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Blue Jean 2023

"excuse me. you cannot smoke in here, pet."
"well what is this here for, then?"

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what happens when you falter under the weight of expectation?

this was headed pretty firmly into the adequate section for me until the third act when everything just really clicked. poor jean poor louis poor everyone. living in a box and trying to have somewhat of a life while still being what everyone expects. it chafes. you never wanted to be a pioneer but suddenly you are, and everything you do matters. it can be a tragedy or it can be a revelation and the only difference is everything. goodness.

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A drama that is sustained above all by a very well built character, that "deer in the headlights" whose inner struggle to maintain a balance based on secrets and lies progressively crumbles. On radio or television, the policy of the government of Margaret Thatcher, which also seeks to hide a part of society, education as a political instrument to deny and reject. There is a remarkable work in the subtle recreation of the 80's, the graininess of the image, the old synthesizers of the soundtrack. But above all there is an outstanding ability to speak of the past as an alert about the present.

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one of the most beautiful films i’ve ever seen. it’s so refreshing to see butch 4 butch rep on screen for once.

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The story might not entirely feel relatable to you, you will still feel something. It reminded me soo much of the "in yer face" theatre, it's very humane, very honest, and very brutal even though there was nothing vilonet in it. Also, the story and the characters are veyr well executed! well done to everyone who worked on this project.

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Wow, I am blown away, what a great movie. Incredibly well-acted, perfectly capturing the atmosphere of the 80s. The ending of the film moved me. What an excellent feature film debut. I can't wait for more films from Georgia Oakley

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Like Lil Nas X, this movie was dated as soon as it came out.

If this film about a closeted lesbian high school PE teacher had been released in Thatcher era England when it was set, it would've been a remarkable piece of cinema.

As it stands, the lead character's hesitation being jostled like water clinging to the rim of an over-filled glass is emotionally engaging though not necessarily cinematographically ground breaking.

Still, I realized as I was telling my daughter about the film, the relationship between the teacher and the two students who both have a crush on her in addition to the often subtle clues to the character's evolution make the film a rewarding watch.

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Another film on homosexuality. A bit didactic, does not say really that much more on the topic.

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