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An Elephant Sitting Still 2018

I've seen countless of sad, tear-jerking, heartbreaking, painful movies but I've never seen such a depressing one, to the point where it is asphyxiating: so somber, so terribly pessimistic, so uncomfortable in countless ways; you almost wish with all your might for the camera to stop filming and you feel like screaming but you can't even move cause you're lacking oxygen.
I really wanted to stop watching, but minute by minute you are immersed in that nauseous atmosphere, in a reality that sticks and won't let go.

And even after finishing, it still won't let go.

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The definition of melancholy. A dense, pessimistic, claustrophobic movie. Everything here is sad and contemplative, with cold images and a minimalist soundtrack that has an almost funereal tone. This movie is a very difficult and sensitive experience to watch.
Aesthetically, it's a movie that favors long sequence scenes, scenes that are difficult to pull off because they involve changes of environment and even long conversations and interactions, all with great performances from the entire cast, the lighting is natural, everything here is dark, organic and very raw, showing the creativity and talent of director Hu Bo.

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