Shouts about...

Cargo 2017

This is based on the 7 minute short film with the same name. The idea behind this movie isn't bad at all but the whole story is not enough for 104 minutes. It's incredibly long-winded, the longer this movie gets, the more it takes away from the simple yet clever and rather empotional resolution. Taking away the impact of it in the process.

Just meh all around due to the length.

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Freeman is excellent as the father trying to protect his daughter, and he is surrounded by an accomplished cast, whether they are alive or undead! Nothing original here - how can it be when there is a glut of zombie movies and tv these days - although this is less a horror movie and more of an emotional drama.

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Well there’s always a first in everything. One: (Martin freeman) in an infected film, He felt out of place at times because of not being used to seeing him in that type of film but he walked it off with a dead good performance along with the rest of the cast. Two: I got emotional, at first I thought i was infected but really I cried at an infected film but i’m not surprised it got me in the feels with It’s heartwarming ending.

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A hidden gem in Netflix! At certain points, the scenes seem disconnected and a bit weak, but overall the story is lovely and Martin Freeman does a great job. A lovely little poem to family love.

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Stupid people getting bit Vol 1: Hunting and Escaping

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This movie and "Train to Bussan" have the same base idea, and they both managed to make me cry. Stop ruining zombies for me, people! ;)
(Note: I LOVED both movies!)

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Like regular zombies, this zombie indie cinema thinks it's more intelligent than it actually is.

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Better than expected. I see negative comments saying it's boring. If you're after the usual zombie action movie then maybe this is not for you. This is more a movie you feel. It did get me sad by the end.

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It was quite alright. If there is nothing better to watch, I guess it's fine, there is some degree of entertainment.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Cargo’:

  1. Cargo definitely scores points for originality, which is hard to find within the oversaturated zombie genre.

  2. It was a super bleak film, for sure. Many characters were awful people. But the most painful thing to watch? That horrific goo seeping from the eyes and mouth.

  3. I can certainly speculate, but does anyone :asterisk_symbol:fully:asterisk_symbol: understand why people dug holes to stick their heads into?

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Was a good film, not scary but sad. Really enjoyed watching it.

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It is a sad film. But the actor doesn't seem to fit the role

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What a stupid and boring movie this is.

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I liked this movie a lot more than I thought I would. It had a story line based on intense emotion and incredible acting. Although, I do feel it could have been shortened to a TV movie length, it doesn't drag on, and I think the length of this movie plays a pivotal role in allowing the audience to feel the fullest extent of emotions.

This was a new type of roll for Martin Freeman, but he was nothing short of excellent, and I love how towards the end, the director circled back to where it all started; on the boat. I felt that this helped reinforce just how much of a journey and growing the characters went though.

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I’m bored to death with series like The Walking Dead, yet stilll this manages to captivate the human aspect (read: drama) better. This film is a good last breath in this already stale genre..

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zero no dialogue no sound this movie is not worth it :) don't loose your times I stop after 15 minutes and it's enough

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Nice movie , definitely sad, and as said a different one. worth watching.

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An interesting mix of The Road and a zombie apocalypse. Martin Freeman is really good. The zombies and the symptoms of getting sick are unique. The movie is a little too slow. Worth watching if you want to see a different kind of zombie movie.

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I cried a lot with that ending, very beautiful

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An aussie zombie film? I'm hooked

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I put off watching this one for a long time because I knew Martin Freeman would make me feel all the feels. If you want a hardcore zombie movie, this isn’t it. If you want a dramorror that showcases Martin in all his glory, you’ve come to the right place. It’s a realistic, if somewhat optimistic, interpretation of what people would do in a (unique) zombie outbreak. It was by far one of the best movies I’ve seen in a long time.

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I liked the concept (you're infected; how do you ensure your child's safety?), but the film stretched out a bit too long and for a ticking clock plot, there seemed to be virtually no urgency shown by anyone. There were some great scenes and a few messages that came through, but it just wasn't focused enough to be fully engaging all the way through.

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It deserve a 6 only for the ending, that actually makes me nearly cry. For the rest...oh my God, soooo boring

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It was good. Freeman delivered great performance. Not sure about the other characters. Like all zombie movie out there, but it's heavy on the drama, so you won't expect any suspense and horror. The story was not much to write about.

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I was really moved by this, something about it struck a chord.

A clever and tense thriller which leads to a very emotional ending.

Stick with it and you will be entertained.


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very good movie. i really enjoyed it.

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Enjoyed this movie a lot. Recommend it!

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Shout by Deleted

Muy buena película, la recomiendo!

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It's a very good movie, very different from the zombie movies we're used to see, hope to se more movies like this or maybe a sequence.

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Shout by sp1ti

While somewhat watchable I'd agree with any mentions of that this is quite slowly paced for what in the end is nothing more than things done a thousand times before... It's more a road movie (that somehow doesn't concern itself with those issues) than anything horror as one might expect from zombies. I'm willing to overlook all the convenient timings in this ;)...

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