Review by Shubes

Final Destination 5 2011


Review by Shubes

If you're gonna complete the quinfecta, you have to include this one...and it's pretty much what you'd expect. If there were such a thing as a "Cliff's Notes" for movies, this should have been it: it was the exact same story with different ways of dying. Nothing original at all, but some of the deaths were dashingly different. (I was really hoping to see the "boss" buy it in a much more gruesome manner, however.) I daresay, however, that OSHA would frown deeply at the idea of having an overhead crane with a fishhook on it. Some of these things were laughably awful, the concept was so bad; either that, or they never expected anyone with any foundry experience to watch this. (C'mon, people: a fishhook? Seriously?) The LASIK mishap, that was cool...the sort of scene that you "know" could never happen, but still makes your stomach crawl at even the hint of it actually happening. (IMO, they ruined that whole scene at the close, however.) I was NOT expecting the tie-in at the conclusion but found myself grinning at how neatly they tied everything together, and yes, like many - if not most - others, I too enjoyed the recap during the end credits. I did make a note for those who are time-conscious; this is a 91-minute movie, but you have a full 7½ minutes of credits: 3.5 at the beginning, and 4 at the conclusion, so you can knock this down to less than an hour-and-a-half of your life wasted. Not bad, if you insist on watching the entire franchise. Acting: 2 stars Story: 1 Star Death Sequences: 4 Stars

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