not much development from there. none of the other characters are interesting in any way including the woman and their relationship with each other, the climax is hardly climactic, no comic relief throughout the whole movie, don't feel that it had any sort of message, etc etc.

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@mollyelton if you ever get the chance check out the book. They really simplified the plot in a certain way that kinda make it as you say "quite obvious" the books add layers to that. Even Marie imo was better developed in the book.

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Extraordinary: 1x02 Magic Bullets

kind off an ominous choice to be a dentist with that power lol also why didn't kash just turn back time when they got mugged? or when they lost the car?

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@hugbear powers have only been around for I think they say five years so she would have trained to be a dentist first and then got the power.

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Hijack: 1x06 Comply Slowly

Damn these British government people can’t be this stupid. If they were, there’s no way they would’ve almost conquered the world.

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@whos_ur_buddha Well don't fall for the meritocratic argument that those who conquered the world were the most intelligent. :grin:

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The Rookie: 5x19 A Hole in the World

Review by wolfkin
BlockedParent2023-03-29T16:50:07Z— updated 2023-06-18T21:49:59Z

Oh man the copaganda is strong with this one. It hit me pretty hard in this episode. Had a bit of whiplash. I like Selena as a character but why is she allowed to be so close to this case? I think her entire character is written to be "gets too close to the case and flips out in appropriately so everyone can dress her down". It's silly. I don't blame this on the actress. Heck I don't even blame it on Selena. I blame it on everyone else who keeps letting her participate. It's ridiculous from the times she goes "I can handle whatever it is... tell me" and then right after finding out goes "NO... no... you're wrong". And then everyone dresses her down like "Hey Officer Juarez, be objective". Ironically they aren't being objective they're wildly speculating. Cops who do this are the problem IRL. But because it's TV their wild speculation is 100% on the mark with no errors. Her problem isn't not being objective. It's being emotional. Openly emotional. You could have an argument about the sexism in that scene but generally I don't think The Rookie has as big a problem in that area.

I like how this is the second cop show this week where I've seen cops threaten someone with rape. I don't know what else "or do you remember what it's like to be a pedophile behind bars" is supposed to mean. Oh maybe it just means assault. That's ... better?

This show and other cop shows want you to think if you just talk to cops and you're empathetic enough cops will believe the words coming out of your mouth. Never talk to the police more than required. Never volunteer information. Always get a lawyer. Cops will use what happens on TV to trick you. On TV the cops will just ask you to talk to them and just tell them real quick and they'll let you go and find the real guy. In real life if you say anything that can be used out of context to make YOU look like the bad guy they'll just do that. It's easier and they don't have to hunt down someone they might or might not find. After all cops love to talk about how many crimes they solve. Doesn't matter if they solve it correctly. That number doesn't get publicized. Cops will convince you that you don't need a lawyer and if you talk now it won't be as bad for you. It will be as bad for you. They're under zero obligation to treat you better because you were cooperative. That's just something cops say they do on TV. Like asking suspects to just confess.... because?

The cops find a convicted pedophile they're legally allowed to harass any time they want for zero reason (and yes that's harassment but because it's a pedophile we're supposed to think "well good. He deserved it. They need this power to harass scum like that" but IRL this get used against a single mother with two kids working three jobs who doesn't even have time to get sexually assaulted by a PO today but hey whatever). They find this guy. He's super cagey. He has mementos of the missing child. Then, when they bring him in, he acts shocked and they stop thinking he might be responsible. Now they stop looking at him for the crime because it has to be the stand-up cop who has no evidence against him. Nah couldn't be the pedo where the only evidence was found. And of course again, because it's TV, there is a super tight conspiracy where a cop does everything right and frames someone while committing horrific crimes repeatedly every year like a criminal mastermind. That's way more plausible than the guy who did it repeatedly and shows zero remorse did it again. The hidden message of this portion is that cop guts are how policework should be done. The cop suspected another cop based on gut instinct. The cop let go of the creepy man based on gut instinct. Honestly the irony of "We can't arrest him. That starts a 72 hour clock after which we have to let him go if we don't have a charge" and then they solve the mystery and find the girl in like 5 hours just baffles me. Cops do this stuff all the time. But because it's a fellow cop he "knows all the procedures". Cops don't have special procedures. Cops don't even have good procedures. What they have is money and numbers. LAPD Patrol isn't some silent hero-team doing elite work on the streets that no one appreciates. They do what they want, when they want and they have the legal authority and weaponry to get away with anything. On top of all the random legal corruption and illegal corruption, there are semi-organized gangs within law enforcement and no one has the authority or will to do anything about it. They rape, they murder, they kill pets, they steal but The Rookie wants me to buy that one of the most infamous beats in the nation dresses down their rookies for being "not being objective".

And that final showdown? I don't know what I supposed to take from this except that cops want to kill you. Because there's no reason to breach an empty abandoned house RIGHT AFTER the only hostage was freed. They keep talking about wondering if they could have talked him down and whether it was necessary and honestly. It wasn't. There was no rush. No urgency. no concern and yet they ran in as soon as possible. Who was he a danger to? Himself? Well lucky he didn't kill himself then. Oh he was suicidal guess we should bum rush him. And this is how they treat one of their own.

And Officer Juarez forgiving her mother saying it wasn't her fault it was her sickness when two episodes ago she was saying functionally how dare her mother blame this on her sickness and it was her fault. Pick a lane sugar (I'm trying to pick a pejorative to her age not her gender), either you understand addiction is a disease or you don't. You don't get to pick and choose when you care. More specifically you don't get to pick and choose and then dress down everyone else for not understanding when your understanding is conditional. You just know before this arc started she would have dressed down anyone just like every other TV cop who refused addiction as a disease. I mean how the mighty have fallen seeing Wesley talk about how he can "sell" a scenario where one person did the crime and not the other one in spite of zero evidence is gross. It's exactly the kind of prosecutorial overreach that Wesley used to talk about when his character was introduced. It's entirely the sort of thing that leads to people getting convicted for crimes they didn't do.

There are far too many people in /r/TheRookie who seem to love Schmitty. He's an awful character but he is everyone's favorite incompetent does something effectively and efficiently.

In another show these wouldn't be a big deal. Cop shows are cop shows and they're lies from the opening credits to closing credits. Everything about them is a lie from how much they hate IA, to how cops will lie to other cops about whether they're being investigated, to how cops will sit across from you in an interrogation room, to how cops won't lie and make up evidence to get you to convict yourself. We all know these are laws and every cop show since the dawn of the cop show in the 60s or 70s has been feeding us this lie to the point where too many people don't understand it as a lie until they're faced with the reality.

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Just sit and wait it out?

Yes. That's my point. It's an abandoned building. not a maze. There's no secret tunnel exit. They have plenty of time and man power to just stand watch at the exits. Call in a hostage negotiator and get him to come out alive. Because that's part of their job. To get the criminals in jail ALIVE. Forcing a stand-off is stupid. They knew it was a cop. They knew he let go of the only person in the house. They knew the cop might be emotionally unstable. There's no reason not to consider he might take "the easy way out" as it's often put in cop shows when criminals self-terminate.

As for the other bit. I maintain I'm right and you're wrong but that's because I don't think you understand what I was saying. Shock and surprise don't have any thing to do with what I'm referring to.

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Decent actors, acting poorly, terrible dialogue, terrible sound track and audio effects, terrible stunts and visual effects. Must be embarrassing for David Rodriguez to screw up so badly. He should definitely look for a different line of work. I’m sure the actors and the crew hate him for adding such crap to their resumes. Some scenes are so bad they seem like spoofs. The inception folding city scapes are particularly hilarious. It starts off bad and gets worse and worse… I was very tempted to turn it off at minute 110 and I should have. The end is mind bogglingly pathetic. They actually have a final “twist” that would make you think there could be a sequel lol. How is this movie even possible… didn’t anyone read the script before agreeing to participate?

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@hirkiti minute 110? but the movie is only 94 minutes long.

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What a stupid movie, couldn't' Madeline still organise a hit on Tom since she's still the Trustee.. the actors playing Sam and Sandre had no chemistry.

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@guyduke she was only the trustee if Tom died. Since Tom was not really dead. She actually did not have access to the money which was the whole point of the fake death. She would have been unwilling to send the money to the foundation otherwise.

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Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania

a lot of question pop up in my head after watching this. but what I want to know the most is, as Kang the Conqueror has been exiled by his other variant because he deem as dangerous, then why, at the end of the cutscene, we see many kang variants trying to plot a revenge? isn't his death worked a favor to his other variant too?

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@abyhape I believe the idea was Ant-Man Kang was dangerous. So dangerous and so opposed to the other Kangs they exiled him. But they know Kang an they know it's possible he might find a way out. His life kept them back even though he was trapped in Quantum-Zone that's how powerful and dangerous he was. Now that he's dead they can really get down.

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Review by Jordy
BlockedParent2021-09-15T13:12:54Z— updated 2022-05-17T16:59:33Z

Denis Villeneuve is the man!
There’s only one word that came into my mind after watching it: finally.

Finally, a blockbuster that isn’t afraid to be primarily driven by drama and tension, and doesn’t undercut its own tone by throwing in a joke every 30 seconds.
Finally, a blockbuster that puts actual effort in its cinematography, and doesn’t have a bland or calculated colour palette.
Finally, a blockbuster with a story that has actual substance and themes, and doesn’t rely on intertextual references or nostalgia to create a fake sheen of depth.
Finally, a blockbuster that doesn’t pander to China by having big, loud and overblown action sequences, but relies on practical and grounded spectacle instead (it has big sand worms, you really don’t need to throw anything at the screen besides that).
Finally, a blockbuster that actually feels big, because it isn’t primarily shot in close ups, or on a sound stage.
And of course: finally, a blockbuster that isn’t a fucking prequel, sequel, or connected to an already established IP somehow.

(Yeah, I know Tenet did those things as well, but I couldn’t get into that because the characters were so flat and uninteresting).

This just checks all the boxes. An engaging story with subtext, very well set up characters, great acting (like James Gunn, Villeneuve's great at accentuating the strengths of limited actors like Dave Bautista and Jason Momoa), spectecular visuals and art design (desaturated but not in an ugly washed out way), pacing (slow but it never drags), directing, one of Hans Zimmer’s best scores: it’s all here.
I only have one real criticism: there’s too much exposition, especially in the first half.
It can occasionally hold your hand by referencing things that have already been established previously, and some scenes of characters explaining stuff to each other could’ve been conveyed more visually.
Other than that, it’s easily one of the best films of the year.
I’ve seen some people critiquing it for being incomplete, which is true, but this isn’t just a set up for a future film.
It feels like a whole meal, there are pay offs in this, and the characters progress (even if, yes, their arcs are still incomplete).


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finally, a blockbuster that isn’t a fucking prequel, sequel, or connected to an already established IP somehow.

nobody tell him.

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Wolf Pack: 1x01 From a Spark to a Flame

The show not as bad as people are making it out, Yes there are a lot of similarities to teen wolf maybe a bit to much but we will see where it goes. Hopefully we will steer away from the teen wolf story and into its own. it is clear on what characters you will be following from the get go. Yes okay the acting is not perfect but its not terrible lets not forget the acting in teen wolf was pretty awful to begin with. now i will say that i can agree with the other comments that the fondling is probably a bit too soon in the show. The romantic connection is also too early given that the two have only just started talking and really knew nothing about each other prior
i think the best way to look at this is Teen Wolf LA until it picks its own story up

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@stockhall10 I mean honestly the fact that there's multiple people really changes up the dynamic of the show. Teen Wolf at it's heart is about a solo werewolf. Yeah others got added but it's mostly the story of Scott. At the very least I expect this to be closer to Bitten. But hey this is apparently an MTV production so who knows in the end.

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Will Trent: 1x01 Pilot

Here's a new cozy crime investigation series with a bunch of familiar faces, and oh, look.....it's Erika Christensen from 20 years ago Swimfan! all grown up and lookin' fine :smiley:

To me it takes a few easy on the eyes cast members, an acceptable plot, professional videography and comfortable lighting to decide on whether I'll be moving forward with the show or not. I'm all cozied up with this show....let's see how it'll hold up.

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@typongtv Real Recognize Real. I was gonna skip this show after the description but then I saw Erika in the cast and I had basically the same thoughts. My SwimFan bae. I always make time in my schedule to check out something she's in.

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Last Seen Alive

Breakdown 9/10
The Vanishing(original) 8/10
Last Seen Alive 7/10
The Vanishing(Neeson) 6/10
Not bad but if you like it then there’s two better similar films out there to watch!

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Breakdown 9/10
The Vanishing(original) 8/10
Last Seen Alive 7/10
The Vanishing(Neeson) 6/10

Are you sure you have those right? I can't find a The Vanishing with Liam? Neeson.

  • The Vanishing (1988) [NL]
  • The Vanishing (1993) [US] - Kiefer Sutherland, Jeff Bridges, Sandra Bullock
  • Breakdown (1997) [US] - Kurt Russell
  • Last Seen Alive (2022) [US] - Gerrard Butler

Based on what some of the reviews say I presume the Original you're talking about was the 1988 version but the 6/10 version ... not sure what that is or if maybe you mixed up Kurt and Liam.

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Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan: 1x05 End of Honor

What was the point of the flashbacks with Suleiman and his brother? They were boring. And I didn't care about them. It's like they're trying to make the viewer not hate Suleiman. It's not working.

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It was context for two things beyond the obvious that you already mentioned. 1) it shows why Suleiman would be so dedicated to his brother 2) it shows a relationship marker that Jack fails in the text chat "Peace be with you" "Not if she's been with you first"

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Inside Man: 1x01 Episode 1
Eraser: Reborn
Locke & Key: Season 3

Horrible, just horrible. Everything wrong with modern tv shows

This is some of THE worst writing i've ever encountered. I don't know who took over from seasons 1 & 2 but they were hell bent on making this an almost unwatchable joke of a show. I actually finished it as painful as it was.

There is literally nothing redeemable about this.

I don't even know where to begin. It's offensive to watch. The actors try to do their best but its just such horrible writing.
The woke gay stuff in the beginning is so over the top that it's repulsive. There is something very strange about the costumes for the pretty girls. Why are they always showing the midriff and having them wear such bizarre pants? Its just weird. Then there are these bizarre musical interludes. The plot is beyond stupid. There were rules supposedly governing things but that only depends on the scene.

Usually I write something cohesive and logical but between the rum I needed to get thru this and the bad writing all I can say is this is pure shit.

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@ranchpig wait... by "woke gay stuff" do you mean the wedding? and what musical interludes? The only musical scenes were in the mind of the dying guy in the finale episodes.

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Locke & Key: 3x08 Farewell

I’d just love to know why in this season they gave so much space to that annoying little brat genius wannabe. Was that nepotism or something?

And that haircut. You’re not Sheldon Cooper, Bode. You’re simply a whining moron.

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@jecht-sin I would argue almost ever word of this. First of all "simply a whining moron" almost perfectly describes Sheldon Cooper. Bode wasn't that annoying and he certainly wasn't genius or perceived as such.

Did he get too much time? ehh maybe but considering how lackadaisically the whole season was put together. I'm hardpressed to be annoyed at Bode. After all he is the youngest and thus the most in tune with the magic and most irresponsible. Kinda makes a macabre sense that he would be at least a major focus.

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Locke & Key: 3x08 Farewell

Effectively the worst season ! THe back story was not So bad, but the crappy love stories was completely unusefull AND SO UNnOYING!

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@looluan "annoying" and honestly it wasn't that bad and barely had any effect on the narrative. Tyler's love interest did so little she might as well have not been there. You lost a few minutes watching Tyler doing nothing but :shrug: it's basically nothing. Nothing hinted, nothing lost. Kinsey's love interest was slightly more complicated but they never really did anything dramatic with it. She missed him he was living his life and.... that was it. They didn't fight or break up and make up or cheat on each other.. just nothing.

The only romantic love interest that had any narrative juice was the Nina, Bode, Josh. Bode getting upset at his mom for dating is so cliche even the characters (all of them) recognize it for what it is. But it never really bogs down the plot. Bode being mad is never used to make him do something stupid.

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Only Murders in the Building: 2x09 Sparring Partners

Reply by wolfkin
BlockedParent2022-08-21T20:33:48Z— updated 2023-01-24T05:29:01Z

whait who is becky butler???

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@mahaddiction Becky Butler is the subject of the podcast that made Cinda Canning popular. The gist is that throughout the series we've learned a little about Cinda and primarily that they came into prominence after blowing up the case, and solving the murder of Becky Butler in the podcast All is not Okay in Oklahoma. As a viewer you assume that All is Not Okay in Oklahoma is just the case that made her popular but the reveal in the ending of this episode is that Cinda has ALWAYS been pushy. Cinda had something to do with the painting and Cinda befriended the Detective Kreps to get the inside scoop and used that connection to get the case closed on the murder of Becky Butler. Also that Becky Butler was never murdered in the first place and she's secretly been Cinda's producer the whole time and Det. Kreps planted evidence that got whomever sent to jail for that crime.

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