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A Dark Path 2020

OK, so, no. This movie is incoherent and underbaked for what it is. Why do we start off with the world's worst bachelorette party? Why are the two sisters always hitting each other? Why Eastern Europe? How did - but never mind, really. I gather that writer/director Nicholas Winter is throwing a bunch of rough-made movies against the wall to see which ones stick, so maybe this is a learning jumbly period. I wish this were drawn more finely: I rather liked the two sister leads, Mari Beaseley and Makenna Guyler, when they weren't hitting each other and being mean. The story doesn't have much substance, but in the middle, when they are stuck in the dark woods with a flat tire and a lot of despair, there's a stretch of genuinely creepy atmosphere that felt good and solid and interesting.

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