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Broadcast Signal Intrusion 2021

I don't think I've seen a psychological horror with a vibe as deliberately goofy as this one (especially considering the subject matter), and the soundtrack really heightens the goofiness, but it pulls it off much better than James Wan's 'Malignant' did. I appreciated the fake TV shows inserted throughout, based on 'Doctor Who' and the other wacky sitcoms (as this movie is inspired by that 'Max Headroom' signal highjacking incident).

The main issue I have is the sloppy editing - sometimes cutting between locations or skipping ahead in time, without establishing that we've jumped forward a few hours or switched to a new character - it's mildly disorienting. Meanwhile the sound design was great, a lot of subtle and gradual changes that made me question the film's reality. The main character, James, is also either a bad actor or acting bad, I can't tell which but it's off-putting how emotionless his emotions come through. 'Broadcast Signal Intrusion' is a fun, quaint, little mystery to follow as it unravels.

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Marketed as a horror movie judging by the trailer. Ended up being a noir mystery type movie with horror themes. I wouldnt mind the misleading marketing at all if this still ended up being good. Alas, this ended up being a very bland dull movie. Melodramatic, hammy, and uninspired, even down to the generic mystery movie music style soundtrack. I will say though the horror imagery (what little there is, anyways) was truly unsettling and well executed.

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Thriller about conspiracies that is influenced by films like "Blow-up" (1966) and "Klute" (1971), in which the protagonist's obsession transcends the investigation itself, with a musical nod to classic film noir. And although it does not decide between the realistic resolution or a more fantastic way, which diminishes its effectiveness, it builds interesting reflections on how the limits of reality are established.

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Mystery driven horror film with compelling story that stays interesting all the way through, haunting imagery that gets under your skin, and excellent performance from lead character.

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well i mean its entertaining, but i didn't understood the ending.

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A pretty good mystery type movie with some creepy elements.

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A bizarre but sinister tale that raises more questions than answers. It's good but the ending undermines much of what has gone before.

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