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Beautiful Creatures 2013

I originally rated this movie a 5 bc its bad. However, since then I watched it every single year for 10 years. So.

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If you're legally old enough to watch this movie you'll probably be bored to tears. Neither Emma Thompson nor Jeremy Irons could save it.
If you want sass, sex, threat and witches watch 'The Craft (1996)' instead; which is over 25 years old and still memorable.
This shit however, will be (thankfully) forgotten about tomorrow.

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Beautiful Creatures tries to capitalize on the recent teen fantasy trend, but it’s poorly made and lacks authenticity. The story follows Lena Duchannes, a witch who moves back to her ancestral home where she’ll be claimed by the Light or the Dark on her 16th birthday, but when she falls in love with a mortal she jeopardizes her soul. The acting is poor, and the two leads don’t have any chemistry together. Additionally, the film’s badly written, relying on clichés and stereotypes. A derivative and sophomoric piece of tripe, Beautiful Creatures has style but no substance.

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I loved it!?!
The film is amazing, the romance cliche and the suspense, I loved the vision that the film gives and it is a fantasy world so pleasant and surreal, nice to watch and imagine.

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Disappointing. This movie was just so slow, and the acting was on par with Twilight in how bad it was.

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Boy, I thought the TWILIGHT series was awful, but lately I've been watching some TWILIGHT-inspired cash-ins and it turns out they're even worse. BEAUTIFUL CREATURES is such a beast, a film that gender reverses the characters in TWILIGHT and swaps vampires for witches. Otherwise, the plots of the films are basically interchangeable.

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Shout by Deleted

I loved the whole southern witch aesthetic the film had going: It looked really pretty and unreal. Special effects were terrible, plot was a bit too simple and the story just felt.. old. It had some funny moments, and if they had written the script just a tad funnier it might have been a bit more entertaining. Instead it sometimes took itself a little too serious. The actors were really good though.

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I haven't read the books, but if I had I would try to see them seperately. It's quite obvious that movies are different than the books. It's not possible to include everything :) I quite liked the movie and I thought the acting was very good.

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The movie was entertaining as it stood on it's own. I never read the books, or even heard of them for that matter... But from reading the other comments here too many people try to base their opinions of the movie off the books.

Grab some popcorn, enjoy the movie for what it is. I did, and I enjoyed the movie :)

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The book(s) were/was certainly better. They changed quite a bit for the movie which, yes, movie but some of it wasn't really necessary. Alma wasn't the librarian/keeper in the books and she was also much older. It wasn't Uncle Macon who told Lena to claim herself. Ridley actually HAD a thing for Link. Oh well.

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Aunque esperaba mas por el trailer que vi, ni mucho menos es lo que parece aunque al final la historia engancha.

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Really boring and dissapointing! The Book is amazing.. the movies sucks

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Worse than Twilight? Well - I certainly didn't expect that!

Every actor's career in that movie might be over now. Most definitely the director's.

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Long and boring. Characters good, but too slow.

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Shout by lena

Dissapointing!Such a great book gone wasted!

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