Shout by Kelvin Mathew

War 2019

Predictable and cheesy plot but it was still quite entertaining. The director sure loves fast and furious and mission impossible movies. The music and background score worked well, good set pieces but a lot of spotty CGI.

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OPReply by Kelvin Mathew

Inconsistencies like Saurabh not shooting Kabir in the train cause he doesn’t care about the people around him. Also how is Saurabh able to do all the gymnastics in fight scenes like Khalid. Would’ve preferred background scores in fight scenes since the silence made the fight sometimes laughable

How did the mother not recognise that it wasn’t Saurabh. No biometric authorisation in such a secretive place? Would’ve preferred background score during the fight scenes because without it the scenes are laughable. The only girl in the fighting squad never fights or shoots just researches and does work for on her computer, why was she part of the field agents team. How did the colonel and Saina not research beforehand about Firoz contractor, who goes abroad to investigate without doing a character profile beforehand.
