Shout by Jordy

Mulan 2020

This movie, right off the bat, makes some smart creative decisions: it doesn’t try to imitate the original too much, and it’s not a musical.
They even steer away from the usual Disney formula by taking away the funny sidekick.
And while the film is technically quite impressive (cinematography and score are top notch), I found it to be ultimately unengaging.
Also, there seems to be a correlation between big, feminist action movies and poor lead performances.
I mean, just do the math: Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, and now Mulan.

Yes, I also find it important that more of these movies get made (not corporate, tame Disney films, but female driven action movies in general), but they deserve to be a lot better than this.
Problem is, if nobody sees it, chances are execs will take the wrong lesson from it, and think people don’t want to see female/Asian representation, or feminist themes.
So, we’re kinda fucked regardless, but I still don’t find that an excuse to give a heavy push to this mediocre movie, as I see some journalists doing.


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@jordyep What do you mean, not corporate? This movie had a heavy corporate hand in it. A clear effort was made to avoid Chinese government censorship (which in my opinion hurt the character writing.) I think the result is a movie that doesn't satisfy neither Chinese and western audiences.
ps. I do agree with the point you are trying to make though.

@lainfan No I completely agree! I want more movies with a female lead, not corporate Disney films like this one.

@jordyep Try this, maybe not the best but can be worth it.
