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Am I OK? 2024

Am I Ok? snuck up on me. I watched it as a time pass, but it ended up being pretty good! It reminded me a bit of Cooper Raiff's movies, maybe because Dakota Johnson is also in Cha Cha Real Smooth. It's a reflective character-driven drama, driven by dialogue and not very flashy. While it deals with romance, it's really an examination of a friendship under fire which I found very personal and compelling. Johnson and Mizuno are great, and they really carry the movie as their frustrations become palpable. I think the second half of the movie is stronger once the conflicts and tensions rise to the surface compared to the first half which feels a bit more like a lighter comedy. There is still well-timed humor, but the drama is what really drives the movie. Worth checking out if you like these types of movies!

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Loved this and didn't want to leave these characters. It's not often a film feels this authentic to how friendships are and how people really talk. Even down to having a friend with a strong disdain for someone else in your life. Not often you get that dynamic on screen without it building to come hokey resolution.
Dakota Johnson was so much herself in this and I was utterly charmed. That first hangout with Brittany was so charged and I was swooning over Lucy.
I was audibly reacting to the morning after their night together too! Arghh. Poor girl.

I saw Tig was going to be in it from the opening credits but totally forgot by the time she rolled around. The cameo was so her.
This film was very much about friendship and how complex it can be when navigating life's challenges. Solid journey well made.

Edit - just realised where I know Jane from - Devs! I did not like her performance in that at all (but likely the writing and character on the spectrum angle there?) really enjoyed her here though. Super fucking cute.

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A light-hearted movie that deals with discoveries and choices, wide themes that can take infinite directions, the movie opted for natural performances that are great. The story is told in a simple way, and it's too simple, I felt that halfway through, everything seemed rushed and very convenient, the development of the characters had a lot more to grow and it got a lot stuck.

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super mild and not gay enough but it gets a pass due to the coming out angle. i guess.

still don’t get what the lead was going for with that blah ass performance (yes the character was going through it but did the acting also have to be so one note and stale?) but everyone else was charming and fun and did their best to elevate a very cliche script.

“boobs in mouth” was hilarious (pity that scene was them wrapping things up because it felt like the story had really just begun and i was finally into it) and in a better show the love to london would help the bestie realize her own lesbian leanings but oh well. can’t have everything.

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