Review by Vesparado

Yet again, an episode of this series brought a tear to my eye. The writing approached the character of a child with such authenticity and compassion. The way the character of Ed interacted with her was wonderful - and resonated strongly with me. While it may not happen, my hope is that there's a peaceful future for Teleya and Ed - and not a "tragic sacrifice" scenario. That'd be nice. Yet again, Michaela McManus delivers a powerful and nuanced performance - even through all of the makeup (which is very nice). Dare to be hopeful and positive.

As a matter of fact and fiction, this show showcases many talented actors. I hope the series continues to evolve. It began rough. Really rough... but it's continued to mostly consistently improve. There have been a lot of special moments throughout the series. I hope the showrunners recognize what they are and capitalizes on them - and prunes the weaker elements and foibles.

If this is the work o MacFarlene, he has a depth I didn't realize. As an aside, I recently watched a Family Guy anniversary interview and, if it's true to life (and not just theatrics), MacFarlene came across as a modest and generous person. I hope that's true. If it's something he's interested in, it would be nice to see him work on projects with more tender and romantic elements and a balance leaning more towards the sublime, rather than the absurd. He has that certain something, but it sometimes seems out of balance. He appears to be honing his skills (and surrounding himself with others that complement him), which I hope continues.

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