


On Becoming a God in Central Florida: 1x04 Manifest Destinee

That ending lol. I love Cody.

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Stalker is a cinematic equivalent of meditation. Some people will get in touch with the universe, and some will pointlessly sit there wondering what's for supper. I was rather mesmerized once the setting moved into the Zone. The soundtrack is absolutely fantastic.

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Hail, Caesar!

If you love Golden Age Hollywood like I do, you’ll marvel at Hail, Caesar! Great cast, great writing, and superb style as brought to you by Coen brothers.

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Friends: 10x07 The One with the Home Study

Kind of a weird episode that didn’t age well. Haha, women are obsessed with a perfect wedding fantasy to a point of taking money away from orphaned children to fulfill it.

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Miracle Workers

I like my humour either very witty or very crude, and this is neither. Sort of bland actually. But I am watching for Steve Buscemi, and honestly I’d watch him host one of those fireplace channels and be happy about it.

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The Simpsons: 5x05 Treehouse of Horror IV

The first Treehouse of Horror I remember watching on TV! Fantastic from start to finish

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Eurovision Song Contest: 68x02 Semi-Final 2

Fewer memorable acts compared to the first semi-final, but Estonia and Netherlands get my vote. San Marino and Belgium had so much potential, but the execution was rough. Still, I didn't expect NQ. Armenia slapped more than it had business to. I'm so happy for them! Unfortunately, too many generic, bedazzled bodysuit wearing, twerking pop divas made it into the finals over some actually talented artists.

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Eurovision Song Contest: 68x01 Semi-Final 1

Eurovision will need an exorcism after Ireland's performance. Finland is on point, being weird yet again. A solid lineup of soulful ballads from Serbia, Ukraine, and Moldova. Germany killed it this year. Sweden is hitting hard once more. Other than that, it looks like we'll be singing in Zagreb next year.

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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: 4x07 Who Pooped the Bed?

Guest starring Amber Heard, apparently.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 2x22 Becoming (2)

“Have you tried… not being a slayer?” That whole scene was a brilliant stand-in for a traumatic coming out. Buffy might be a campy show about monsters under the bed, but it’s not afraid to dig deep into what makes us scared in the real world. What a season finale! Even a grouch like me couldn’t help but cry a little.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 2x15 Phases

When you order your werewolf on wish.com

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My Best Friend's Wedding

Generally I am not a fan of romcoms and Julia Roberts, but for whatever reason, I have always had a soft spot for this movie. Maybe because there is no happily ever after for the main character, despite what the usual tropes demand. But watching it again after some years, I did find a couple of gag-inducing red flags. While Jules is obviously a bad person, I think Michael is even worse. What is up with all those mixed massages and treating Kimmy like a third wheel? Maybe J+M should have been the ending. They truly deserve each other.

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What We Do in the Shadows: 4x03 The Grand Opening

“Ninety percent of my business is penis enlargement.”

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30 Days of Night

Hammy vampires and awful editing makes for very subpar horror movie.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 1x08 I, Robot... You, Jane

This episode had such a Power Rangers vibe.

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Monarch: Legacy of Monsters: Season 1

The season starts really strong, with much intrigue and a fantastic setup. The 1950s storyline is wonderfully written, filmed, and acted. The budget is obviously generous enough to give us some beautiful renderings of Godzilla and other monsters, breathing with life in every scene. The rest of the show is a hot mess, I am afraid. I thought this would be the highlight of my winter television season, but I don't think I care to see Season 2. Now, what was it about the longitude and latitude of Alaska...?

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The Morning Show: 2x07 La Amara Vita

Too much screaming going on in the last few episodes.

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Sleepaway Camp

A much more unsettling movie than it appears to be for the first 80 minutes. Great gore effects for a small budget: terrifying but not indulgent.

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Pretty Woman

The power dynamics of this relationship really creep me out.

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The Golden Voyage of Sinbad

I sure appreciate this movie much more now than when I was a kid. Ray Harryhausen elevates an otherwise average plot to a whole new level of wonderful with his masterful stop-motion animation. A true treasure.

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Shout by Wynter
BlockedParent2023-08-23T03:16:43Z— updated 2024-03-12T06:44:32Z

Greta Gerwig is a hit and miss for me, but this was a great hit! I'm off to sing "I'm just Ken" until I'm blue in the face.

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Life or Something Like It

A bit disappointing. I was hoping to get a drama about serious life questions, mortality, meaning and fulfillment, but with a dash of romance thrown in to round off the characters. Instead, I got a romance that uses serious questions to propel a questionable relationship. I'm baffled that a woman's decision to choose a dream to follow instead of giving it all up for a guy she spends two nights and a day with is somehow bad, selfish, and automatically worthy of regret.

Also, I don't get, why Lanie gets to live, because she gets shot regardless of choosing to walk out on her big opportunity. What exactly broke Jack's prophecy? It would make more sense for her to decide to come back to Pete and then find out that the elevator she was supposed to take actually plunged to the ground. Instead, it's left to a cheesy line about part of her that didn't know how to live . The writing is very late 90's.

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Eurovision Song Contest: 67x02 Semi-Final 2

My personal favourites were Estonia, Belgium, Cyprus, Iceland, and Australia :heart:

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Eurovision Song Contest: 67x01 Semi-Final 1

How did Croatia and Serbia make it, and Azerbaijan didn’t? :confounded: Moldova and Sweden deserved a Q.

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Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery

I had a great time until the random meltdown and the Mona Lisa burning in the end.

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Superstore: 4x15 Salary

This episode made me a bit angry. It wasn't funny when Garrett just read out Amy's contract for everyone to hear. It's highly unethical at best to blatantly disclose confidential information at work, and just plain being a dick of a person at worst to do that to your "friend". Garrett is slowly being written into a petty, miserable, and bitter person I'd rather not have around.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 14x16 Grand Finale

More than ever, this finale feels like a formality. The abrupt solo lipsync for the crown, the obviously rehearsed closing move by Camden and Willow, the arbitrary top 2 without any build up. I'm happy with the winner and the runner-up but the episode was obviously unnecessary when the winner had been decided even before Ru stepped on stage.

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Sex and the City: 2x18 Ex and the City

What a narcissist lol. Of course in her eyes she was too complicated and wild for Big, instead of batsh*t crazy, clingy, and ultimatum-y Carrie she is in reality.

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Drain the Oceans: 1x04 Sunken Treasures

I don’t know how I feel about the entire episode glorifying treasure hunters.

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DeepStar Six

My feelings about DeepStar Six are colored by childhood nostalgia. It was on a continuous rotation for a couple of months on one of those movie channels, so I watched it probably like a dozen times. Loved it then, and it still stands up well today. Not a lot of substance, but much better than the underwater thriller released the same year - Leviathan, - in terms of character likability.

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