Shouts about...

Alone in the Dark 1982


Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Alone in the Dark’:

  1. “The Bleeder” twist was a neat one that shouldn’t have been so obvious.

  2. The action/attack scenes here were incredibly weak. And, yeah, it was the early 80s, but so many films that came before accomplished this way more effectively.

  3. All in all, I wasn’t bored. The premise was an interesting one that I don’t believe was executed very well. And the ending left me scratching my head.

Bonus Thought: Martin Landau has one helluva creepy grin.

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Shout by moonkodi
BlockedParent2016-07-26T16:46:13Z— updated 2016-07-28T23:22:08Z

The cast are good. It's does try and be different by including a psychological element in the form of mental patients but this is unexplored and played predictably. Donald Pleasant plays a weird doctor who has specific ideas of how to communicate with the mentally ill. It didn't go anywhere. It's like the writers got the idea from remembering One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest whilst writing a slasher. It's by no means a terrible movie. If you're a fan of slashers then you'll probably like it more than me.

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