Incredible documentary, harrowing at times but fascinating to watch. One of the best indepth docos I've seen for quite some time. Wouldn't hesitate to recommend.

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A difficult but riveting watch on a seminal day in American history.

I saw these events live on UK news and I've lived through the aftermath of decisions made on that day.

Watching this documentary, it feels a lot like propaganda for the Bush administration. A clearly out-of-his-depth President, not quite comprehending the gravity of the situation only to then knee-jerk into revenge.

Though this documentary provides insight into the day itself, it sheds no light on why, how and what really transpired throughout the events that were crystallised on 9/11.

It is worth watching. A difficult and incomplete view through a very specific lens.


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Quite an interesting documentary that shows the events of this horrific tragedy from a completely new perspective.

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Very interesting docu, compelling and harrowing, good to see behind the scenes and how all the staff felt etc. Just felt Bush came across as a bit of a dick in it though, there’s a lot to be said.

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[tv+] The documentary avoids ideological positions despite interviewing members of the US government in 2001. The narration by Jeff Daniels has a non-political approach, but rather a personal one. Although the credibility of Bush/Cheney/Rice can be questioned, the story is limited to personal experiences, which gives interest to the proposal about a power momentarily seized from those who should wield that power.

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This is an excellent documentary from an amazing perspective. Really a great reflection piece that needs to be shown to our kids and their kids. We MUST continue to learn from our history.

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