Shout by Brando Calrissian

The Others 2001

After enduring Polish subtitles to watch this through YouTube, I have to say, it's quite good! I'm not sure why it's not on any streaming service. There certainly is a sense of tension throughout the entire movie, and the characters all work quite well together as they more or less attempt to understand the mystery that unfolds under the roof of this house.

I think the pacing of this story goes quite well, and it always left me thinking. I never really felt I had enough information to really put together what could even possibly happen next. I kept turning to my wife through the duration, spouting my wild theories about what could potentially happen (more for fun than anything else), but even my wild theories couldn't hold a candle to where the plot goes.

The twist near the end is certainly what pulls the movie together and what will cement it in my mind. The reveal for it is perfectly executed and left my mind turning well after the credits rolled.

If you can find it, I think it deserves a watch, and my recommendation.

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