Dear oh dear... I read these comments and reviews and honestly I wonder if I'm watching the same show.

Has people's taste and understanding of quality in entertainment been pummeled over time to put the bar so low now that this show is being gushed over the way some people are doing?

There is no consistency, the compositing is atrocious, there are some major modelling issues that should have been fixed in post. Continuity is appalling. The Galadriel thing is just monsterous. The acting and writing is truly some of the worst I've seen in such a huge budgeted show.

I was in moments of out loud laughing at the absurdity, or in silence with jaw dropped in gross astonishment. Then forehead in hand with vocal groans pain.

The closing scene was complete nonsense. That would be endgame for any living flesh. Alas we know there is a main survivor that would be an impossibility. 2/10

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@tropolite it genuinely feels like there are lots of people who are forcing themselves to enjoy and hype up the show just to combat the people saying bad things about it. I don't quite agree with your rating, as I think 2/10 is a rating that requires much worse stuff than what we got this episode, but it's certainly not good. Personally, I think the show's worst offensive is in being bland, boring, and generic. None of the characters are interesting, and none of the plots make me care. Action is subpar compared to other big budget shows and movies. The one good thing the show has going for it is how nice it looks, but that's where the positives end IMO. Maybe like a 5/10 for me. I don't think it's awful, just totally uninspiring and bland.
