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Countdown 2019

Some plots might not make sense but the script for the father is perfect lol
Moral of the story
- use an iPhone instead of android phone
- ‘jailbreak’ is a term used for ios. For android we say ‘root’
- using drugs properly can trick the demon

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pretty entertaining, though it took the entire movie for it to click that the lead was beck from you.

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Not a bad little film. Predictable from the jump but still well done.

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Good idea but bad story-didn’t get through the whole movie

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I avoided this one for awhile and decided to watch it on a whim today. A lot of it doesn't make sense, but it's generally entertaining. I had zero expectations so temper yours accordingly, but it's decent if you can overlook some silly goofs. Tom Segura was great and it was a bonus to see him here as a fan of YMH. Fun little cameo at the end as well. 6.2

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This was surprisingly good... Had low expectations

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Countdown’:

  1. It was a lot better than I expected to be. Solid creepy moments and haunting visuals make it worth a watch.

  2. Elizabeth Lail was great as the lead. Loved her in ‘You’ as well. She definitely served up some scream queen realness here.

  3. I wasn’t a big fan of the ending. It’s not at all surprising for a film like this to leave things open for a sequel, but it was a disservice to all that just preceded it.

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No. Just No. I wish I could go back in time and stop myself from watching this movie. Not because it was bad, it had a pretty basic, decent plot with a good pacing BUT I don't ever want to see these demonic type of movies, they scare the living sh*t out of me. I thought that this was more thriller than horror but it turned out bad for me.
That said; plot wise I felt it was too easy to beat the demon. By killing yourself of someone else before your time, meh. I mean it is a supernatural being and it keeps swooshing and sweeping people around and when Quinn tries to hurt Dr. Sullivan it eagerly stops her from doing so YET it can't stop Quinn from putting a needle full of drugs in her arm? Also, she found a loophole that saves her from actually dying... I wasn't feeling it.

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If you liked any of the "Final Destination" movies you'll probably enjoy this one. I thought this movie was more like Final Destination's little brother. It wasn't a bad movie, I just like Final Destination better.

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10 9 8 7 6 5 4...

4 - that is where the countdown ends, and that is the score I am giving the film. Repetitive, uninspired, and silly. I mean, countdown apps don't work, do they? I downloaded one years ago and I was supposed to die today. Well, guess what? I'm still her____________________________________________________________________

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Shout by Deleted

Despite the VERY CHEESY ending and some of the weirdest storyline choices I've ever seen, "Countdown" is actually a pretty fun movie to watch. Of course, you have to turn off your brain in order to have fun, but still... It's was overall a lot better than I initially expected and I'm kinda excited to watch a second part.

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Despite the VERY CHEESY ending and some of the weirdest storyline choices I've ever seen, "Countdown" is actually a pretty fun movie to watch. Of course, you have to turn off your brain in order to have fun, but still... It's was overall a lot better than I initially expected and I'm kinda excited to watch a second part.

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liked the main idea of the film but overall, it was ridiculous

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Shout by hugo morales
BlockedParent2020-05-25T13:11:59Z— updated 2020-05-26T20:31:40Z

this app just broke my phone

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WTF was the purpose of the Doctor (Dr. Sullivan). His character just felt so out of place.

Matt ... (actor Jordan Calloway) .. holy cow. what a sexy man. I kept watching because of him

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Yeah really nice storybook, c()()L idea :thumbsup_tone1: i liked to watch from the 1st Min. to the last... a perfect mixture of In time with Justin Timberlake and Final Destination garnished with scary sauce :ghost: and the best on top: the very end is open for Countdown Update 2.0 I'm really looking forward to that. :hugging:

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Final Destination...light. Very light. And not good. More like a Cheeseburger. Without cheese and bun.

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Much better than expected. I’ve watched other horror films which have tried tying in modern technology and they’ve been pretty poor, with the only exception being The Grudge’. Now this certainly isn’t in the same class, but they actually pulled it off reasonably well, without it being cheesy...I expected cheesy and was proven wrong.

Had a few jump scares and it kept me entertained.

It’s not phenomenal or brilliant, but I enjoyed it. Passed a little while of my evening which would have been utterly boring without it.

I suppose it reminded me of The Final Destination film in a strange way.

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Four stars - just for YOU <3
The movie itself sucks by the way

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Shout by Chris

“All we have to do is beat the clock by one second”
- Father John
Overall entertaining. I would download it.
:iphone::hourglass_flowing_sand: :alarm_clock:

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final destination (2000), but it’s an app. just not a very good one.

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It has a decent idea but doesn't deliver.

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'Cheap jump scares? There's an app for that.' Unfortunately, it's bloatware.

When your whole conflict is based on, "The Devil is the Prince of Lies, so if we make him lie then the curse is lifted," you know what kind of film you're in for. This Final Destination malware has a competent cast who gets hung up on the terrible storyline. Fortunately, this unremarkable cash grab is easy to delete from your memory.

(Oh, and don't get me started on how badly time is dealt with. The Countdown app says 90 seconds and 10 minutes later the Countdown is at 75 seconds. Ugh. :person_facepalming_tone3::nauseated_face::face_vomiting:)

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Definitely feels like it's trying to be a successor to Final Destination, but without the Rube Goldberg-esque deaths it doesn't pack the same punch.

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Movie is basically what you expect. An app gets released and comes up with your death date when run, some get lucky of course and get 40+ years and others hours. Don't want to go into any spoilers. Just don't expect too much or you could be disappointed

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Crappy portrayal of teenage people, a bunch of predictable jumpscares and forgettable characters. Nothing special.

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